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Halo Wars 2




June 4-5, 2559


High Charity crash site, Installation 00


Repel the final Flood threat before it's too late


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Manifestation is the nineteenth campaign level in Halo Wars 2, and the fifth and final mission of the Awakening the Nightmare expansion.




Mission Briefing

  • Atriox: "Voridus, Pavium! Do you know what your action have cost me? I have spent month fortifying positions to continue the fight against the humans. Now i have to abandon them because of you!"
  • Pavium: "We will fix this, Atriox. We only thought it wise to inform you of the threat."
  • Atriox: "You "Thought it wise"? The Flood is the very thing this installation was created to destroy! You have no idea what you've unleashed! If we don't send every soldier we have right now to stop its spread, everything we've worked for will be consumed."
  • Voridus: "We've already reactivated the Sentinels, we will help them fix this! You have our word!"
  • Atriox: "I want actions, not words. I'm on my way."

Mission Summary

Repel the final Flood threat before it's too late.

Scouting Report

Pavium's Mega Turret are critical to defeating this menace.


  • Atriox: "What is the situation?"

A squad of Grunts and two Choppers are fending off the Flood assault.

  • Pavium: "I've lost over forty percent of our troops, Atriox. The Flood has spread quickly in the area near High Charity."

Not done defending the first wave attack, Abomination soon lead the second wave of the attack.

  • Voridus: "Do not fear, Atriox. With the Sentinel defenses up and running, we will crush the Flood threat!"

Screen changes to the base where the Banished are defending the base and the Flood has launch the assault on the base.

  • Atriox: "It was that very arrogance that causes this mess, Voridus! I'm on my way now. You will have this fixed by the time i arrive!"

Two Spirit dropship arrived, dropping Pavium and Voridus to reinforce the defenses.

  • Pavium: "Fight back! Do not let them destroy our base!"
  • Voridus: "Their numbers are infinite!"


  • Pavium: "Come, brother, we must find the source of this new Flood outbreak!"
  • Voridus: "This could be our greatest battle, Pavium. We will be legends!"
  • Pavium: "Legends!? If we fail, there will be nobody left to recount our folly! Do not underestimate the graveness of this situation, Voridus."

The Banished start to strengthen the base defenses first as the Flood launch a new wave of assault.

  • Voridus: "The Flood is trying to destroy our base! Stop them!"

The Flood continue to attack simulatenously from three sides, forcing the Banished to defensive for a while as some troops are opening the cases surrounding the base for more resources.

  • Voridus: "Keep the Flood from our base, or we'll have no way to defend ourselves!"

After repelling the assault, the Banished regroup and start assembling strike force.

A Chopper was dispatched to scout ahead, discovering the Wraiths has been infected.

  • Pavium: "The Flood have infected Wraiths! They'll destroy our infantry!"

Punching through, the progress however was blocked due to a massive tentacle that suddenly blocks the scout further to the left.

  • Pavium: "Have faith, brother. My siege turret will carve this thing up. There's a point nearby that will provide the necessary firing position."
  • Voridus: "Once we destroy it we can join the Sentinels in pushing the rest of the Flood back!"

The Chopper try to make a haste retreat but destroyed by Infected Wraiths.

When the Banished try to advance through a slope, another massive tentacle is blocking their way, forcing them to take a path that the Chopper scouts earlier.

The Flood and Sentinels are fighting against each other.

  • Pavium: "Voridus, the Sentinel defenses you activated are here! They're attacking the Flood!"
  • Voridus: "We can't let them have all the fun! Let's get to work!"

The Banished fight their way through to the first location that was marked by Pavium only to discover it was occupied with Flood Biomass.

  • Pavium: "That Monstrosity is sitting right where i need to build the turret!"
  • Voridus: "Then what are we waiting for? Attack!"

After tough fight, the Flood is destroyed and a two-slow minibase is avaiable.

