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Pulse Beams are a form of Weaponry used and equipped by Enforcers, large machines capable of combatting flood and other sentient beings. Enforcers were created by the Forerunners.

Halo 2: The Official Strategy Guide

On page 119 of the Halo 2 Strategy Guide, the following description of the Enforcer weaponry can be found:

"A Sentinel Major is much more than a simple sentinel upgrade: its capabilities far exceed those of its more common counterpart. It is an impressive device. It can fly, and its mighty claw arms can even grab vehicles - with deadly consequences. It has two built-in weapon systems. The first is a light energy Beam, which is relatively weak. The second is a mortar device that should be avoided at all costs."
— Page 119, Halo 2 Strategy Guide.

Note: The guide has a typing error. "Sentinel Major" should have been "Sentinel Enforcer". It was incorrectly typed in the Strategy Guide.

As the description suggests, whilst the weapon can be deadly, it is generally weak if appropriately avoided. Individual projectiles are of little consequence, but the player should avoid being hit by multiple projectlies, as they easily bring down shields. Players should also avoid prolonged exposure to the weapon.


Enforcers generally fire Pulse Beams at infantry units only, saving the mortar weaponry for vehicle based units. When fired, waves of red projectiles are fired towards the Enforcer's enemies. These are difficult to dodge head-on, but can be easily avoided if there is suitable cover, or if the player keeps up a constant pace to the side. The weapon is used only against infantry, as it would be generally ineffective against most, if not all vehicles, as the driver or pilot is generally well defended or hidden from direct view. Therefore the Enforcer uses it's mortar-like weapon to combat vehicles.

The weapon can easily defeat weak, unshielded units, such as Grunts, and even Jackals can have trouble using their shield to effectively block the projectiles. When used consistently, the weapon can keep an unshielded or wounded enemy pinned down for a considerable amount of time, and can be very distracting and frustrating when trying to defeat the Enforcer. Therefore it is usually a preferable tactic to disable the Enforcer's weapons first.

An Enforcer.

Levels encountered

Note: Enforcers were only featured in Halo 2.


  • When fired, a rapid, pulsating beating sound can be heard, though to hear it requires the player to pay close attention during gameplay.
  • The weapon can be blown off the Enforcer.
  • The Pulse Beam has many other nicknames amongst players, such as Enforcer Needler.

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