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==[[Halo: Combat Evolved]]==
{{Scroll box
|content = *"Tell my mom I love her" - When stuck with a plasma grenade
*"Oh, God! I recognize that one! That was Bob!" - [[Chips Dubbo]] upon killing a [[Human Combat Form]].
*"One down, a billion to go." - After killing an [[Elite Major]].
*"Boo-yah!" - [[Warthog]] gunner or passenger after jumping of a hill, ramp, etc.
*"Woo-hoo!" - [[Warthog]] gunner or passenger after jumping of a hill, ramp, etc.
*"Do you know how to drive?" - [[Warthog]] gunner or passenger after jumping off a hill and failing to land on four wheels.
*"Ay?! Where'd you get your license?" - Said when spinning/crashing/flying of a cliff in the [[Warthog]].
*"Uh, that thing on the left is the brake..." - When the [[ Master Chief]] is driving the [[Warthog]].
*YOU KNOW THAT THING ON THE LEFT! IT'S THE BRAKE!" -When the Chief drives the Warthog badly.
*"YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" - When on last bar of health.
*"Hey, did you hear that?" - When a [[Covenant]] soldier sneaks up behind a [[Marine]].
*"What, the Covie behind you or me shitting my pants?" - After killing the [[Covenant]], in response to above.
*"I'LL TAKE YOU ALL ON, YOU BASTARDS!" - In an Australian accent.
*"Hey, you stole my kill!" - When you kill a [[Covenant]] they were shooting at.
*"Aw, come on, that tickled!" - When shooting a Sergeant while rampant.
*"See that? Next time, you guys can help!" - When a [[Marine]] kills a [[Covenant]].
*"How do you like that?" - When a [[Marine]] kills a [[Covenant]].
*"Oh, I understand: You want more of THIS!" - When gunning a [[Covenant]] down from the gunner seat.
*"Bueno amigo bueno."
*"Oh, God! Oh, God! OH, GOD!!" - When stuck by more than six [[Needler]] rounds, a [[Plasma Grenade]], or a [[Flood spore]].
*"Hope you brought some butter, 'cause you're about to get fried!"
*"Fire in the hole!" - Throwing a [[Grenade]].
*"Frag out!" - throwing a grenade.
*"Oi! HEADS UP!" - When throwing grenade
*"Good one!"
*"(Now), who's your daddy?" Reference to [[IWHBYD]].
*"Come get some!"
*"Damn it!"
*"Ay! The burn!"
*"Leave some for me!"
*"That one's down!"
*"Notify his next of kin, because they're next!"
*"They're even uglier when they're dead!"
*"Get your own! I saw it first!"
*"Get outta the way!"
*"One Alien Down!"
*"Yep. He's dead."
*"Killzilla!" - When getting into the gunner seat of a Warthog.
*"Call 911! I mean... if it's still on." when hit.
*"And my mom thought i was goin to be a doctor"
*"That one is room temperature"
'''When [[Marines]] kill a large group of [[Covenant]], they cheerily say:'''
*"Bet the [[Covenant]] didn't expect to fight the biggest [[Marine]] badasses in the [[UNSC|Corps]]!"
*"You see, they weren't so tough; I heard some of them were wearin' skirts! *chuckle*"
'''When [[Marines]] mourn a dead ally, they say sadly:'''
*"He's gone..."
*"Damn, he's dead..."
*"Take care, brother...
*"Should have been me..."
*"Don't worry, bro/brother/buddy, I'll make him pay..." (Alternatively, the line "I'll make him pay", goes first, ending with the bro/brother/buddy line next.)Β 
'''When you or other [[Marines]] shoot at any other Marines, they say:'''
*"Hold your fire!"
*"Watch it! (Amigo!)"
*"Watch your fire! (Amigo!)"
*"Where's your glasses, boy?!"
*"What's wrong with you, boy?!"
*"Clean your visor!"
*"Cut it out! (soldier!)"
*"I'm on your side!"
*"It's me!"
*"Cut it out!"
*"Hey, do I owe you money?!"
*"Cease fire!"
*"Ow! That one went in!"
'''In response, the [[Marine]] that shot the Marine responds:'''
*"You're in my line of fire!"
*"Get outta the way!"
*"Outta the way, mate!"
*"That was me, my bad."
*"Out of the way, muchacho/amigo!"
*"I had a shot!"
*"My fault!"
*"Get clear!"
*"Move, knucklehead(s), MOVE!!!"
'''When [[Marines]] hear a gunshot unexpectedly, they say:'''
*"What theβ€”?"
*"Holy Crap!"
*"What was that?"
'''In response to the gunshot noise, a [[Marine]] says:'''
*"You got me?!"
*"Back me up."
*"Cover me."
*"Goin' after 'em!"
'''In response to the Marine above:'''
*"I got your back, buddy/muchacho."
*"Got your back."
*"I got you covered."
'''When you kill two or more [[Covenant]] with grenades, [[Marines]] say:'''
*"Nice throw!"Β 
*"Hey! I didn't know these things could fly!" (Sometimes, Marines will chuckle upon saying this line.)
*"Whoa! Look at 'em fly!"
*"Hey, mate! Nice throw!"
*"Whoa, you've got skill!"
*"Wow, man! You've got skill!"
'''When you or another Marine kills an ally, [[Marines]] say :'''
*"What's/What is wrong with you?!"
*"Why'd you do that?"
*"(Are)You nuts?"
*"You killed him, man/mate!(Or You killed him!)"Β 
*"You killed him, man! You killed him!"
*"What the hell?!"
*"What the hell, dumbass?!"
*"Are you blind?!"
*"Oh, man...."
*"Check your targets next time!"
*(sarcastically) "Hey, nice job..."
*"Nice shot!" (Genuinely complimentary. Probably a glitch)
*"He jumped right in front of me, (mate)!"
*"Where'd he come from?!"
*"Well I didn't like him either but DAMN!"
'''But, when you kill too many allies, [[Marines]] will say:'''
*"I saw that, you traitor!"
*"You're not getting away with that!"
*"That's it, you're dead!" or just "You're Dead!"
*"We're through with you, mate!"
*"Get him! He's a traitor!"
*"Get him! He's crazy!"
*(LOCO variant) "Get him, he's LOCO!" or "He's lost it, he's LOCO!" or just "He's LOCO!" (Only said by the Hispanic Marine.)
*"He's gone [[rampant]]!"
*"He's gone loony!"
*"He's gone berserk!"
*"Kill that S.O.B.!"
*"Kill that freak!" or "Kill that armored freak!"
*"Kill the traitor!"
*"You rat bastard!"
*"Die, traitor!"
