Battle of Mombasa

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For the non-canon follow-up battle seen in the Believe promotional campaign, see Second Battle of Mombasa

Template:Battle The Battle of Mombasa was a part of the First Battle of Earth, taking place in late October 2552. Over the course of the battle, Covenant forces captured the city of Mombasa, Kenya and it was quickly retaken in a matter of hours by the UNSC[1]. However, after the Prophet of Regret's retreat, the city was occupied by the Covenant once again.[2]


After decrypting Forerunner artifacts, the Covenant had been given Slipspace coordinates to a Forerunner facility highly important in their concept of the Great Journey. Unknown to them, this facility was on the human homeworld, Earth.

During the Battle of Reach, the human AI, Cortana, intercepted the Covenant's plans to move a large fleet to Earth. Unaware of the intentions of the Covenant's plan, the UNSC interpreted it as an attack against their homeworld and implemented Operation: FIRST STRIKE, destroying the invasion force that was intended for securing Earth.

The Prophet of Regret, wishing to proceed with securing the facility despite the losses, took a force of 15 warships to Earth. Though surprised to find not only a human presence on the planet, but a planet more fortified than any previously encountered human-held world, the Prophet deemed his mission important enough to proceed and utilized many tactics to ensure his safe arrival on the surface. The coordinates provided by the Forerunner information indicated that his quarry was around the area of Mombasa, Kenya.


Covenant Invasion

During the First Battle of Earth, a single Covenant Carrier (the High Prophet of Regret's flagship) broke through UNSC Home Fleet defensive lines and landed on Earth [3][4]. The ship landed at Mombasa in Kenya. The city was lightly defended, with only elements of the 77th Marine Regiment scattered around the city [5].

The UNSC activated the city's Colonial Militia to fight the Covenant invaders. The Covenant forces proved to be far superior and the Militia was eliminated [6]. However, this allowed for almost all of the citizens of Mombasa to evacuate from the city using boats destined for other surrounding cities [7].

More UNSC Marine Corps units later poured into the region after the initial attack, including the 405th Marine Infantry Division and the rest of the 77th Marine Regiment.

UNSC Insertion

Three Pelicans were deployed by the In Amber Clad to board the Assault Carrier hovering near the New Mombasa Orbital Elevator. Intercepted transmission from the Covenant forces lead the UNSC to (correctly) believe that it was the High Prophet of Regret in command of the opposing force, making his capture their highest objective. However, before they could get near the the Carrier, the formation ran across a Scarab which shot down two of the Pelicans, one carrying Sergeant Major Avery J. Johnson and the Master Chief and the other carrying Gunnery Sergeant Pete Stacker and an ODST squad.

Both teams suffered few casualties from their respective crashes. The Spartan's team moved into a nearby bunker while Stacker's team moved up the beach to the Hotel Zanzibar and set up a command post, eliminating several Covenant units in the process. Both teams then waited in their respective locations for extraction.


UNSC Forces approaching New Mombasa.

After the Covenant made several attempts to eliminate Spartan-117's group including sending in a pair of Hunters, the third Pelican from their flight found the group and gave them coordinates of an extraction point. Lieutenant Commander Miranda Keyes ordered Johnson to regroup with the In Amber Clad so that he could coordinate further deployment of infantry and armor units while the Spartan continued on foot through the city to find the second squad.

The pinned down ODSTs in Hotel Zanzibar were rescued by the Master Chief, who then organized an offense by destroying Covenant infantry, armor, and anti-aircraft batteries on the beaches facing New Mombasa.

UNSC Offensive

Assault on the Bridge

John-117 and his makeshift Marine unit entered a blown-out hole in a tunnel, and destroyed the forces hiding inside of it. After the engagement in the tunnels, they advanced towards the bridge connecting Old and New Mombasa. Before the Spartan got there, the Marine unit at the bridge had exhausted itself fighting the Scarab.

The Master Chief arrived at the bridge to assess the situation while Sergeant Johnson reinforced the Marines with weaponry, including a Scorpion tank. The Chief traveled across the bridge with the armored unit, clearing it of both Covenant armored and mechanized forces.

