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Diorama is an interactive flash movie, a part of Believe campaign for Halo 3.


The flash player loads a video of a camera that flys through the diorama of New Mombasa of the Second Battle of New Mombasa. The scene is very dark, and very dirty. Marines are seen, dead and alive, trying to fight many Brutes that fill the streets. As the camera continues, it goes down a hill, showing more ruined buildings, Jackals, a Warthog, and a Scorpion Tank. It seems to be the only strong point for the marines.. The camera goes up a hill, where a lone group of marines are in a warthog, fighting off the many surrounding brutes. It then pans over a broken bridge, where there is a Spec Op Grunt along with many brutes, over to the top of a high structure. A few marines use it as a vantage point, to snipe off Covenant.

The next view is of the "Hill", a Covenant controlled land-mark, with a large trench next to it, where marines take a stand against them. A Brute Chieftain, a Hunter, and many others battle the few surviving marines. The camera circles around the hill, where it shows the captured Master Chief, holding a plasma grenade. It shows him looking at the camera with his visor glinting quickly as the camera passes by. The bridge, a large chokepoint, is showed again from a higher view, showing how it was destroyed by the UNSC in order to stop the flow of Covenant. The camera flys by a ruined building where a group of marines are gathered, and then it returns to the beginning, where it could be looped again.


  • An interactive viewing of a fly-through of the New Mombasa diorama, which can be controlled by a keyboard or mouse, forwards or backwards, and can be auto-played.
  • 360 degree views of key locations, showing everything happening around those points.
  • First-person accounts and profiles of many people on the battle field, those of veteran marines, KIA marines, Covenant profiles, and vehicle descriptions. Profiles give a 360 degree view of the selected character.
  • The ability to take 1280x1024 screenshots of any moment in the diorama, including the 360 degree views, as well as downloading wallpapers of the character profile views.
  • All videos of the Believe campaign can be watched while in the viewer.

First Person Accounts and Profiles

First Person Accounts

Ian Callahan


NAME: Ian Callahan


"The fighting was real heavy in the corridor. I'd taken a plasma shot straight to the hip to put me down. After laying the street for god knows how long, someone finally grabbed me and started pulling me to safety. I remember yelling "thank you" over and over to whoever was tugging me out of harm's way. But then... something just didn't feel right.

When I looked to my left I didn't see the standard issue boots of a marine. It was some grotesquely shaped foot. That's when I started screaming.

Turns out two Jackals had me. I tried to resist but after a swift kick to my wounded leg, I was in too much pain to fight back. They searched through all my equipment, checking my radio for power. No dice. Without a working radio or weapon I was of little use to them. One of them pulled out his plasma pistol and aimed it right in my face. I closed my eyes and thought of home. That's when I heard two blasts from an M90. I opened my eyes and saw what was left of my captors in crumpled heaps. I never saw the marine that fired those shots. I hope he knows how grateful I am."


H-133-185 (Lekgolo)

Wp hunter.jpg

EC#: H-133-185


Due to the nature and complex biology of Hunters, very little is known about this particular specimen. On the whole, Hunters are considered extremely dangerous, and their ferociousness on the New Mombasa battlefield was no exception.

J-011-422 (Kig-Yar)

Wp jackal.jpg

EC#: J-011-422


J-011-422 is unique among Sniper Jackals in that he was found carrying an energy shield and needler. Normally, a Jackal of this rank would abandon their shield to better handle their beam rifle, the Covenant long range sniper weapon.

Corporal James Dessen

Wp marine form.jpg

NAME: James Dessen

SERVICE NUMBER: 00578-48433-JD

Corporal James Dessen was killed in action along the northern ridge of the Battle for New Mombasa. Due to the field reports of the 77th Marine Regiment concerning the bravery of the corporal's actions under fire, he was posthumously awarded the Red Legion of Honor.

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