*"Take out/down his shields first!"
'''When road-killing an enemy, the gunner or the passenger says:'''
*"Road Pizza!"
*"What a mess!"
*"There's no running!"
*"That's one way to save ammo."
*"Aw, sir, it's more fun shooting them."
*"Aw, man! Just washed this thing!"
*"Oh, man...."
*"They're not so tough. I heard some of them are wearing skirts." Said by an Asian Marine
'''When you are spotted, [[Marines]] say:'''
* "Look, a [[Mark V]](5)!"
* "The cavalry has arrived!"
* "He is taller than I thought. Better looking, too."
* "It's about time you showed up!"
* "Mira! A [[Mark V]] (5)!"
* "(Hey), it's him!"
* "(Hey), a Mark V, I thought he'd be taller."
* "It's him!"
* "Look! There he is!"
* "Wow! There he is!"
* "I ''knew'' there was one on board!"
* "Thank God it's you!"
* Sergeant Johnson: "We could use your help, sir."
'''When an ally is [[killed in action]], [[Marines]] shout:'''
*"Man down!"
'''When you die, [[Marines]] say:'''
*"Great... now, what?"
*"Now, what?"
*"We are FUBAR."
*"We're done for..."
*"[[Cortana]]... You still there?"
*"Great! Now, who's gonna save the [[Earth]]?!"
*"Aw, that's it..."
*"This is bad...real bad."
*"Aw, I don't believe it!"
*"Cortana? Cortana? Can you hear me in there?"
'''When the [[Marines]] kill you after you kill too many allies, they say:'''
*"Lousy piece of crap!"
*"Well, on to plan B."
*"It wasn't supposed to happen that way."
*"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
*"What went wrong here?!"
*"Do/Should I feel good about that?"
*"Take that, traitor!"
*"What went wrong with that thing?!"
*"Serves him right"
*"Don't play dead on me!" (Also said when killing a [[Covenant]], and [[Marines]] will occasionally shoot the body of the Chief)
*"Why, WHY?!"
*"Oh, boy, the [[Captain Keyes|Captain's]] not gonna be happy about this one" (Only said by [[Sergeant Johnson]].)
*"Get up, so I can kill you again!"(Also said when killing a Covenant, they will also shoot the body of the Chief.)
*"What went wrong?"
*"There's only one thing left to say..." (After saying this line, [[Sergeant Johnson]] will sing the theme song of the cartoon show 'Loony Toons'.)
*"I don't get it, what (what) happened?"
*"Rot in Hell!" (Also occasionally said when killing a Covenant.)
*"How's it feel to be dead?!" (Also occasionally said when killing a Covenant.)
*"Let me get that for you!" (Also said when killing a Covenant.)
*"Bastard!" (Also said when killing a Covenant.)
'''After a fight with no or few casualties:'''
* "We showed em'!"
* "Alright!"
* "They won't mess with us again!"
* "See, they're not so tough."
* "Looking good, marines!"
* "That can't be all of 'em!"
* "Don't worry. There'll be more!"
* (Rare) Sergeant Johnson: "Yeah! ''Who's the man?''"
:Marine: "You are."
:Sergeant Johnson: "THANK YOU!"
* Sergeant: "You monkeys almost looked like soldiers back there!"
* Sergeant: "You make me proud, men!"
'''After a fight with many casualties:'''
* "That was grim..."
* "We're getting slaughtered!"
* "I can't believe I/we survived!"
* "I thought we were done for."
* "We lost that round, Marines."
* "I wanna go home."
* "How many of these things are there?!" - When fighting the Flood.
* "These things just don't die!" - When fighting the Flood.
'''After searching an area after a fight and finding no more enemies:'''
* "Where are they?"
* "Area secured."
* "No one on this side."
* "I think they all ran away."
* "I got nothing."
* "All clear over here."
* "Nothing over here."
* "I dont see anything."
* "Where they go?"
* "Nobody on this side."
'''Severely wounded after a fight:'''
* '''(weakly)''' "I'm hurt real bad..."
* "MEDIC!"
* "I don't think I can go on..."
* "I need a medic!"
* "They almost got me."
* "That was close."
'''In response to the above:'''
* "Just try to stay calm."
* "We have wounded over here!"
* "Hang in there, buddy."
* "We need a medic over here!"
===[[UNSC]] Naval Crewmen===
While not Marines, UNSC [[Navy]] crewmen also have a number of lines in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]]
{{Scroll box
|content = * "I'm a cowardly fool!" - Very common
* "I didn't join the [[Navy]] to die like this!" - When fighting starts
* "Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop smoking."
* "Yikes!"
* "AAAGGHH!" - Upon seeing an enemy.
* "Let's get out of here!"
* "Run away!"
* "HELP ME!"
* "Help me help you!"
* "Not ''more'' of [[Covenant|them]]!"
* "Oh no!Β  Where?!"
* "Take that!" - Shooting at enemy.
* "Eat that, fool!" - Shooting at enemy.
* "Eat this!" - When shooting an enemy.
* "I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!" - To an enemy's corpse.
* "THAT'S FOR BOB!" - To an enemy's corpse.
* "I got one?!" - disbelieving, upon killing an enemy
* "I can't believe this is happening!" - When an ally dies.
* "Oh no! I'm next!" - When an ally dies.
* "Not me, fool!" - When you or an ally shoot him.
* "Stop!" - When you or an ally shoot him.
* "I was never trained for this!" - When accidentally shooting an ally.
* "He got in front of me!" - When accidentally shooting an ally.
* "You fool!Β  You'll kill us all!" - When you or a Marine kill an ally.
* "Shoot me too! I don't want the [[Covenant|aliens]] to get me!" - When you or a Marine kill an ally.
* "Did we win?" - When fight is over.
* "Is it over?"
* "I can't believe I survived."
* "I wanna go home."
==[[Halo 2]]==
{{Scroll box
|content = *"Don't worry [[Cortana]]! I'll get you out of there!" -When the player is killed.
*"Wow-wee...A [[Spartan]]"- Random response when you aid [[Marines]] in battle.
*"The only thing left back there is a shortcut to hell!!" - Immediate response to a won battle.
*"Hey sir, I ''know'' you saw me standin' there!" - Marine response to you inflicting damage to him.
*"Oh, so to be in the [[Covenant]] you got to be an idiot huh?!?!?" - Random response when in battle.
*"Decapitate their heads and brush their teeth for them! Make sure they floss!"
*"Wheee, that was fun, never do that again." When the Chief flips the hog.
*"What am I supposed to do with this, scratch my back?" When a power weapon is traded for a much weaker weapon.
