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Showing messages 51-75 of 122 messages. Board-to-board

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posted 12 years ago

Could you remove the Urban Holland page's sysop protection? I don't think that it's necessary anymore.

posted 13 years ago

Hi, can you please delete my account? I don't really feel like I need it.

Thanks, Chairsenses

posted 13 years ago

all right

posted 13 years ago

and maybe Bungie is putting references in the game!

posted 13 years ago

I believe Bungie IS the franchise... or at least it was. But I also believe it is good to show people what Bungie is going to do after Halo.

posted 13 years ago

IF trolls could understand life, there would be no problems in the world.

posted 13 years ago

No one really knows why trolls do what they do, or what compels someone to be a troll. In many ways, they always have existed. They're the people you see cleaning up garbage in amusment parks. The hobos on park benches. They're the Maricopa County Sheriff's officers that arrest teenagers for no reason (I don't hold a grudge!). The bottom of the gene pool if you will. They just exist. And they don't go away.

posted 13 years ago

Ugh, I wish cookie would give up already...

posted 13 years ago

Cookie sent me the same message as below, and I just noticed it.

posted 13 years ago

Nothing at all. This message was actually directed at CookieMonstersayshello after he informed me that he sent me this message: "I am going to war with Commander Crackpot Tony."

It took me by surprise because I had no idea why he would want to do such a thing. I must have sent it you as well, by mistake. I'm really sorry for sending you that.

posted 13 years ago

What? Why exactly would you want to do that?

posted 13 years ago

... and according to recent events it looks like Halofan1234 is heading down the route of open mindedness...

posted 13 years ago

In response to cookies message about me, I tend to ignore him now by the way and do agree with "some" of what he's saying about Elites and Humans.

posted 13 years ago

are you still there, tony?

posted 13 years ago

ahh coldplay, lovely band

posted 13 years ago

In fact me and Spartan 331 agree on a lot things regarding the Elites tactics vs human tactics, and All-Knowing Sithari is also heading in that direction of open-mindedness...

posted 13 years ago

But the only person ive been like that with is Halofan1234, ive been perfectly civilised with the likes of people like Forerunner, Specops (that new zealandish guy), Subtank, All-Knowing Sithari and Spartan331.

posted 13 years ago

Oh! Woops, sorry. I wasn't look at the page title and I thought you removed the userpage one. Never mind, Sorry!

posted 13 years ago

About the deletion: No, I need to have it somewhere on the internet.

posted 13 years ago

Take a look at this [[1]]

posted 13 years ago

Here you go :)

Let me know if there's a way to make a little box like I said in my other message, just to keep everything in one spot on my userpage. Or maybe even have them under 'Community' on the homepage? I don't know if that's going too far :D

Thanks Commander.

posted 13 years ago
  • posted*
posted 13 years ago

Where did you get the information you just posed on the Halo: Glasslands page?