Axon Clips Chapter 8

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Revision as of 03:51, October 9, 2006 by Couchpotato99 (talk | contribs) (categorized)



Standish: Herzog
Herzog: Who is it?
Standish: Standish
Herzog: Is this connection secure?
Standish: I'm using a disposable line. Are you busy?
Herzog: Just catching up on paperwork while the car drives. What do you want?
Standish: Uh where are you?
Herzog: In a car, Standish.
Standish: Hey, you hear they're talking about dropping the speed on the belt-way again? From 350kph to 300. Yeah, they say the road-bed is so degraded, it isn't safe, and it's too expensive to upgrade.
Herzog: You called me to talk about construction on the belt-way?
Standish: No! Uh, your girl, the one at Chawla - you'll be pleased to know the Admiral has put no trespassing all over her.
Herzog: That was stupid Standish.
Standish: I know. They weren't supposed to kill her, just scare her.
Herzog: Spare me.
Standish: You're right, they were going to kill her.


Standish: She was a problem. But, she wasn't the real problem.
Herzog: No, the real problem was that you're a dictator and we live in a democracy.
Standish: The real problem is that you and I have always seen the world differently. I am willing to sacrifice principle for results.
Herzog: Principles are results they are ends in themselves.
Standish: No, results are results.
[Vehicle]: Switching from automatic guidance to manual.
Standish: Herzog. At the bottom of this hill, watch out for the bridge.
(comm off)
[Vehicle]: I'm sorry, manual breaking at this speed is not recommended. If you would like me to apply automatic deceleration, please--
(enormous crash, static)