*"Awww damn it, I forgot the plan, oh yeah, KILL THE ALIENS" - Random response to you staring at a [[Marine]] for a long period of time.
*"STUPID BUGGAH!" - Response to a [[Marine]] getting wounded.
*"Well actually it's very simple, SHOOT THE ALIENS!" - Response to you shooting at a [[Marine]].
*"Advantage: Us? We kick their asses!" - [[Marine]] on [[Halo 2]].
*"Have we tried reasoning with them?" - [[Marine]] on [[Halo 2]].
*"OOH-AAH! Good one, Amigo!" - [[Marine]] on [[Halo 2]].
*"Ah, man, I love the beach!" - [[Marine]] on the level [[Outskirts]].
*"You always wanted to be a hero. Well, now you're dead. You're a dead hero."
*Sometimes, the Marine Will Continue the above statement with "And you're forgotten. I don't even remember your name.
*"Elite, my ass, amigo!" - Marine mocking.
*"I hope you brought a suit, mate!"
*"Where'd you learn to drive? (Tijuana?)" - When Master Chief drives badly.
*"Where'd you learn to drive like that?" - When jumping off ramps at the level Outskirts.
*"Mr. Tin Man got no Heart! Or something like that." When shot by the Chief.
*"There's no place like home, there no place like home!" when shot, or given a bad weapon.
*"You just worry about yourself, huh?" - When given a worse weapon.
*"What, so you're gonna take my girlfriend too?" - When given a worse weapon then what they had previously.
*"I'd better not find it layin' away somewhere..." - When swapped for a worse weapon, said by Texan.
*"Hey, how did you clowns even find [[Earth]]?"
*"Here, piggy, piggy, piggy, piggy!"
*"Things aren't bad: they're push-big-red-button bad!"-When the Master Chief dies in engagement.
*"Bloody alien!" - Marine when being shot by an [[Elite]].
*"Yeah, so, when I shoot, I try to hit stuff." Male Marine on Level [[Outskirts]].
*"What's the matter? Did I come on too strong?"-Female marine.
*"He's gone ''loco''!"-When Chief kills Marines instead of the Covenant.
*"Eyes downrange, not down-shirt!" - Female [[Marine]], when stared at.
*"Don't shoot his head! You'll hurt [[Cortana]], she's a hottie. She's blue, but she's a hottie." - [[Marine]] in battle if the Marines turn on the Chief.
*"He isn't ''that'' tall..."-Said on Cairo Station when they see the Chief.
*"You fought in the war?"-Addressing Chief.
*"Byaah!" - In the fashion of Howard Dean; [[Delta Halo (Level)|Delta Halo]], at the 'Off the Rock, Through the Bush, Nothing but [[Jackal]]', when falling down waterfalls. No [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"Are you sure [[Cortana]]'s not helping you, mate?" - Australian [[Marine]].
*"Take off your mask; you can't be that ugly!" - [[Marine]] to a [[Grunt]].
*"I kill you, [[Grunt]]!" - [[Marine]].
*"Bloody bastards!" - Australian [[Marine]].
*"Nice smilin' and all, but you still owe me 20 bucks." - Said during momentary lull in fighting.
*"I'm not scared of you! Oh, wait, I am" - said to enemy [[Elite]]/[[Brute]].
*"You can run, but you can't hide...." - [[Marine]] [[Sniper]].
*"Keep going, slackers." - Marine.
*"I heard you fellas taste just like chicken!" - Taunting [[Jackals]]/[[Grunts]].
*"Hey, here's more souvenirs for you to take back home!" - Shooting a dead enemy.
*"Don't stop now, [[Master Chief|Chief]]!"
*"Don't worry, I won't bite." - Female [[Marine]].
*"See anything you like?" - Female [[Marine]].
*"I'll be a good girl, I promise." - Female [[Marine]].
*"You better hope [[Cortana]]'s not the jealous type!" - When you stare at a Female [[Marine]].
*"Taken care of it." - When the Enemy is killed/[[vehicle]] destroyed.
*"So, that's a [[Spartan]]." - Female [[Marine]].
*"Cut down from the prime of existence!" - Said after Marine kills [[Elite]].
*"Argh, I'm hit." - [[Marine]] when wounded.
*"Is... is that your ''bone?''" - Random [[Marine]] responding to above.
*"They almost wiped us out." - After taking heavy casualties in an engagement.
*"Hey, sir! That ain't right!" - When given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"Hey, if you're happy, I'm happy." - When given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"Sorry, it's a little sweaty." - occasionally said is the weapons swapped are closely matched.
*"You had to take my gun." -Β  said when given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"Uh... Okay." - If given a better weapon.
*"Are you sure about this, sir?" - When given a better weapon.
*"Screwed that Ghost (good)!" - When being injured by a Ghost.
*"Grand time to carry out your checks!" - In combat.
*"Well, I knew you'd be there, didn't I?" - When finds a hostile.
*Marine 1: "Just because I'm scared doesn't mean I won't kill you!".
*Marine 2: "Yeah, me, too!" - When engaging enemies.
*"Why did everyone stop shooting?" - After an engagement ends.
*"Sure, you wanna give this up, [[Master Chief|Chief]]?" - When given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"Uh...what's wrong with it?" - When given a better weapon then the one they had previously.
*"Can you sign it, sir? I'm a huge fan." - Smiling, when given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"For a cyborg, he's pretty cute!" - Female marine on the level [[Metropolis]]. Also said if you are in a [[Warthog]] and powerslide with a female Marine in the passenger or gunner seat.
*"My family died on [[Reach]], Sir. All of them." - When looked at for a bit by the player.
*"There are better weapons all over the place! Don't take mine!" - Looking nasty, when given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"I feel much better now." - Smiling, when given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"All I do is give, give, give." - Frowns and looking nasty, when given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"I appreciate it, sir." - Smiling, when given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"I'll never wash this weapon." - Smiling, when given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"This doesn't make me very happy, sir!" - Frowns, when given a worse weapon than what they had previously.
*"Great! Thanks!" - Then smiles, and salutes the player, when given a better weapon than what they had previously.
*"Look, a [[Mark VI]]!"
*"A [[Spartan]]!?"
*"That man you killed had a baby!- When an ally is killed.
*Random tough-talk with Elites on the level Regret: Elite: "Come out, little monkey, do not be afraid. I have a banana for you." Female marine: "Why don't you come in and find me?".
*"Is it over?" - Female [[Marine]].
*"Did we make it?" - Female [[Marine]].
*"That man you killed had a girlfriend with kittens!" - When an ally is killed.
*"That man you killed had a puppy! - When an ally is killed.
*"Man, they smell bad dead. Or was that you, Sarge? He-he!"