  • Pavium: "Prepare the turret, we'll soon rid ourselves of those tentacles!"

The Flood attacks the minibase that will be used as Mega Turret Emplacement.

  • Voridus: "The Flood is attacking the Turret!'
  • Pavium: "Their intelligence is growing! Something must be guiding them!"

A minibase soon is completed with a Mega Turret is ready to fire.

  • Brute: "Pavium, the turret is ready to fire."
  • Pavium: "Fire at will, commander."

The Banished set up defenses to protect the Mega Turret from Flood attack.

If player has yet to spot the target.

  • Brute: "Pavium, what are my firing co-ordinates? We need eyes on the tentacle."


  • Brute: "Ready to fire, Pavium, just give me eyes on my target."

The Banished spot a tentacle near the base and Mega Turret fires, forcing the tentacles to pull back into the chasm.

  • Voridus: "More of those wretched tentacles!"
  • Pavium: "If the Flood can form such things, it must be close to becoming a Gravemind!"
  • Voridus: "We must act fast, if it reaches full Gravemind the Ark will be lost to us, and there's still so much to loot from it!"

The Banished spots the target for the Mega Turret.

  • Brute: "Lock on target. Firing!"

Mega Turret fires and the Tentacle is forced to withdraw, opening a way for the Banished to reach Proto-Gravemind.

  • Brute: "Target hit!"

Reaching the center, the Banished are surprised to see the size of the Proto-Gravemind.

  • Voridus: "That tentacle was just an extension of this...thing. If the stories are would be unstoppable."
  • Pavium: "We must focus all our effors on it."

The Flood tentacles are extended to block the way, preventing the Banished to flank the Flood.

  • Pavium: "We must test its defenses to find a way to destroy it! Attack!"

The Banished commences the assault but Proto-Gravemind did not shows up and call hordes of Flood to protect itself.

  • Pavium: "It's trying to protect itself! Carve through those wretched creatures!"

More Floods are coming to defend Proto-Gravemind from the Banished.

  • Pavium: "How can it produce endless number of those vile things?"
  • Voridus: "Desperation, brother! It is finally beginning to know fear!"
  • Pavium: "I don't believe that thing can feel fear, but perhaps it can feel pain!"

Proto-Gravemind finally surfaced with carapace shielding the core.

  • Voridus: "Pavium! There seems to be some kind of armor shielding the thing's hide!"
  • Pavium: "Then it must be protecting something vital! Target the carapace!"

The Banished split their troops to two, one to assault the carapace and one to fend off Flood.

Breakingthrough its carapace, four tentacles emerges and some sentinels arrive to assist Banished.

  • Pavium: "We have broken through part of its armor!"
  • Voridus: "Then why does it not fall?"
  • Pavium: "The armor must have been protecting those strange sacs! Our work if not over yet, brother!"
  • Voridus: "Get rid of those distracting tentacles! They're protecting the beast!"

Banished continue to attack the sacks while fending off the tentacles and Flood.

  • Voridus: "We must be doing something right for it to fight with such ferocity!"
  • Voridus: "Destroy those sacks! We will see this thing fall today or we'll die trying!"

Finish fending off the tentacles, the Banished focus fire on the sacks.

  • Pavium: "Focus all firepower on those sacks, make it pay for our losses!"

Proto-Gravemind start to shakens after the sacks are destroyed

  • Voridus: "Ha, i think it's flinching!"
  • Pavium: "Be on guard! We must be prepared for anything!"

Proto-Gravemind hides from the surface but the core are exposed. More sentinels arrived to assist the Banished.

  • Voridus: "Aim that thing in the center! It must fall!
  • Pavium: "Voridus! The Sentinels you released earlier! They're joining in the attack! We were right! They must sense where that thing can be hurt!"

After dropping to 75% of it's health, it resurfaces and closed the core.

  • Voridus: "It is working! We're killing it!"
  • Pavium: "At last! I began to fear it was unstoppable!"

