Double Team

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Double Team is a new playlist as of the May 2005 update. This playlist is intended for game of 2 versus 2. You may enter the playlist as a single player or as a pair. The maximum players for a game is 4. Double team consists of an even mix of slayer and Objective Based Games, it is ranked.

Games and Maps

  • 2v2 Slayer - Beaver Creek, Elongation, Ivory Tower, Lockout, Turf
  • 2v2 Slayer Human - Midship, Warlock
  • 2v2 Slayer BR (No Sniping) - Ascension, Sanctuary
  • 2v2 Rifles - Ivory Tower, Lockout, Sanctuary
  • 2v2 CTF Classic - Elongation
  • 2v2 CTF Classic Human - Midship, Warlock
  • 2v2 Crazy King - Beaver Creek, Turf, Warlock
  • 2v2 Team Ball - Elongation, Lockout, Midship, Sanctuary, Warlock