*"You forgot your purse!" - To retreating enemies.
*"Hey, check it out: it's the new armor!" - When MC passes by.
*"Another kill for the Big Green" - When the [[Master Chief]] is taking down enemies quickly.
*"She was one of the cute ones." - Male Marine on seeing a female marine die on [[Metropolis]].
*"You're like a god to me." - When you kill a lot of enemies.
*"I don't want to kill you, but you're too damn ugly to let live!" - When firing at the [[Covenant]].
*"That's why there's [[Grunts]], [[Marines]]" [[Sergeant Johnson]].
*"You know, this reminds me of the time I got herpes." - When given a worse weapon they had previously.
*"Pull over, Chief, I'm gonna barf!" - When Chief rolls the [[Warthog|hog]].
*"Let's go, super friends. Super friends, unite!" - Male marine in Cairo Station on Legendary difficulty. Can also be heard in Metropolis on Easy, Although very rarely.
*"Don't you want something to eat? Well, eat ''this''!" - Said when fighting the Covenant.
*"I want victory because I have to!" - Said when engaging the enemy.
*"After this, my place for pie." - Male marine on Earth after standing for awhile.
*"Chief, if you want me to undress, just ask." - Marine on being hit.
*"Say hello to my great, ''BIG'' Toy"-When firing a [[rocket launcher]].
*"Hey, don't worry, ''amigo''. We need a medic!" - Marine after ally says they're wounded.
*"Do not open until Christmas!" - Throwing a grenade.
*"Mira, Mark VI."-Said by a Spanish Marine.
*"Well, I'll be. A [[Spartan]]."- Australian Marine.
*"I thought you [[Elites]] could fight!"
*"And we have a lovely parting gift for the losers! It's Death!" - after enemies are killed
*"Hey! Do you think Cortana's helping him aim?" - Heard on early on in Outskirts when player kills several enemies.
*"Happy Birthday, Sunshine!"-Throwing a grenade.
*"(Jokingly) Come get me! I'm just a little coward!(Normal) No, really, I am! Ha-ha-ha!"
*"Uh, [[Chief]], I think it was trying to surrender."
*"Your funeral, Sir."-Smiling when you give the Marine a better weapon.
*"'[[Elite]]' my ass! Is that the best you can do?"
*"Erm ... you might wanna wash that first," - Said when you give a marine a better weapon.
*"So, um...are you and Cortana are in love?" - When you stare at the Marine. (Rare)
*"He's cute for a [[Spartan]]."-Female Marine when you walk by or up.
*"You sure Cortana's not helping him aim?" When you make a headshot with a scoped weapon with or without zooming in.
*"Hey, let's catch one and ride it."-Marine referring to [[Grunts]] and or [[Jackals]].
*"We can kill it together."
*"Have we tried reasoning with them?"
*"It's tight quarters on the other side, sir. Use this: [Marine offers you shotgun]" - Female [[marine]] in Metropolis, offering Master Chief an M90 Shotgun.
*"I ran out of grenades and I accidentally threw my lunch. It's true!"- In the level [[Gravemind (Level)|Gravemind]] if you stare at a marine for a while.
*"Hey, Aliens, turn down the suck!" Yelled by marines on [[Metropolis]].
*"And everybody was kung fu fighting." Said by a marine on the level [[Outskirts]] after killing a [[Grunt]]. (a reference to the Carl Douglas song)
*"Bam! Spice that up a notch!" (in reference to Emeril.)
*"Bad thing! BAD THING!" Grunt after a plasma grenade gets stuck to them
*Grunt: "Look! The Enemy!"; Elite: "Where!?" - Exchanged when fighting as the Chief and the Grunts spot you
*"I dunno who glassed Reach, but it sure wasn't you girl scouts!" when firing on Grunts from the building on Outskirts.
*"I dunno who glassed Reach, But it sure wasn't you stupid Bastards!!" again on Outskirts
*"Let's see: Our colonies are blown to hell, The Covenant has found Earth, and our last best hope is [[John 117|a guy in green metal underoos with some serious friendly fire issues]]. Hell, I'm great!" said after a battle in which the chief shot a marine.
*"Hey, ugly,nice lips!" has to be said by a female marine to trigger the next quote.
*"Do those things even know what you're saying?" said by another nearby female marine.
*Okay let's settle in. Anyone see a Starbucks? Oh,theres one over there.Oh theres another across the street!Oh, there's twelve of them!"
*"Hey,your the perfect size...to kiss my ass!"
*"Bad boys,Bad boys,oh whacha gonna do,You're gonna get the crap kicked outta you,that's what you're gonna do!"
*"Sir,with all due respect, <u>you suck!</u>"
*"Yeah, I pooped in my pants, so what?"
*"Kick 'em in their balls/nuts/crotch!"
*"Dum dum dee dum, dum, dum dee dee dum dum,dum dum dum dum."(The "Star Wars theme")When the chief pulls out a sword.
*Hey, it's Darth Vader an-Oh dear God!" when an Elite pulls out an energy sword and kills a marine.
*"That thing is uglier than [[Avery Junior Johnson|Sarge]] in the morning!"
*"Hey,asshole,shut up and shoot!"response to above
*"Wheres a hot nurse when you need her?"when shot
*"Marine, less talking,more bastard shooting!"
*"What was I doing?Oh yeah,getting my '''<u>ass</u>''' kicked by Calamari!"when shot many times by an Elite.
*"Relax, that's why there's hot nurses." when a marine panics over an injury.
*Chief! Are you gonna let it talk like that about your mother?" Rare. With or without Skull. But possible without skull as well.
*"Breakfast is served.Have your plasma your way." Said sarcasticly in a sweet tone by a female marine with a plasma pistol/rifle on Regret.
*"Peekaboo, come on, stick your head out..." said by a female marine on Regret.
*"I got a bloodthirsty cyborg, what do you got?" said when you kill Covenant on Outskirts
*"That'll do, Chief. That'll do." - after enemies are killed. (A reference to the movie ''Babe''.)
*"We're waist-deep in it now!"
*"Over the top guys!"
*"Alright, I'm outta here! You've got a problem, man."
*"Now, see what happens when we stick to the plan?" - after all enemies are killed
*"I don't know, he doesn't look so good." - in response to an ally being wounded
*"Nice ride, sir." - when Master Chief shows up in a vehicle
*"Alright, problem taken care of. I'm hungry." - when an enemy is killed or vehicle is destroyed
*"Tin Man, gonna save our asses." - upon seeing Master Chief (in reference to ''The Wizard of Oz'' character)
*"This ain't as much fun as you think!" - in response to rough/bad driving
*"17-B. Bingo!" - upon shooting an enemy
*"Alright, let's fill up some black bags, boys!"
