Armor customization (Halo Infinite)/Chimera/Attachments

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Helmet Attachments
Helmet Attachment Manufacturer Lore Rarity Introduced In Unlock Requirements Compatible Helmets
Icon of the Decimation Adaptation attachment for the Chimera armor core.
Decimation Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall Humans refined the art of killing, but it was their AI creations that seek to perfect it. Epic Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase the "Synthetic Runtime" bundle from the Shop for 1,800 cR
  • Abatur
Icon of the Ghostlink Adaptation helmet attachment for the Chimera armor core.
Ghostlink Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall
  • Season 3 description: Not all infolife engage in esoteric research and intellectual pursuits while tucked into immaterial domains. A select few prefer to take direct action in the physical realm.
  • Season 4 description: Not all infolife engages in esoteric research and intellectual pursuits while tucked into immaterial domains; some revel in the chaos of the physical, and fit special Executors for fun and games.
Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase the "Skinned Reflexes" bundle from the Shop for 1,500 cR
  • Abatur
  • Chimera
  • Flenser
  • Grendel
  • Merrow
  • Peaceweaver
Icon of the Gravehound Adaptation helmet attachment for the Chimera armor core.
Gravehound Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall GRAVEHOUND Executors ensure the population of biologics are harnessed and controlled with calculated efficiency by their regulating AI, from cradle to grave. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase the "Peaceweaver" bundle from the Shop for 1,200 cR
  • Peaceweaver
Icon of the Stardust Adaptation attachment for the Chimera armor core.
Stardust Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall There is a darkness between dimensions which some assemblies seek to bring to the light, no matter the cost. The Executors they send into these abyssal chasms are fitted with instrumentation most arcane. Legendary Season 03: Echoes Within Purchase either:
  • "Grendel" for 1,000 cR
  • "Groovy Grendel" for 1,800 cR
  • Grendel
Icon of the Injuction Adaptation helmet attachment
Injuction Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall Shaped-charge explosive to deny an Executor's cortical structures from being recovered for post-mortem analysis or reconstruction. Legendary Cyber Showdown III Purchase either:
  • "Geist" for 1,800 cR
  • "Net Riot" for 3,400 cR
  • Geist
Icon of the "Larcener Adaptation" helmet attachment
Larcener Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall At the heart of each Grimghast is a hidden seed of viral machine corruption waiting to erupt and convert the Executor into a ravenous engine of destruction. Legendary Cyber Showdown III Purchase the "Grimghast" bundle from the Shop for 2,000 cR
  • Grimghast
Icon of the "Luminous Adaptation" helmet attachment
Luminous Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall Infolife are capable of synthesizing and mining vast amounts of data collected by their Executors, when they are not distracted by obsessions and misaligned ambitions. Legendary Cyber Showdown III Purchase the "Strigoi" bundle from the Shop for 1,800 cR
  • Strigoi
Icon for the Modulation Adaptation helmet attachment.
Modulation Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall Small adjustments to the Executor's self-image have nonlinear effects on their mental stability under extreme information loads. Epic Cyber Showdown III Cyber Showdown III Operation Pass level 20
  • Mimir
Icon for the Deltajock helmet attachment.
Redline Adaptation
Fracture: Firewall By design or accident, Executor pilots are aggressive and prone to breaks in mental conditioning. Control of the senses is the best way to ensure they do not slip the leash. Legendary Haloween Purchase the "Molten Chrome" bundle from the Shop for 2,200 cR
  • Deltajock