City Center

After the engagement on the bridge, UNSC forces entered New Mombasa in large numbers. They linked up with various squads of Marines as they moved through the city, eliminating Covenant forces that were setting up positions. The Master Chief's team worked their way towards the City Center, finding that the Scarab had, likewise, taken a similar path.

The Scarab fires upon a M808 Scorpion MBT, destroying it instantly.

Once in the city center, they found a Marine outpost commanded by Staff Sergeant Marcus Banks of Alpha Company under siege by a unit of Wraiths. A UNSC Mechanized unit destroyed the Wraiths, and secured a landing zone for reinforcements. The Pelicans dropped a platoon of Marine infantry and a Scorpion Tank.

Destruction of the Scarab

The lumbering Scarab appeared outside the Metropolitan City Center and destroyed a Scorpion Tank. Marines opened fire on the walker, but it was unaffected and impervious to the weak rounds and climbed over their position and moved into the canals of the city. However, it soon found itself trapped inside of the walls of the canal, giving the Marines a chance to attack it openly with Pelicans.

The Master Chief and Alpha Company followed the Scarab through the canals and the Spartan boarded the walker. While the Marines provided some cover fire, the Spartan defeated the forces manning the Scarab walker. After defeating its command crew, the Chief managed to destroy the Scarab from the inside by damaging its internal operating systems or the core system. Realising that they were at a tactical disadvantage, all Covenant forces retreated to Regret's carrier. Master Chief, was extracted by Pelican and taken back to In Amber Clad along with the remaining members of Alpha Company under orders from Commander Keyes.


HEV pods falling into New Mombasa moments before its destruction.

Fleet Admiral Terrence Hood was hesitant to let In Amber Clad engage the High Prophet of Regret's Assault Carrier, still above Mombasa and beside the New Mombasa Orbital Elevator. However, when the Carrier began jumping into Slipspace while still in the atmosphere, Hood recognized that the only ship able to follow was the In Amber Clad and gave the ship the green light to give chase.

The Pelicans carrying Spartan-117 and the Marines entered the In Amber Clad, which followed the Assault Carrier into Slipspace. Just before the Carrier jumped, remaining ships of the UNSC Home Fleet deployed dozens of SOEIVs down to the city in an effort to infiltrate the Carrier, only to be caught by the EMP blast in mid-flight, frying their navigational and safety systems, plunging them and their Orbital Drop Shock Trooper occupants to almost certain death. It is likely that only one Squad survived, having changed their course away from the carrier at the last moment. Many of the city's buildings were heavily damaged but remained standing, including the Orbital Elevator.


In the hours following the slipspace event, the Prophet of Truth deployed a large Covenant force led by Brutes into New Mombasa, to destroy the remaining UNSC forces and finally scour the area for Forerunner artifacts.[2] However, a small amount of UNSC Marines and NMPD forces remained. They organized an effective resistance, and fought for control of the city in various battles. The city's Urban Infrastructure AI Superintendent also had a vital role in the defense of the city. Template:HideSpoiler


Immediately after the occupation, more and more Covenant ships started arriving at Earth. They started uncovering the Forerunner structure which would later be revealed to be the Portal to the Ark.

The High Prophet of Regret would arrive upon Installation 05 along with the In Amber Clad. It is possible he acquired the location of the installation over the course of the battle.

The UNSC would not discover the actual purpose of the Covenant's arrival on Earth until straight after the Battle of Installation 05; most of the information was presumably received from a Huragok called Vergil. By this point, the Second Battle of Earth had already started, with the arrival of the Prophet of Truth on the Forerunner Dreadnought, as well as the remainder of the Loyalist Fleet.


  • The levels Turf and Terminal take place during the Battle of Mombasa.
  • There were two Scarab attacks that took place in the battle. One Scarab being destroyed by the Master Chief and the other one by Marines who made it crash by layering it into the many twists and turns in the city, in the multiplayer map of Turf.



