
Halo: Nightfall: Exposure

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Exposure is a Second Story of Halo: Nightfall's Episode 1: It's Only Just Beginning. The featurette depicts intercepted communication messages from Sedra Colonial Guard Hospital nurse Laura Daoud the day a Sangheili terrorist unleashed a biological weapon in Sedra City on Sedra. The messages were sent to ONI Section 3 agent Fixer.

Halo Channel summary

Template:Article Quote


Cut to a patient in the Sedra Colonial Guard Hospital receiving treatment and doctors running to their stations, with an alarm sounding in the background.

0842 HOURS


Cut to Laura Daoud closing a duffel bag, before it cuts to her looking into a video messaging device.

  • Answering machine: "Rowan Daoud is not available. Would you like to leave a message?"
  • Laura Daoud: "Yes."
  • Answering machine: "Messaging recording..."
  • Laura Daoud: "Hey, sweetie. Let your sister wear the pink sweater. You can wear it tomorrow. Or wear that wool cardigan of grandma's. It's not that itchy, just think about how beautiful you look. I left him a note, but make sure your dad picks you up later."

Cut to a later message. As she mentions the name of her children's school, an ONI "footnote" appears that reveals the school had severe exposure to the bioweapon attack, with 324 guaranteed patients.

  • Laura Daoud: "Saidia Elementary have the after-school buses this week. I will be here until 9 tonight, but we can go over your homework later. Remember to bring home your lunchbox. I'll clean it out."

Cut to the crowded hospital with doctors rushing about.

0902 HOURS


Cut back to Laura Daoud leaving another video message.

  • Laura Daoud: "Leave a message."
  • Answering machine: "Would you like to leave a mess—"
  • Laura Daoud: "Leave a message!"
  • Answering machine: "Messaging recording..."
  • Laura Daoud: "Rowan, triage is flowing into the parking lot. Look, I know you hate when I talk about these things, but their skin, their veins are black. Whatever the school and the news reported is inaccurate. It's not a quake. Something has happened to these people. Tell me, you have the girls!"
  • Doctor 1: "We need everyone out here!"
  • Doctor 2: "We gotta go now! Everyone!"

Cut to a patient affected by the bioweapon dying.

0918 HOURS


Cut to Laura Daoud leaving another message.

  • Laura Daoud: "I don't know where you are, or why you are not responding. Do not go into town center. SER arrived. This is radiological, some sort of designer agent. Moira and Graham are here. They're unrecognizable. Everything I try to do to help doesn't seem to matter. Their bodies are rejecting everything. Rowan, ONI are here too. Some of them are even affected. What is go—"

Cut to doctors wheeling away trolleys.

0955 HOURS


Cut to Laura Daoud leaving another message. Doctors are yelling in the background.

  • Laura Daoud: "I walked into a patient's room, and Dr. Chen was doubled over. Bleeding from the face. ONI were there too, and when they saw me, they tried to help him up. I escorted Dr. Chen out of the room and he ordered me to hand him all charts from incoming patients. He told me to stop entering them into SEDMED, to keep everything on paper. Chen wants me to go with ONI to some Sedran firebase. Apparently, they've set up a decontamination station. I don't know when I'm going to be able to talk again."

Cut to the Sedra City Market.

0830 HOURS


Cut to Rowan Daoud leaving a video message.

  • Rowan Daoud: "Hey Laura, I got it. 34 down, Tangier. Ancient city, where a quarter of the citizens once spoke Berber. Didn't even have to look it up. Sara, not so fast honey. She ate like a champion this morning. Two whole glasses of O.J. The large, tempered ones your mother got us. Someone has to love them. Nadia gave her usual fit. I heard the words "sweater", "Jeremy", and "unfair". So she's fine. Don't worry about them. I got your note, I'll pick them up later. I love you."

Cut back to the hospital with an infected patient.

1015 HOURS


Cut to Laura Daoud leaving another message.

  • Laura Daoud: "I'm about to leave. Service is slow, I just got your messages now. I spoke to an SER officer about Nadia and Sara. They don't have either tag record on file. I hope they're with you. I know they're with you. And I know you'll hear this. Tell Sara to be kind to her sister. She's the only one of you she's got. And you, Tangier. We both know you cheated. Love you."

The transmission is uploaded to Fixer of ONI Section 3.






When the Second Story first cuts to the Sedra City Market, it is mistakenly labeled as the Sedra Colonial Guard Hospital. The time is also placed at 0955 hours, despite the scene clearly taking place before the attack. However, the subtitles correctly label the scene's location and time.