It retractes its giant tentacles as it hides from surface again.

  • Voridus: "It has retreated!"
  • Pavium: "But it's not finished yet. Look, it's releasing more Flood!"

Proto-Gravemind Critical Mass is shown on the HUD.

  • Pavium: "Fall back! We must not waste troops battling those Flood forms."

The Banished retreats for a while to avoid further losses.

  • Voridus: "We can't reach that thing while it's in that hole, Pavium!"
  • Pavium: "Then we must encourage it back out again! I've found several locations where we can build a turret to force it out!"
  • Voridus: "At least with its tentacles retracted we can move about more freely!"
  • Pavium: "Which gives us more sites on which to build a turret! Quickly, troops!"

The Banished moves west but once again the tentacles are blocking their way, forcing them to find another place to set up Mega Turret.

Finding another Flood-infested area, the Banished clear it and once clear Pavium calls another minibase drop.

  • Pavium: "That thing suspects what we're doing! It's trying to destroy the turret! Protect it!"

The Flood start to attack the Banished that are protecting the minibase and Mega Turret.

  • Pavium: "Flood incoming! Protect our turrets, we must not lose them!"

The minibase soon is completed with Mega Turret ready to fire.

  • Brute: "Turret ready. I need eyes on the target."

The Banished spot the Proto-Gravemind.

  • Brute: "Targeting Proto-Gravemind.
  • Voridus: "Fire! Drive it out!"

Mega turret fires to the Gravemind, hitting it.

  • Brute: "Confirmed hit!"

It surfaced again with tentacles blocking their path again except that was opened for the Banished earlier.

  • Pavium: "It's working! It rises!"
  • Voridus: "What does it take to kill this thing?"

Flood Critical Mass on the HUD start to reduced when Proto-Gravemind is surfaced.

The Banished start to attack the Proto-Gravemind carapace.

  • Pavium: "Stay strong, brother. We know how to wound it now, we must keep going."
  • Voridus: "Time to show the mettle of the Banished, troops! Put that monstrosity down!"

The Flood releases more Flood forms to stop the Banished.

  • Pavium: "It's trying to stop us with more of it's vile offspring!"

The Banished split their troops again, to fend off Flood and attacking Carapace.

  • Pavium: "Send in our heavy unit to break its shell! It must fall!"
  • Voridus: "Hit the armored carapace! Crack it wide open!"

The second carapace is destroyed, exposing its sacks and multiple tentacles emerged to stop the Banished.

  • Pavium: "The carapace is destroyed! Now's our chance!"

The Banished focus their attacks on sacs while fending off Flood.

  • Pavium: "Target thoe sacs!"
  • Voridus: "We've broken through is armor! Shoot the sacs and make it bleed!"

The Banished destroy the sacs and exposing the core, the Banished start to attack again,

When it reaches 50%, Proto-Gravemind shields the core again and surfaced for a while before retreating to hide. The tentacles once again opening the paths for the Banished to advance.

  • Voridus: "It cowers in the hole! Prepare another turret to force it back out!"

The Banished also start to retreat and searching for another Mega Turret site while the critical mass HUD start to increased again.

  • Voridus: "It retreats! Take the time to heal wounds and build another turret! We will need all the the firepower we can get!"

Approaching the third site, the Banished prepare for another engagement.

  • Pavium: "We're nearing a turret site! Get one constructed, quickly!"

Once the Flood base is wiped out, Pavium calls a minibase drop and the Flood launch the attack to stop it.

  • Pavium: "Don't let the Flood destroy a single turret, we need every one of them to hurt that thing!"
  • Voridus: "Protect our turrets, fools! If we lose them we'll never force that thing out!"

The third minibase is constructed, a Mega Turret is ready to fire.

  • Brute: "Turret ready, where is my target?"

The Banished spot the target for Mega Turret.

  • Brute: "Target acquired. Firing."