*"That thing's so ugly, when it cries the tears run down the back of its head!" - when fighting the Covenant
*"Saved you a seat, Chief!" - when in a vehicle and approached by Master Chief on foot
*"Frag you!" - when throwing a frag grenade
*"I wonder if aliens have insurance?"
*"Well, at least we know one thing: better you than me." - while standing over a dead ally
*"What is your deal, man? - when shot by the player
*"Hey, hey, hey! It's not a garden hose!" when shot by the player
*"Sound it out. Connect the dots." - when shot by the player
*"Uh, Chief? Could you at least ''pretend'' to aim?" - when shot by the player
*"This is serious, man!" - when shot by the player
*"Ow! That one went in!" - when hit by enemy or friendly fire
*"I took a few." - when hit by enemy or friendly fire
*"My face! My beautiful face!" - when hit by enemy or friendly fire
*"You treat your mother like that?" - when meleed by the player
*"Hey! Do your job!" - when meleed by the player
*"Is there something wrong with you Marine?" - when meleed by the player
*"Hey! You don't wanna see me angry." - when meleed by the player
*"I'm gonna take that as a threat." - when meleed by the player
*"Okay, I'm sorry I slept with your wife, but what did I ever do to you?"
*"Stay still. They can smell fear. And urine."
*"And to think I volunteered for this!"
*"Oh, shut up and start fighting!" - in response to the quote above
*"You've got two hands, you've used 'em before, use 'em now!" - to the gun operator of a Warthog
*"I could've stayed home."
*"Surrender or die." - to the Covenant
*"Not bad Marine, but don't let it go to your head." - when another Marine kills an enemy
*"Dyno-MITE!" - when throwing a frag grenade, a reference to the TV show ''Good Times'' and the catchphrase of character J. J. Evans
*"Hey, I'm not the one who blew up their sacred ring!" - when stared at for a while. Rare.
==[[Halo 3]]==
Note: Some of these become more frequent with the [[IWHBYD|IWHBYD skull]] activated. For a list of Marine quotes that become more frequent with the Skull go [[IWHBYD#Marines|here]]
{{Scroll box
|content = '''Not yet categorized'''
*"Chief! Shiny!" - ''Firefly''/''Serenity'' reference. IWHBYD not needed.
*"Say hello to my little friend!" - ''Scarface'' reference, IWHBYD not needed, though rare.
*"Nice job, asshole; now, who's going to save [[Earth]]?" when a Marine mistakenly killed you [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"I wanna go home now!" - If being shot.
*"I like the Brutes. Got a lot of area to shoot, know what I mean?"
*"Chief, come stand in front of me!"
*"Oh, you're a real comedian aren't ya? Here's a joke for you..."
*"Dude, stop staring at me; there isn't a party going on in my pants" - said when you stare at a Marine. IWHBYD required to have a female say it.
*"Honestly, I'd rather you poke me in the eye." - when giving a Marine a bad weapon. IWHBYD possibly needed.
*"I know, right? I look cute in this." - when staring at a female Marine. IWHBYD possibly needed.
*"Ugh, we're working over here, go find something to do yourself." - when Chief is too close to a group of Marines.
*"Dude, I ain't doing nothing." - when stared at.
*"You know, you're making me really uncomfortable." - when stared at.
*"Dude, the first chance I get, I'm going to get one of those [[Ghost]] things." - IWHBYD possibly required.
*"Dude! I think I leveled up!" - When given a powerful weapon.
*"Well, I guess I'm less of a target this way." - Said when the Chief takes a heavy weapon from a Marine.
*"How'd you know it was my birthday?!" - When given a powerful weapon.
*"Wow! I just won the lottery!" - When given a powerful weapon.
*"[[Brutes|They]] remind me of Wookiees. You know, from ''Star Wars''?...Nothing?! Ah, forget it. It's for kids." - [[Gunnery Sergeant Reynolds]] to the [[Master Chief|Chief]].
*"It's not a toy, it's a freakin' grenade!" - Said when the player throws a grenade in their direction- IWHBYD possibly required.
*"Nice driving...NOT!"
*"I love taking down [[Brute]]s."
*"Oh, yeah, I need a corpsman!"
*"I'm gonna rip off your head and shove (or stow) it where the sun don't shine!"
*"I call Shotgun!" you have to be in sight of the vehicle.
*"He's on a killing spree!"
*"That's some fancy driving!"
*"Oh, yeah, I'm hurt."
*"Wow, you really suck at driving!"
*"Dude, you're gonna blow your license!"
*"Oh, you didn't like it? Well I was doing that job. Okay, fine, FINE!"
*"You enjoy your job too much" after quick battle with lots of enemies.
*"Crikey, what are you, schoolgirls, girl scouts!?"
*"Ya know, I really like my job way too much."
*"Oh, you big, beautiful doll!"-Female [[Marine]].
*"Stupid pants!"
*"Wow. What a crappy gun. Thanks!" sarcastically when given a bad weapon.
*"Hey, that's my gun." When taken of an emplacment.
*"Take a picture. it'll last longer." If you remove a Machine gun from the Turret. IWHBYD required.
*"Thanks for nothing!" when given a weapon they previously used.
*"But I wrote my name on it!" when deprived of a good weapon like a [[Rocket Launcher]].
*"This must be my lucky day!" when given a good weapon like a [[Rocket Launcher]].
*"Thanks." when given a decent weapon.
*"Surprise, crap-face!"
*"You killed the Chief, '''YOU BASTARDS!'''" when Master Chief dies. (''South Park'' Reference)
*"Let me shoot, I'm in a real bad mood!" when getting on a [[Warthog]] turret.
*"Don't worry. I'll get this to your girlfriend." to a dead [[marine]].
*"His mama must have felt that one!"
*"You guys can start crapping your pants now, because the [[Chief]]'s dead!"
*Marine 1:"How did they find us?" Marine 2:"They probably smelled you!"
*"You're making me uncomfortable."-Female [[Marine]].
*"Cut the Chatter!"
*"Get it off! Get it off!"-after being stuck. IWBHYD needed.
*"Play Ball!"-when throwing a [[Frag Grenade]].
*"Do I look like a [[Grunt]] to you?"-when you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"Keep your eyes to yourself!"-Female [[Marine]].
*"Get down and be safe, that's all I'm saying."
*"Let's see if I can hit you from here."
*"I think I saw my life flash before my eyes."
*"Ha-ha-ha, I wish they were all that easy."-Female [[Marine]].
*"I will ask for help when I need it."
*"Up ahead: single [[Brute]], plus backup."
