Halo Story Bible

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"It is the ponderous collection of lies, damned lies, and half-truths from which the entire Halo Universe is constructed."
Robert McLees [1]

The Halo Story Bible, created by Bungie Studios, is the single most important object to the development of the Halo Universe the company has. The Story Bible, as it is simply called, contains all the information Bungie has developed pertaining to the Halo Universe.


The Bible's content is the most extensive and largest collection of material for the Halo universe, and, to date, the single most secret thing Bungie holds. The book contains background information, technical data, and details about Halo related things not mentioned anywhere else. It also is likely to contain development information to future Halo projects, such as Halo Wars, upcoming Halo Novels, and Halo: Chronicles.

The Bible is so carefully guarded, it is unknown how many copies of it exist, or if it is even a book at all. Eric Nylund, writer of three of the six Halo Novels, commented in one of the Letters to Halopedia that the Story Bible was given to him during the writing of the books then quickly taken back once the novels were complete. It is known whether the material in the Bible is static, as the Kig-Yar home world of Eayn is a fictional satellite of a real extra solar planet (HD 69830 D), which was not discovered until May of 2006.

Some of the less sensitive material in the Bible was published in the Halo: Combat Evolved: Sybex Official Strategies & Secrets strategy guide. Various portions of the Bible, notably weapons data and uses, have been posted on the Bungie website as well.


  • Martin O'Donnell said in a private Question and Answer session that he'd even memorized every chapter and verse of the Halo Story Bible.Template:Fact