Mega Turrets fires and hit the Proto-Gravemind, forcing it to surface again. The Critical Mass HUD decreased.

  • Brute: "Target hit!"
  • Voridus: "The Flood are relentless! Next time remind me to bring more troops!"
  • Pavium: "Next time listen to my warning and we won't have to!"

The Banished start attacking the carapace again while fending off Flood assault.

  • Voridus: "Atriox will be impressed with our prowess if we survive this, Pavium!"
  • Pavium: "Then we'll just need to survive Atriox!"

More Flood Forms are coming to stop the Banished.

  • Pavium: "Watch out! More Flood incoming!"
  • Voridus: "Send all you can, monster! We will cut them all down!"
  • Pavium: "Break through its armor! We will end that monster if we have to pry it out of its shell!"

Destroying the carapace, the sacks are exposed and multiple tentacles emerged to attack the Banished.

  • Pavium: "Its sacs are exposed! Target them!"

The Banished split their troops to attack the sacs and tentacles.

  • Pavium: "Target the tentacles! Keep out of their reach!"
  • Voridus: "Destroy those sacs! Teach it what happens when it crosses the Banished!"

Destroying the sacks, it subermeged and exposed the core again. The banished focus their attack on the core.

Once depleted to 25%, it sumberge and hides again into the ground. The critical mass HUD is increasing again.

  • Pavium: "Fall back and get another turret built! It must be close to reaching Gravemind state now and this may be our last chance!"

The Banished retreats and goes to the fourth mini base site.

  • Pavium: "See to the injured and replace any lost troops while that turret is being built!"

Reaching the fourth site, the Banished destroy the Flood base and calls a minibase drop.

  • Pavium: "Flood incoming! Protect our turrets, we must not lose them!"

The Flood launches the assault to destroy the minibase.

  • Voridus: "You heard Pavium! This may be our last chance to kill that thing!"

The Banished protect the minibase and the base is completed with Mega Turret ready to fire.

  • Brute: "Turret ready. I need eyes on the target."

The Banished returns to Proto-Gravemind to resume the attack.

  • Brute: "Lock on and firing."

The Mega Turrets hits the Proto-Gravemind and it surfaces back. An Abomination arrives to defend Proto-Gravemind.

  • Brute: "Confirmed hits from all turrets!"
  • Voridus: "We must be close now, how much more punishment can that thing take?"
  • Pavium: "As much as we can deal out it seems. We may need to hit it with something even more powerful!"

Critical Mass HUD decreased once again and the Banished resumes the assault.

  • Voridus: "Another Flood wave! Stand fast!"
  • Pavium: "Aim at the armor to expose the sacs! No armor exists that Pavium has not broken!"
  • Voridus: "Blast through that armor!"

The carapace is destroyed, exposing the sacs and multiple tentacles emerges from the ground along with many flood forms.

  • Pavium: "Its armor has fallen! Target the sacs underneath!"

The Banished goes mobile to avoid being smashed by tentacles.

  • Pavium: "Keep those ground troops moving, they'll be crushed by the tentacles!"
  • Voridus: "Destroy those sacs! Spare nothing!"

Proto-Gravemind goes underground but it won't open the core, even Mega Turrets did not work on it. To make matter worse, the critical mass increased again.

  • Brute: "Pavium! We're blasting it, but it's resisting!"
  • Voridus: "Pavium, that thing has grown too strong. Our turrets aren't enough anymore, we need more firepower!"
  • Pavium: "I was afraid of this, but i think i have the answer."

A Sentinel's access point that was clogged by Flood Biomass is revealed to them.

  • Pavium: "I've detected a damaged Sentinel lock nearby. If we cleanse it of the Flood, it should call in Sentinel reinforcements."
  • Voridus: "Get to it, troops! Cleanse that lock while we still can!"

The Banished advances towards the clogged access point but a massive tentacle is getting in their way. A Mega turret fires and forces the tentacle to retract it.

