UNSC Pony Express

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UNSC Pony Express
Production information


UNSC Corvette


Slipspace drive:

Shaw-Fujikawa Translight Engine

Service information

Last sighted:


Participated battles:

Battle of Earth




The UNSC Pony Express was a UNSC Corvette. As of 2552, it was the fastest ship available to the UNSC.[1]

During the Battle of Earth, the Pony Express was at Earth fighting the Covenant. After receiving a message from Dr. Halsey, Lord Hood planned on sending the Spartan-IIs to Onyx aboard the Pony Express, but they opted to instead capture a Covenant destroyer, the Bloodied Spirit, which was faster than even the Pony Express.[1]


  • The Pony Express is a reference to the old mail system where riders would take fast horses from checkpoint to checkpoint, picking up mail and getting a new horse at each one. It lasted from April 1860 to October 1861, only slightly more than a year, but it made a major impact.


  1. ^ a b Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 213