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MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark VII

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The MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor/Mark VII is the seventh major generation of the MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor. It was developed during or following the end of the Human-Covenant War, and was issued to at least one of the surviving SPARTAN-II supersoldiers in active service, by January 27, 2553.[1]


The production model of the Mk. VII is known to be more lightweight than the Mk. VI, and was produced by a different supplier than ONI's Materials Group, which produced the previous models.[1] The Mk. VII implements several unique features. Most notably, the armor contains nano-technological components, which enable the armor to repair and upgrade itself autonomously without outside influences, such as while the user is in cryo-sleep.[2]

Theoretical features

Theoretical design elements for a seventh iteration of MJOLNIR were proposed by Catherine Halsey in her personal journal in 2535;[3] how many of these were implemented in the final product is unknown. The Mark VII, which would appear to be the last planned phase of the MJOLNIR project at the time, would have utilized a power system that made use of a combination of plasma and fusion technology, slipspace de-insertion capability, active AI transfer protocols and limited shaping of energy shield.

"Slipspace de-insertion capability" means that a Spartan would be able to exit a vessel traveling in slipspace and re-enter normal space, similar to the Long Range Stealth Orbital Insertion Pod. Halsey described "limited shaping of the energy shield" as the ability to form "partial overlaps, airfoils, etc."[3]

Some of these early theorized upgrades, though not possible at the time, were already implemented in the earlier Mark V and Mark VI generations, and as such are likely part of the Mark VII as well. These included integrated atmospheric insertion capabilities, which allow a Spartan to free-fall from space without a re-entry vehicle such as the SOEIV, but would most likely require a drag chute or parachute.

List of appearances


  1. ^ a b Halo: Glasslands, page 291
  2. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 213
  3. ^ a b Dr. Halsey's personal journal January 7, 2535

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