The Banished quickly clears the area from the Flood biomass and unclogged the lock.

  • Voridus: "Thae lock is clear, Pavium. Has it worked?"
  • Pavium: "I'm detecting something very powerful on the way now, brother!"

A Sentinel Retriever arrives in the battlefield.

  • Voridus: "A Retriever! You do not disappoint me, Pavium!"

Retriever Sentinel is now under player's control.

The Banished guides the Retriever to Proto-Gravemind.

  • Pavium: "Now we shall see how strong that thing is!"

The Sentinel unleash it's beam, forcing the Proto-Gravemind to expose the core.

  • Voridus: "Haha! Burn!"
  • Pavium: "It's working!"

The Flood start to attack the Banished desperately as more emerges from the ground.

  • Pavium: "It has increased its attacks! It's getting desperate!"
  • Voridus: Let's show this thing Jiralnahae rage, brother!"
  • Pavium: "Strike with all we have!"

The Banished focus all of their attacks to the core of Proto-Gravemind.


Banshees flies overhead as the Proto-Gravemind start to retract is tentacles and shakes violently.

  • Voridus: "We did it! We've beaten it back, brother. Atriox will be pleased!"
  • Pavium: "I don't think pleased is the right word, brother. Atriox will arrive soon. He may not be as merciful as the Flood."

Cinematic Cutscene

Pavium and Voridus removes their mask, looking at each other and roars in victory following by the other Jiralhanaes on the site seeing Proto-Gravemind is killed.

Atriox's Lich soon arrive, The Warlords comes out first followed by Atriox.

He grimly inspect the Proto-Gravemind, a mess that Voridus made.

  • Atriox: "I told you NOT to go inside."

A Pod Infector launch a surprise attack to infect Atriox but he quickly grab it with his hand, looking at it before squashing it and tossing it away with anger.

  • Atriox: "For good reason."

Turning to Voridus and Pavium, he approaches them as both of them are looking down, dare to look at Atriox.

  • Atriox: "Secure the breach. Clean up your mess."

He look at Voridus with anger on his face.

  • Atriox: "I will be waiting for you when you are done."

Pavium and Voridus bows before they grab their equipment to clean up the mess while Atriox up at the corpse of Proto-Gravemind.

Above them, thousands of Sentinels are heading towards High Charity to perform a contamination operation once again.

Mission Complete

Level ends

Leader Powers

  • Rain of Fire I, II and III
  • Atriox's Bulwark I, II and III
  • Burnout I and II
  • Orbital Designator I and II
  • Stasis I and II
  • Ultra Mines I and II
  • Infusion Wake I and II
  • Catacalysm I
  • Lich Vanguard I

Unit Deployment

Banished Main Force

  • Pavium
  • Voridus
  • 2 Hunters
  • 2 Brute Grenadiers
  • 2 Choppers
  • Citadel
  • Raid Camp
  • 1 Extractor
  • 1 Harvester
  • 1 Turret
  • 700 Supply
  • 500 Power

Defense encampment

  • 2 Chopper (Destroyed)
  • 1 Grunt Infantry Squad (Killed)



  • Each Minibase will be fortified by one Mega Turret and it cannot be replaced if its destroyed.
  • Par time on this level is 30 minutes.


  • Make sure you have every counter units avaiable when attacking, Flood Spawner is one of the toughest opponent due to spawn counter units.
    • Make sure prepare the reserve in case you suffer losses when attacking Proto-Gravemind or Minibase occupied by Flood.
  • Jump Pack Brutes can be used to traverse heights where the caches are stored. Use it to collect supplies.
  • It's reccomended to clear all area from the Flood include the giant tentacles, there maybe some base around to discover and enables you to reinforce units more quicker.
  • Protect the Engineer by any means necessary, Seeder Infector will always aim for Engineer first to slow down healing.



Preceded by
The Archive
Halo Wars 2 campaign levels
Succeeded by