Axon Clips Chapter 3

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Lieutenant: It's a little early for wine, isn't it sir?
Herzog: On the contrary, it's very nearly too late.
Herzog/COM: Do you know what you're sloshing around there youngster? That's a high-house alt-burgundy 22
Lieutenant: Uh please, sir, not the cranky old man.
Herzog/COM: And what's wrong with the cranky old man?
Lieutenant: It's excruciating to listen--
Herzog/COM: The old bastard's been very good to me over the years.
Lieutenant: I know sir.
Herzog/COM: Let's me shout--
(together) Without being noticed.
Lieutenant: I know sir.
Herzog: I guess you jumped for joy when you heard you'd been transferred to me, huh?


Lieutenant: I requested the posting sir.
Herzog: You did?
Lieutenant: Yes sir.
Herzog: Why?
Lieutenant: It's hard to recall sir.
Herzog: All right, I deserve that.
Lieutenant: Yes sir. Here's your drink.
Herzog: Have you ever had an alt burgundy lieutenant?
Lieutenant: Um, no sir.
Herzog: You know why?
Lieutenant: I don't drink.
Herzog: They don't make it any more.
Lieutenant: Regrettable sir. Perhaps the scent - tar, is it sir? - was not to everyone's taste.
Herzog: They don't make it because alt burgundy comes from Jericho VII.
Lieutenant: Oh.
Herzog: Came.
Lieutenant: I'm sorry sir.
Herzog: Ah hell, you weren't even born. Pour yourself a drink lieutenant.
Lieutenant: I don't... very well sir.
Herzog: Here's to Jericho that fell, and a Sigma Octanus IV that did not.


Lieutenant: Here-here, sir. (drinks, coughs)
Herzog: Well, it's not to everybody's taste...
Lieutenant: Uh, no sir.
Herzog: Shortly before they turned for home, the Apocalypso, heavily cloaked and posted deep in Covenant space, began experiencing some slight but troubling anomalies with their computer systems. Just as her captain decided to bring her home, long range sensors detected a curious object adrift in space.
Lieutenant: Where did you get this? I read the reports - none of this is in here.
Herzog: The object was roughly the size of a tire. A Covenant artifact of a completely new design unlike anything we've seen before, and frankly pretty inscrutible. I talked to the Apocalypso's captain, that's how.


Lieutenant: Where are the records?
Herzog: Well surely the blast that knocked the ship out of the slipstream and took down the whole planet's comm channels erased all the computer records.
Lieutenant: Except that's not what you think.
Herzog: Of course it is.
Lieutenant: You think the records have been erased.
Herzog: Not at all.
Lieutenant: By someone from Section 3. Someone like Standish.
Herzog: Perish the thought.
Lieutenant: We should talk to the captain again, sir. Get her to corroborate the official version.
Herzog: She's dead.


Lieutenant: Oh.
Herzog: Some accident involving a bus. Unluckiest thing in the world.
Lieutenant: You don't think... even if there was something important on the Apocalypso, something crucial to the war effort...
Herzog: Like a new piece of Covenant technology capable of crippling an entire solar system's C&C channels?
Lieutenant: Although if you're right about Troy -
Herzog: Then Harmony - Harmony is the instructive one.
Lieutenant: Oh... what are you going to do?
Herzog: Under the circumstances, I think I'll have another drink.