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Cade McDonough

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Revision as of 00:41, May 29, 2017 by TheEld (talk | contribs) (→‎Eiro: Apparently we don't do a page for this)
Biographical information


January 2557[1]

Personal details





Political and military information



Cade was a former UNSC marine and a salvager working on the modified Mariner-class transport ship, the Ace of Spades. He was romantically involved with the ship's captain, Rion Forge. He was killed in January of 2558 by the Sangheili Commander, Gek 'Lhar, during an altercation in the debris field of the Etran Harborage, a Forerunner shield world.[1]


War and Plunder

At some point after his eighteenth birthday, Cade enlisted with the UNSC Marine Corps. As a marine, he fought in numerous theaters during the decades-long Human-Covenant War. During the war, his home world was glassed by the Covenant and his entire family was killed. When he was honorably discharged the return to civilian life was difficult for him, as he had nowhere to go and nobody to call family. Eventually, he found work on a salvage ship and it was there that he first met Rion Forge. Rion would go on to become the captain of the Ace of Spades, a modified Mariner-class transport ship, and Cade was an original member of her crew. New Tyne, Venezia, became the place from which they conducted salvaging runs. On a few occasions, the crew stumbled upon human remains amidst wreckage. In December of 2556, the crew of the Ace of Spades fell into one of its largest paydays ever. Rion personally participated in a four-way bidding war for a small piece of a Forerunner navigational databoard at a small bazaar on Komoya, and after winning the bidding war, she sold the databoard to a Sangheili for a large profit.[2] In January of the new year, the crew returned to Venezia after having been gone for six weeks. There, another profit was made through the sale of a stasis field generator, Type-25 Spikers, and Type-51 carbines.

While Rion was in New Tyne with Kip Silas and Lessa, two other members of the crew, Cade remained at the New Tyne Airfield so he could perform maintenance on the ship's track system. When the three finally returned they found him seated a story up on a catwalk, still hard at work. Rion notified him of a planned meeting to take place in fifteen minutes and he responded with a curt nod. When those fifteen minutes had passed, the crew found itself gathered around the ship's mess table to hear what the captain had to say. Rion revealed that she had used some of their recent windfall to purchase information regarding another potential claim; specifically, the wreckage of a ship that could very well be a military vessel downed during the war. The possibility of discovering a UNSC ship sparked a debate between Kip and the siblings, Lessa and Niko, as Kip believed the UNSC Salvage Directive would need to be followed in such a case. Cade leaned back in his chair and quietly observed the argument with crossed arms. Rion met his somber gaze before she added her voice to the discussion by assuring Kip that she would do the right thing if any heavy ordinance was discovered. When Cade then spoke, he told Kip he should stop worrying and that Rion would be fair. He then asked her what their destination was, to which she replied "Ectanus 45". Their prize was located on a moon in that system, Eiro. Cade thoughtfully considered the news and reminded Rion that it was right on the edge of the Inner Colonies, which was not their usual haunt and could lead to trouble for them. Rion was resolved to make the journey regardless, justifying it by way of the reward it could bring. After the conclusion of the meeting, Cade sparred with Rion after she worked out by herself. By the time they finished it had been an hour since they had left Venezia.[1] Template:Expand-Section


Niko: "Hey, Cade? This bring back memories?"
Cade: "Yeah. It brings back memories, kid."
— Niko and Cade upon sighting the remains of the Template:UNSCship

Eiro is tidally locked to an uninhabited planet, but there is a narrow twilight ring on its surface that supports a small settlement. The crew's target was purportedly located around fifty-six kilometers from this ring on the dark side of the moon. Once settling into geosynchronous orbit, it didn't take long for Lessa to locate the ship. Given the moon's deathly cold temperatures, Cade joined Niko in sarcastically remarking on an eagerness to freeze. As Rion and Lessa stayed on the birdge to land the Ace, Cade, Kip, and Niko headed for the staging bay, referred to as the "locker room", to suit up. With sixty seconds until touchdown on Eiro's surface, Cade broached the subject of dead bodies over comms to Rion. The captain gave a noncommittal answer that suggested she didn't want to think about it unless and until they needed to. Once the two women joined everyone else, Cade showed Kip how to link his wrist commpad to his helmet's HUD and to the rest of the crew. Accepting Kip's thanks, he smacked Niko on the helmet as he walked past him and jokingly reminded him to not forget his plasma cutters, as he had done during a previous excursion. Cade rallied the crew to disembark into the snowy outside and upon first viewing the ship, a Halcyon-class light cruiser, Niko innocently asked him if it brought back memories. For his oblivious insensitivity, Lessa smacked her brother in the head, but Cade just calmly affirmed that it did indeed. After walking around the hall of the cruiser, it became apparent that at best, only a quarter of the ship was present and that it had been cut in two by a Covenant weapon. Cade identified the damage to have been done by a plasma energy projector. In order to cover as much ground as quickly as possible, Rion had the crew split up. Cade was directed to find an armory.

