Sangheili Ranger

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Revision as of 17:21, December 9, 2006 by ED (talk | contribs)
A ranger on Cairo Station with gravity boots engaged
File:Elite ranger.jpg
A ranger floating above the station via thrusters
File:Elites talking.JPG
Honor Guard (Left) talking to a Ranger (Right)

Ranger is the title for a form of special forces of the Covenant. The Elite Rangers - An all-volunteer force that conducts its operations in the deadliest battleground imaginable: The unforgiving vaccuum of space. Whether they joined for personal glory or ancestral duty, they each know that a gruesome end awaits them from even the most inconsequential of injuries. Normally deployed as an expeditionary force during limited naval engagements it is they who choose which craft are to be boarded and which destroyed. Experts in both zero-g combat and demolitions, they have been the bane of many a ship.


They dual-wield, signifying they are of relatively high rank. Their helmets completely encase their heads, protecting them from the vacuum of space. They are usually seen travelling in small groups of 2-3. They are curious, as they seem to be gifted with symbols of respected Elite rank, but have the blue armour of the Minor Elite, the lowest of the Elite forces.

They are seen on Cairo Station, Regret, and Gravemind.


These Elites are unique in that they hover and strafe in the air during combat. They always wield Plasma Rifles, some of them dual wield, others do not. They also occasionally operate Plasma Cannons.

In zero gravity (on Cairo Station), they will perch on top of walls or on the side of objects and attack suddenly when a player's back is turned.

Depending on the difficulty setting, Rangers can appear in pairs or groups of three, but sometimes in packs as large as 4-6.


Ranger Elites were the first type of Elite encountered by the Master Chief. That took place in Halo: The Fall of Reach. At that time, they apparently had a different configuration of helmet, as the chief was able to see the Elite's whole face in the encounter.

In Halo: The Fall of Reach, there were Ranger Jackals as well, present at The Battle of Reach. It seems that by the time of The First Battle of Earth, the Ranger Jackals have been replaced in combat by the Drones, which are already suited for space and are much more versatile in aiding the Ranger Elites.

Ranger Elites have been observed at The Battle of Reach, Operation: FIRST STRIKE, and The First Battle of Earth. They were also seen at the planet Reach when the Master Chief returned to the planet aboard the Ascendant Justice. Thus it is possible that every ship in the Covenant has a detatchment of Rangers.