*"What's up, [[Chief]]?"- 'Loony Toons' reference.
*"Time for your Spanking!"
*"Sniper's Down!"
*"Ice the Tango!"
*"On the Double!"
*"You drive crazy!"
*"Thanks for the ride!"
*"I'll take one of those over fighting a [[Scarab]] any day."
*"You know, with that helmet on, I can't tell if you're staring at me or not."
*"Can I get ya something, [[Chief]]?
*"Is there something in my teeth?"
*"Put a Pineapple in there!"
*"We have a [[Brute]] with a [[Gravity Hammer|Hammer]]!"
*"There is no such thing as ''too'' many grenades."
*"It's time for the shaft, baby! Oh, yeah!" Reference to 'The Shaft', a Bungie joke. IWHBYD skull not needed.
*"Great, now, I just peed my pants!"
*"Let's go, Arbiter dude!" When entering a vehicle driven by the Arbiter.
*"You giant doorknob!"-said to Brutes.
*"I heard their main weakness is bananas; do we have any bananas?-said by marine making fun of Brutes.
*"Duck and cover!"
*"Take that!"-CoupΓ© de grace.
*"That was amazing! And I only peed myself a little." -Said by female Marine, [[IWHBYD]] possibly needed.
*(To dead Grunt) "I'd bag ya, but the Chief is watchin'"- an obvious reference to [[Teabagging]].
*"Ah, great, I've just peed my pants"
*"Dude, these guys are from another planet and we are killing them!... Is that CRAZY or WHAT?"
*"Hey, look at me: I'm shooting dead guys"
*"You ready to do this?"
*"Yeah, I'm with you."
*"Stay together, team!" - Marine/Sergeant, Marine, Sergeant, in that order, if two or more Marines are pinned down and decide to attack.
*"I'm gonna rip out your heart and show it to your dying eyes."
*"All right, pull 'em down." -Staring at a female Marine, IWHBYD needed.
*"Oly Oly Oxen Free!" -most probably a reference to the secret "call" that Dr. Halsey and the Spartan's share.
*"Hold your line; they're charging!"
*"Put down that jelly doughnut!"-IWHBYD needed.
*"Dude, you got some socks I can have?"
*"Chief...Chief, get up!" - when [[Master Chief]] dies.
*"Time for medicine!"
*"Man, I never get to drive"
*"Why do you always get to drive?"
*"Fire in the hole!"
*"I say 'shotgun'!"
*"See something ya like? Well, you're not my type." Female Marine.
*"What are you staring at?" Female Marine.
*"You got it."
*"We kicked asses and took names; then, we kicked their sister's asses." IWHBYD possibly needed.
*"Come on, that was great!"
*"Hey, take a picture; it will last longer."
*"I almost felt bad for him."
*"More contacts!"
*"We're all clear!"
*"Oh, looky here."
*"Chief, we saved some for you!"
*"Eat it!"
*"Whoa! A [[Scarab]]!"
*"Thanks for the help, although we didn't need it."-when Chief or Arbiter kills all enemies in room.
*"You sack of turds!"-heard when shot(IWHBYD needed)
*"Yeah! We owned those fools!"- If you teabag a dead [[Brute]] (May have to be a [[Brute Chieftan]]).
*"That was a lot of people dieing at once."
*"Sen-effing-sational." - Australian [[Marine]].
*"The [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]]'s dead, [[Master Chief|Chief]], now what?" - Said when the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] dies in [[Co-op]].
*"I loved [[Arbiter (character)|him]]!" - Said when you kill the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]], [[IWHBYD]] possibly needed.
*"I am sore, and tired, and ready for vengeance!" - [[ODST]] on the [[The Ark (Level)|Ark]]. [[IWHBYD]] possibly needed.
*"Frag out, you dumb f...!" - When a [[Marine]] throws a [[Fragmentation Grenade]]. Rarely said, [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"Hey, man, I'll take good care of your girlfriend!" - Unknown [[IWHBYD]] needed, [[Crow's Nest (Level)|Crow's Nest]].
*"I'm pissed.Β  I just started my cycle and I am out of tampons!" - Female marine, Unknown [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"Ow! my freaking butt cheek.
''* denotes a quote for which the [[Halo 3: IWHBYD (I Would Have Been Your Daddy) Skull|IWHBYD]] [[Halo 3 Skulls|skull]] is required''
'''Scripted dialog'''
*"Little bastard stung me!"-the Ark
'''Miscellaneous nonscripted dialog'''
*"Dude, he's chargin' his Splazer!" - While MC is charging the Spartan Laser
*"Hold on tight, here comes mama!"
*"Nifty." When you pull out a turret.
*I would have been your daddy, but a dog beat me over the fence!" IWHBYD required obviously
*"Let's check the guest list. Anyone left?
*"Chief, tap him out"- Whispered when you see the [[Urinating Brute]] on [[The Ark]].
*"Tonight, we dine in Hell." Female Marine, reference to ''300''.*
*"[[Jiralhanae|Brutes]]? They're just big kittens with nail guns!"
*"How do you like them artifacts?"
*"[[Grenades]] are like RAM. You can never have too much." - Possible reference to [[Red vs. Blue]].
*"This is Sparta!" Reference to ''300''.*
*"Hey, you guys ever seen that movie ''Full Metal Jacket''?" -[[The Storm (Level)|The Storm]], after you take out the [[Hunters]] and start heading toward the [[Anti-Air Wraith]] gun.
*"Where's the [[Bubble Shield]]? I saw the [[Master Chief|Chief]] deployed one!" When a [[Marine]] is under heavy fire and when the [[Master Chief]] ''does'' deploy a [[Bubble Shield]] somewhere else.*
'''When you show up'''
*"Tin man's gonna save our asses . . ."
*”Did you go somewhere? And why didn't you bring back two?" Pete Stacker upon seeing you.
*"All right, the one-man cavalry has arrived!" - [[Tsavo Highway (Level)|Tsavo Highway]].
'''When you leave'''
*"Remember, if you need any tips on fighting the [[Covenant]], I'm the expert.”
'''When an enemy shows up'''
*"They're undead, they're slimy, they're stinky. I hate them.” Flood
*"Bantha Foxtrot!" A homage to Star Wars.*
*"You'd think space-faring monkeys would've taken a shower, too."
*"Let's grease the [[Jiralhanae|Bravo]] with the hammer!"Β  [[Brute Chieftain|Chieftain]]
*"I am going to rip off your arms and play bongos on your head!" said by ODST
*"I want nothing but smoke and butts!"
*"We gotta blow their asses off, low-life bastards. Blow all their Grunt and Brute asses right off!”
