
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki


The icon

Race is a free-for-all and team multiplayer gametype in Halo: Combat Evolved. The player's objective is to be the first person or team to reach all checkpoints marked on the map. Checkpoints are demarcated by an arrow or, if a player is directly facing one, a flag icon. The maximum number of checkpoints is fifteen.

When a player has completed a lap, information is displayed at the top left corner of the screen, showing the lap number completed and time taken in seconds.

Race is ideally played on the large, flat map Blood Gulch. Playing on the only other vehicle-enabled map in Halo: Combat Evolved, Sidewinder, makes the game more difficult, as some of the checkpoints spawn on ledges which are high and near impossible to reach while driving a Warthog.

Gametype History

Race was removed from the list of playable gametypes in Halo 2, likely due to unpopularity, replaced with the new gametype, Territories. Race did not return in Halo 3, although features of the new gametype VIP can be edited to recreate a similar experience.


  • A Bungie weekly update mentioned a gametype with emphasis on vehicles, possibly hinting at the return of this gametype in Halo 3.[1] However, Race did not return in Halo 3.

