Military base

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UNSC Bases are flexible, using various designs, terrain, and functions in their setup, allowing their occupants the best degree of flexibility possible. Incorporating existing and specialty equipment, ranging from old 20th Century bunkers to Forerunner mesa's, to areas built from the ground up by the UNSC, there are many different types.


Known Bases


Typically, UNSC Bases incorporate facilities for storage of weapons, ammunition and equipment, as well as barrack facilities for the personnel that staff it. They are often equipped with ehavy defences, such as autocannons, chainguns to fend off assaults from Covenant dropships, infantry and armour. Normally, arrangements are made for the storage of vehicles for transport and combat, such as Warthogs, in a "parking lot"Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; refs with no name must have content or an underground garage[6], allowing fast transport to and from the base.

Facilities for aircraft, such as Pelican dropships, Hornet and Sparrowhawk gunships, are standard and, indeed, vital for the bases survival, allowing response to aerial threats, such as Banshee's, dropships or Seraphs.


Because of their stationary nature, the fact that UNSC bases do not move means that they make a promising option for Covenant assault by either ground or air forces, as well as making an easy target for Wraith artillery and orbital bombardment. Usually, if things reach this stage, there is little that can be done to defend the base, as the Covenant's overwhelming firepower wipes the area out.


  1. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach
  2. ^ Halo:The Fall of Reach
  3. ^ Halo:The Flood
  4. ^ Halo 2
  5. ^ Halo 3
  6. ^ Halo 3