*"Holy Crap! It's a Ghost! And it isn't even Halloween!"Β  [[Type-32 Rapid Assault Vehicle|Ghost]]*
*"Those [[Unggoy|Grunts]] are no slouches either. Brutes must've put something in the tanks."Β  Co-op
*"Chief, could you kill all those things? That would REALLY be nice."
*"Oh, look: it's the enemy."
*"Who wants frags 'n' ice cream?" and later "I want ice cream!"*
*"I am about to stop your life!"
*"I wanna go home now. Look at that!"
*"I'm going to rip out your beating heart, and show it to your dying eyes!"-Said by an ODST.
'''When a Brute goes berserk'''
*"He's gone mental!"
*"Okay, he's gone crazy. Kill it, KILL IT!" marine on berserk Brute
*"Ow, ow, GOD it feels worse then getting shot!"- Said if punched multiple times, IWHBYD possibly needed.
'''When one kills an enemy'''
*"That guy was starting to freak me out; I'm so glad he's dead."Β  Brute
*"I'm going to shave this one and see if we're related."Β  Brute
*"Damn right, they go bang!"Β  after throwing grenade at them
*"I will dance on your grave."
*"Well, I was gonna teabag him, but... Everybody's looking."*
*"I was gonna [[Corpse Humping|'bag]] on that corpse, but I didn't think you guys wanted to see it."*
*"This is as easy as punching children... Not that I have ever done that before...."*
'''When you kill an enemy'''
*"Hey! This guy's got ownage"
*"Whoa! You know Kung Fu?" melee kill*
*"He's tearing them to pieces!"Β  multi-kill
*"I like your style, Chief."Β  [[Grenade spamming|grenade spam]]
*"He got a Killing Spree!"Β  multi-kill*
*"Chief, can I be your friend?"
*"Hey, who got that sniper? I wanna shake their hand."Β  killing an enemy who has a [[Type-50 Sniper Rifle System|Beam Rifle]]
*"You should do that, like, all the time!" - When blowing up enemies with a [[M808B Scorpion MBT|Tank]] or [[Grenades]].
*"Thanks for killing the big scary guy/thingy!" [[Campaign Scoring|150-point]] enemy*
*"I admire your skull-cracking pummeling." melee kill
*"I'm surprised his head stayed on." melee kill
*"Now that's what ''I'' call ''Rambo''!" multi-kill*
*"Wow, is it's head really as soft as you made it seem?" (After killing an enemy by way of a melee to the face)
'''When you [[Janitor|kill-steal]]'''
*"Hey, I'm working on my record!”
*"Damn, I almost got an Achievement!"*
'''After the last threat is neutralized'''
*"You know what?Β  I only signed on to this for a college credit and a down payment on a car, but that was pretty exciting."
*"Oh, man! Did you see that?! [[Drones|Those Bugs]] just came down like, Zee-Zwee-Zawam! And we just like, bam-bam. And then, the [[Master Chief|Chief]] came and it's just Shum-shum, bang bang, BOOM! And now, the [[Drones|Buggers]] are all dead! It was amazing!" When all [[Yanme'e|Drones]] have been killed as the Master Chief returns to the ops-center*
*"They were all like, 'We're gonna take over Earth!' and we're all like, 'Eat these grenades!
*"Tank beats Ghost!", later "Tank beats [[Mgalekgolo|Hunter]]!", later "Tank beats everything! Oh, man! I could do this all day!"- [[The Ark]] when you get a [[Scorpion Tank]].
*"All right, everybody, take five... seconds."
*"I guess we showed them who wears the pants on this planet!"
*"Dude!... I think I leveled up!"
'''When you [[Corpse Humping|tea bag]] a dead enemy'''
*"Chief! Stop humping that corpse, you know better."
'''When one fires on an enemy'''
*"You run, I gun. Hey, that rhymed!"
*"He took cover. Flush him out!"Β  if the Marine loses the line of fire
*"We need to grenade their position"
**"Aye, aye, sir."
*"Grenades! Come on, get 'em in there."
*"Boy, the uglier they are, the harder they fall."
*"Suck it!"
*"Hey, lizard face, catch!"
*"That's it! Now, you're a dead man!"
*"I throw like a girl." - When a [[Marines|Marine]] throws a [[Grenade]] and it misses.
*"I'm sending you back to [[Doisac|Planet Jackass]], [[Jiralhanae|Jackass]]!
'''When you fire on a Marine'''
'''When an enemy fires on a Marine'''
*"Someone, get me some morphine!"
*" Oh, no, explodey, roundy things!"Β  Plasma Grenades
* "Ah, I'm hit!"
**"Oh, shut up and start shootin'!"
'''When you give a Marine a good weapon'''
*"Woo-hoo! I won a lottery!"
*"The gun you gave me is more expensive than the one I had." When giving a marine a [[Weapon/Anti-Vehicle Model 6 Grindell/Galilean Nonlinear Rifle|Spartan Laser]]. (cost of a laser is greater than that of four Warthogs)
*"That was just an hors d'oeuvre. Bring on the steak!"
*"You sure about this, Chief?"
*"Aw! And it isn't even my birthday yet."
*"Wow, it's not even my birthday!"
'''When you give a Marine a bad weapon'''
*"Great, now, I can just shoot myself!"
*"Yeah, now take a crap in my hat!"
*"But I heard you killed a Hunter with a rusty spork!"
*"I hate you."
*"Uh...okay, what the hell am I suppose to do with this now!?"
*"Thanks...I guess.”
'''When you kill a Marine'''
'''When you kill 3 or more allies'''
*"Kill him, he's a traitor!"
*"Stop him, Stop him now!!"
'''When an enemy kills a Marine'''
*"Oh, no! They killed that alien dude! What's his name, the Arbitrator, or somethin'..."Β  [[Thel 'Vadam|Arbiter]]
*"We were told we could kick some ass here."
*"You always had to act so damn tough..."
*"Don't worry; I'll make sure your family gets these"
*"''Semper Fi'', bro....''Semper Fi''..."
*"Hey! we....uh, well, I made it." if more than 50% casualties
'''When you die'''
*"I might as well commit suicide."
*"Oh, crap! Chief's dead!"
*"Well, this is a pickle, isn't it."
*"Chief, get up, man! You're scaring me!"
*"Whoa, Chief, you seem to have tripped.”
*"OK does anybody know how to fix up these alien dudes?" - When an Elite character gets killed
*"Oh, man...did the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] just get wasted!?" - When the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] dies in [[Co-op]]*
*"Hey, I thought [[Spartans]] never died."*
'''When you stare at a Marine for some time'''
*"Dude, back off. That may work on the chicks, but not on me."
