Capital punishment

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The Death Penalty is a form of legal punishment involving the execution of an individual [1]. The Death Penalty is used when violating laws of particular importance of the United Nations Space Command, such as the JAG 4465/LHG protocol. The form of execution is almost invariably the firing squad or "sleeping pills"Template:Fact, as it is the fastest and least costly means available. Some instances of the death penalty being threatened on UNSC personnel include failure to comply with the Cole Protocol, insubordination and cowardice.

Humanity are not the only species to administer the death penalty. The Covenant punish various infractions of varying degrees with death: captured prisoners are executed once their usefulness has ended[2]; incompetent Unggoy are brutally killed, or even fed to Kig-Yar[3]; leaders responsible for military failures are publically humiliated and executed[4]; and heretics and other dissidents are silently assassinated by crack teams of Special Operations warriors[5]. The Covenant seem more free in dispensing their form of justice, often without any form of trial other than a public sham inquisition, and use them as opportunities to serve as examples to others who would follow in their footsteps, of the consequences of those who fail or oppose the Prophets and their followers. In Halo 2, The Arbiter was to be executed and be hung by his mandibals and his corpse paraded through the streets of High Charity as punishment for letting the humans destroy halo, but it was never mentioned how he would be executed.
