Uploads by ED

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Date Name Thumbnail Size Description
12:24, February 2, 2013 User-Ed-H4.png (file) 185 KB  
14:11, November 28, 2012 User-Ed-HR.png (file) 100 KB Personal Halo Reach Spartan of User:ED. For userpage.
12:49, October 22, 2012 Verrelli.png (file) 496 KB Zuma Squad cadet Verrelli. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
12:49, October 22, 2012 Newton.png (file) 401 KB Zuma Squad cadet Newton. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
12:49, October 22, 2012 Moulder.png (file) 409 KB Zuma Squad cadet Moulder. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
12:18, October 22, 2012 Kaye.png (file) 322 KB Cadet Kaye. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
12:13, October 22, 2012 Dyer.png (file) 357 KB Cadet Dyer. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
12:06, October 22, 2012 Taylor.png (file) 386 KB Cadet Taylor. == Licensing == {{FilmScreen}}
00:43, October 15, 2010 X spartan steel.jpg (file) 13 KB A Halo 2 Steel Spartan Exclusive Action Figure.
00:42, October 15, 2010 X spartan pink.jpg (file) 13 KB A Halo 2 Pink Spartan Exclusive Action Figure.
00:42, October 15, 2010 X spartan purple.jpg (file) 13 KB A Halo 2 Purple Spartan Exclusive Action Figure.
00:40, October 15, 2010 PelicanBay.jpg (file) 65 KB A docking bay inside a Halcyon-class cruiser, filled with Pelicans and Scorpion Tanks. {{Game-screenshot}}
00:40, October 15, 2010 Prophet of Objection.jpg (file) 50 KB The Prophet of Objection raises his fist in accusation against the Arbiter. Category: Prophet Screenshots
00:39, October 15, 2010 X odst.jpg (file) 23 KB The two variants of the Halo 2 ODST v2 Exclusive Action Figure.
00:39, October 15, 2010 Acha.jpg (file) 16 KB Poster for Acha.
00:37, October 15, 2010 H2X spartan white bd.jpg (file) 13 KB A Halo 2 White Spartan (Battle Damaged) Exclusive Action Figure.
00:37, October 15, 2010 NavyandMarineCorpsMedal.jpg (file) 117 KB The Navy and Marine Corps Medal. {{Nocopy|Ed}}
00:36, October 15, 2010 X elite white.jpg (file) 16 KB A Halo 2 White Elite Exclusive Action Figure.
00:36, October 15, 2010 SteveVai 1.jpg (file) 38 KB Steve Vai, musician and contributor to Halo 2 music. {{Nocopy}}
00:35, October 15, 2010 Bilauri Yunja.jpg (file) 17 KB Poster for Bilauri Yunja.
00:35, October 15, 2010 Nylund-Bradbury.jpg (file) 109 KB Eric Nylund with famous science fiction author Ray Bradbury.
00:31, October 15, 2010 X prophet regret holo.jpg (file) 19 KB The Halo 2 Prophet of Regret (Holographic) Exclusive Action Figure.
00:30, October 15, 2010 MisterChief1.jpg (file) 37 KB The first image of Mister Chief made by Frank O'Connor. {{Nocopy}}
00:29, October 15, 2010 Halo2 Credits.jpg (file) 53 KB Halo 2 Credits
00:27, October 15, 2010 Hydrazine.png (file) 97 KB  
00:26, October 15, 2010 Channel 7.jpg (file) 17 KB Channel 7.
00:25, October 15, 2010 MeanEatingMonitors.JPG (file) 79 KB These are ED's three Mean-Eating Monitors. Please be nice on his talk page, or they will come to your house and eat your soul.
00:22, October 15, 2010 Jen1feb9.jpg (file) 1.29 MB Jen Taylor recording Cortana's lines for Halo 3. Source: Bungie.net
00:22, October 15, 2010 X spartan orange.jpg (file) 15 KB A Halo 2 Orange Spartan Exclusive Action Figure.
00:21, October 15, 2010 SentinelFacilities.jpg (file) 14 KB Sentinel Production Facilities.
00:19, October 15, 2010 HaloArmsRace2.jpg (file) 49 KB Shot from Halo: Arms Race
00:19, October 15, 2010 Cimaroon.jpg (file) 19 KB Cimaroon's corporate headquarters.
00:19, October 15, 2010 HaloS1 500.jpg (file) 33 KB  
00:19, October 15, 2010 Sign-Security.jpg (file) 22 KB Category: Signs
00:18, October 15, 2010 Kinz X.jpg (file) 30 KB Kinz X.
00:18, October 15, 2010 Ethyl Alcohol.png (file) 89 KB Category: Chemical Compound Images
00:16, October 15, 2010 Sign-CryoB.jpg (file) 5 KB Category: Signs
00:16, October 15, 2010 H2 Scorpion 12-9F5.jpg (file) 20 KB Scorpion Tank 12-9F5
00:14, October 15, 2010 EricNylund.jpg (file) 10 KB Eric Nylund. {{Nocopy}}
00:13, October 15, 2010 Seventhday.jpg (file) 61 KB A Bungie Day image, courtesy of Bungie Studios.
00:13, October 15, 2010 X spartan teal bd.jpg (file) 15 KB A Halo 2 Teal Spartan (Battle Damaged) Exclusive Action Figure.
00:12, October 15, 2010 Havadi Goodwan.jpg (file) 4 KB Havadi Goodwan.
00:12, October 15, 2010 SeaWorms.JPG (file) 8 KB Sea Worms floating in the water of Installation 04.
00:07, October 15, 2010 WatuWasio.jpg (file) 14 KB Poster for Watu Wasio.
00:07, October 15, 2010 X spartan red bd.jpg (file) 18 KB A Halo 2 Red Spartan (Battle Damaged) Exclusive Action Figure.
00:05, October 15, 2010 DEM0NSPAWNED - Current Armor Kit - January 19th, 2008.JPG (file) 18 KB  
00:04, October 15, 2010 X prophet mercy.jpg (file) 14 KB The Halo 2 Prophet of Mercy Exclusive Action Figure.
00:02, October 15, 2010 FAC.jpg (file) 17 KB Poster for FAC.
00:02, October 15, 2010 HaloS1 501.jpg (file) 35 KB  
21:58, October 14, 2010 Legendary.jpg (file) 4 KB Reverted to version as of 04:15, 26 January 2008
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