He set off in search of one near the bridge, as it was likely there were one or two located in close proximity to it. Around forty-five minutes after their scavenging began, Rion checked in with Cade over their comms. He let her know he had discovered a decent payload: thermite paste, small arms, rifles, jetpacks, body armor, and heavy ordinance. Rion reiterated that the heavy stuff would be left for the UNSC to recover but she instructed him to pack up everything else. After Rion went to explore the cabin of the captain of the cruiser, discovered to have been named the Template:UNSCship, she exclaimed and made other noise over the comms upon making some shocking discoveries. Cade and the others, unaware whether everything was okay, filled her earpiece. Just then, a hard blast struck the Roman Blue and made the whole thing shudder. Cade was the first one to react with a clear pronunciation that they were under attack. Rion ordered everyone back to the Ace, but seeing as she was still back at the captain's quarters, it would take her around fifteen to twenty minutes more than everyone else to get there. Cade let her know that he would by no means be leaving without her but she overrode him by reminding him she could fend for herself and that they had been in similar situations before. Cade reluctantly gave in and agreed to get airborne in their ship and to go dark and lie low to wait for a further signal from her. The unknown attackers glassed the Roman Blue, but Rion managed to escape in one piece and the Ace remained hidden.

Rion reestablished contact with her crew after the coast was clear and the ship set down to pick her up with just ten minutes of her oxygen to spare. As the ramp descended, Cade was waiting for her. She could tell he was pissed at her from the way he commented on her general appearance and his use of her surname. The two of them made their way to the lockers to they could get out of their coldsuits. Cade used his knife to help Rion get one of her boots off that had partially charred in the recent plasma-generated heat. After establishing that she was okay and despite a tension between the two of them, Cade agreed to meet in the lounge with everyone else in thirty minutes. When Rion first arrived after showering, she found Cade standing at the observation deck and staring out into space. He refocused his attention on the others and made his way to the meeting table once the conversation started. Rion appealed to Cade when she found herself having to defend her decision to have the Ace go dark, but Cade admitted that it had been a difficult thing to do with her life on the line down below. Then, when Rion announced they would not be going after the ship that had glassed the Roman Blue, even Cade was puzzled. He quickly guessed, however, that the responsible party had in fact been UNSC Armed Forces, lending some credence to the call. Rion then produced a data crystal chip she gathered from the Halcyon-class light cruiser and gave it to Cade to insert into the holotank. He navigated through the data for her until the footage she wanted to show them was located: a recording from William Webb, the captain of the cruiser. The log revealed that a log buoy had been dropped by the Template:UNSCship in 2531 just before it went missing. Rion's father had been assigned to the Spirit of Fire at the time, and Rion had been wondering what had happened to him since she was a little girl. Webb had stated that a Covenant CPV-class heavy destroyer, Radiant Perception, may have intercepted the buoy those many years ago. Rion was determined to find the Radiant Perception, it being her first real lead on her father, and at this, Cade smiled. The thought of salvaging a Covenant destroyer like the Radiant Perception piqued his desire to make money, and he even called the prospect "salvage gold".[1]

Chi Rho






Personality and traits

Cade had grim eyes and a deep voice. His face was usually stoically passive. Rion thought him to be "all business", as he brought a sense of order and efficiency to the Ace of Spades' small crew. It was not uncommon for him to serve as the "voice of reason" when Rion was prepared to push their work beyond their capable limits. He was steady, stoic, reliable, and the kind of person who could get a job done. He often didn't say much, but when he did, others tended to listen. Rion was amused by the fact that he called her "Forge" when he was pissed. Cade never had the same outward disgust for the UNSC that Lessa and Niko did. but the trauma of losing his family made him have his own personal issue with the way the military had made certain strategic decisions during the war. When he and Rion met, they would passionately debate about politics and wars, but as their relationship deepened, they stopped doing so and focused their energy and loyalty on the one thing they could truly count on: themselves. The number of times that Cade and Rion had been in impossible situations but gotten out okay was more than Rion could count. Many of these situations had caused the two of them to almost come to blows over Rion's tactics. Cade's experience as a marine and later a salvager made him a man who knew more than anyone the price of taking risks, of jumping systems, and hunting salvage others would fight and kill for. For this reason, Rion valued his insight and considered him her second-in-command. Despite their closeness, Rion still never knew what Cade did with the credits he earned.[1]


Like the other crew members of the Ace of Spades, Cade had his own set of armor for working in cold environments. This coldsuit included a helmet with an opaque visor made of a tempered glass composite. He kept a knife sheathed in his belt.[1]

List of appearances
