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Revision as of 20:57, September 16, 2007 by (talk)

VIP is a multiplayer gametype in the Halo 3 Beta and Halo 3, confirmed by bungie podcast, similar to Assassination mode in Gears of War.

Each team is assigned a "VIP" which they must protect while trying to kill the other team's VIP. Each team can only score by killing the opposing VIP. Whoever kills the VIP will become their team's VIP after their next respawn. This might also be what the "leader" is in the also new game type Escort. It could be considered a team Juggernaut.There are different variants. One of which was mentioned is to escort your team's VIP to several points on the map while at the same time killing the other team to slow their progress across the map. The VIP cannot drive vehicles, so on a large map like Sandtrap, he must be driven by other players. These points are supposedly movable on forge.
