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Template:Ratings KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN is the nomenclature used to refer to any files pertaining to the planet Onyx. It was assigned on March 6, 2525 by Vice Admiral Margaret O. Parangosky

The File

While searching through James Ackerson's files Dr. Halsey found a file entitled KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN.

The KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN file contained:


Due to the order that ALL materials and files relating to Onyx was to be redesignated under KING UNDER THE MOUNTAIN, we can conclude that Ackerson was using the Forerunner data in the file to search for technology to use against the Covenant or for his own personal means.


  • The name may refer to two different uses of the phrase. The Dwarven king of Erebor, from J.R.R. Tolkein's The Lord of The Rings series, were titled King Under The Mountain. Another real-life use of the phrase, or a similar one, is King In The Mountain, a common european folklore belief that a legendary or mythical hero lies asleep beneath a mountain awaiting the day they shall reawaken and return to lead their people, notable King Arthur and Merlin of British Arthurian legend, Emperor Charlemagne of France, Emperor Frederick Barbarossa of Germany, and the Aztec hero-god Montezuma. In this second interpretation, the crystal would symbolise a relic intentionally left there to be recovered aeons later for an important use.


  1. Halo: First Strike pages 129 and 130
  2. Halo: Ghosts of Onyx page 127