
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Halo Wars Community Site Archive

As of March 30th, 2018, will no long exist. F.

  • Galleries

Note, the links to all the images/ renders stored in these pages still work so you can still access the lovely concept art.

Link dumps

Just a bunch of links to various bits of concept art and whatnot I don't want to lose.

Project Warthog

Because I'm really creative with names. Project Warthog is my own personal project to revamp and redo the current set of Warthog pages on the wiki, to make the information within more easily digestible and less bloated. For full details of my proposal, see this thread on the forums.

Stats for REQ vehicle health can be found here (backup of the pastebin incase the tweet goes down here).


  1. Create a page for the M12B Warthog. The idea of this page is to split Warthog information roughly in half, allowing the M12 Warthog page to focus primarily on the Warthog version found in Halo CE through Reach (and also CEA by extent but you get the idea) while the M12B page focuses on the version found in Halo 4 onwards.. DONE!
  2. Create the following page(s) DONE!
  1. Create an overall Warthog page as part of the wiki's wider "hub pages" project (see: Wraith, Lich, Spirit for examples). A disambiguation page will be needed too.
  2. Rework the Warthog navbox to better reflect the nature of Warthog variants. Likely divide M12 and M12B warthogs into different rows. DONE!

  1. Perhaps the trickiest, figure out a way to better divide the Warthog pages for the LRV, Gauss and Rocket designs (ongoing).
  2. Listed at the end but really something to do as the project goes along, use this rework as an opportunity to bring Warthog information over from Halo Nation as part of the two wikis' ongoing merger project. Links left below for future reference.

Project ODST armour

Because my naming creativeness knows no bounds. Project to revamp the ODST armours part of the site to resemble the MJOLNIR armor pages more, because why do Spartans deserve cool pages alone?


Creation of the following pages;

Halo CE development

In 1997, Bungie had just finished Myth: The Fallen Lords and was beginning the development of Myth II. During this time, Bungie only had 12-15 employees, when Marcus Lehto was brought on board to work with Jason Jones on a small "side project" then-known as "Armor".[1] This side project was the origins of Halo: Combat Evolved, originating as an RTS due to thinking Myth would be better if it were science-fiction and Starcraft would be better without resource management. Due to Bungie's interest in physics to provide gameplay, they wanted the vehicles to feel like vehicles and move on 3D terrain. This integration would be based in the Myth engine[2], and was later referred to as "basically Myth in a sci-fi universe."[3] This prototype would change name from "Armor" due to the need to avoid the game actually shipping with that title, and would be referred to internally as "Monkey Nuts" as to ensure the game would not actually ship with that title. "Monkey Nuts" was quickly changed to "Blam!" as Jones didn't want to tell his mother he was working on a game called "Monkey Nuts".[2]

The initial RTS prototype was built with an isometric camera view, though experimentation with certain features allowed a third-person camera to be attached to units for control including the soon-to-be Warthog and Marines. The fun of using the Warthog vehicle led to the camera getting closer and closer. The initial revisions of what would become the Master Chief at this time were simple ~400-polygon models nicknamed something along the lines of the "future soldier", designed to be a supersoldier much like the final Master Chief, but deployable en-masse on the battlefield.[2] These RTS versions of the game had no story and were purely designed for multiplayer[2], though by late 1998/ early 1999, the game had fully morphed into a third person shooter.[4] Jaime Griesemer was hired in mid-1998 at which point the Halo team was 8-9 people mostly working on the game engine. By this point, the game had one assault rifle that could fire grenades and a small boat called a "Doozy", though Griesemer soon began creation of the shotgun and sniper rifle. The multiplayer mode had a 4v4 deathmatch mode, and the staff would often stop development at 4pm every day and play for the evening.[2]

On July 21, 1999, during the Macworld Conference & Expo, Steve Jobs announced that Halo would be released for Mac OS and Windows simultaneously.[5] Before this public announcement, game industry journalists under a non-disclosure agreement had previewed the game in a private showing during E3 1999, and were reportedly amazed.[2][6] However, the game was still nameless and thus Bungie hired a branding company to help them name the game. The company and Bungie generated hundreds of names[2] including "The Santa Machine", "The Crystal Palace", "Solipsis", "Hard Vacuum", "Starshield", "Star Maker" and "Age of Aquarius".[4] However, the name the team ultimately settled on was "Covenant", and this name was given several logo treatments.[2] However, one artist - Paul Russel - thought the name was "stupid" and came up with five or six other names, including "Halo". Few people at the studio liked the name at first