*"There isn't any milk coming out of these, so turn away.”
*"Don't stare at me... it makes me nervous.”
*"You know, with that helmet on, I cant tell if your staring at me... it's weird... creepy."
*"Yeah... I don't feel that way... about you."
*"Have you been outside for the past five or six days?"
*"Dude, I really gotta pee..."
*"Dude! Does your junk itch, too?"
*"Okay, officially now, you're stalking me." (Australian)
*''*blows kiss*''
*"GAH! What's that behind you"
*"Chief, there's some damn aliens that need killing. So, what are we doing?"
*"You know, you have to do something with your life"
*"Is this a test?"
*"Hey, Chief, Got any plans later?"
*"Join the fight, Chief, we lost your [[Reach|Planet]]."
*"Can you please save the universe now?”
*"Whew. I'm so hot right now..." - Female (African)
*"Hey, everybody! Give [[John-117|him]] some room!" - Female (Hispanic)
*"Chief, you're throwin' hurtin' bombs!!"
*"You're... you're a dude, right?"
*I know, I got bright and pretty eyes. Right?"
*"What, they ain't got real heroes where you come from?
*"What, you ain't never seen a real ladies' man before?"
*"Hey, do you remember me? I was at [[New Mombasa]]..." - [[ODST]] on the level [[The Covenant (Level)|The Covenant]]
*"I'm not ''THAT'' good looking..."
*"I'm sick of being a sex symbol." [[Marine]] in [[Crow's Nest (Base)|Crow's Nest]] barracks*
*"*non understandable Chinese* I wish I was someone else right now!" - ''Firefly'' reference, Alan Tudyk marine on [[The Ark]]. The same exact quote is spoked in an episode of firefly. IWHBYD required, rare.
*"Either kiss me, or go away"- IWHBYD possibly required
'''Vehicle related'''
''Driving a vehicle''
*"Drive, Dumbass!" - If you stop moving while being shot at. IWHBYD required
*"Gimme a better angle!"-Marine in turret.
''When removed from driving''
''Entering passenger''
**"Shotgun! Shit!"Β  IWHBYD needed, reference to RvB.
*"You drive, I wanna shoot stuff! [[M808B Scorpion MBT|Scorpion]]
*"Come on, everybody, let's get in!"
*"Shotgun, SHOTGUN!!, One must say it in sight of the vehicle!" IWHBYD required
''Manning a turret''
*"Why is this thing so damn loud!?" After extended firing, possibly a [[Red vs Blue]] reference
''When one kills an enemy''
*"This thing tears stuff up!"
''Unmanning a turret''
*"Sorry, the grip's a little....sweaty."
*"Aww, I was having fun."
*"You're a better shot anyway."
*"Yes sir Master Chief, sir."
''When you drive well''
*"You drive crazy! A good kind of crazy."
''When you flip the vehicle''
*"Let's see if the airbag works.”
*"My sister had the same problem before I taught her how to drive a stick."
''When you ramp-jump''
*"Na-nana-na nananana" -(to the tune of the Duke of Hazzard's horn the Robert E. Lee)
*"With a target that fricking big, we don't even gotta aim!" On the Ark, when fighting Hunters.
*"Time to get to work,Arbiter dude!"When entering a vehicle with the arbiter in it.
*"I'm gonna' rip your head off and put it in a jar!" (A reference to Bungie's dog head, ''Ling Ling''.)
*"Argh! There he be!" -When spotting [[John-117|John]] (Reference to Bungie's April Fool's Joke, "Pimps at Sea".)
*"That was irresponsibly cool!" After a large jump.
{{Scroll box
|content = *"Unless you're digging a grave back there, you're wasting my time."-Female Marine
*"THAT GHOST IS TOAST!" - said in [[Halo 3]] if you destroy a ghost with an explosive weapon
*"Relax thats why there are drugs."
*"You are so gonna get laid tonight!" - If you take out a large group of enemies.
*"I'm rubber you're glue whatever you say bounces off me sticks to you. HAHA!
*"Wait here, Cortana, I'll go get help!"-When the Chief dies.
*"Um, Chief? Would you like to see a holo-picture of my kids?"-When you stare too long.
*"Say hello to Vera" - Firefly reference, said by Adam Baldwins Marine
*"Move along, nothing to see... Move along, nothing to see." - After a fight.
*"Hold your positions!"
*"Hey, I've got a live one!"
*"Don't play with it, soldier."
*"That's right, that just happened!"
*"Here's an idea, put down the gun, and go hug it!" - When you shoot a marine.
*"New vehicles just don't fall out of the sky!" - When crashing with a [[Warthog]].
*"Here comes the one-man army!" - When a [[Marine]] spots the [[Master Chief]].
*"Okay, guys, back to my place for pie!"
*"All right, let's move and mount it, [[Marines]], and not in a rude way!" - [[Marine]] getting in a vehicle with other [[Marines]], [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"I'll make sure this letter gets to your family, I promise." - [[Marine]] mourning another [[Marine]].
*"Aw, man. I was going to get lucky tonight!" - If you betray a female [[Marine]], [[IWHBYD]] may be required.
*"After this, we're goin' drinking!"
*"Hey, look at me: I'm a big, scary monster!" - Taunting a [[Hunter]].
*"Did you ride the short, yellow bus to school, soldier?"
*"Yeah, so...." - If idle too long.
*"Everybody was Kung-Fu fighting!"
*"Well, now, who's gonna save the human race, genius!?" When Master Chief is killed.
*"Wish they were all that easy." - Female [[Marine]], when staring at.
*"If you want a date, just ask me." - Female [[Marine]], when staring at
*"Wow.... Ugly ''and'' stupid! What a combo!" - Female [[Marine]] taunting [[Grunts]].
*"I'm not THAT good looking.... Or, maybe I am." - Female [[Marine]], [[IWHBYD]].
*"My face! MY BEAUTIFUL FACE!!!!!" - A [[Marine]], when injured.
*"Gee, thanks a ton [[Master Chief|Chief]]." - When given a bad weapon.
*"Everyone, buckle up! It's the law." - When [[Marines]] board a vehicle.
*"I actually have really good motor skills..." - Upon kicking a [[Marine]] out of the driver's seat of a [[Warthog]].
*"We got a [[Ghost]]! And it's not even Halloween!" - A [[Marine]], upon seeing a [[Ghost]].
*"Why, what's wrong with it?" - When giving a stronger weapon.
*"Let's go, [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] dude!" - If idle too long, and [[Marine]] approaches the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]].
*"Ow, my freakin' butt cheek!" - [[Marine]] passenger when landed hard, [[IWHBYD]].
*"Somebody, get me some raid!" - When [[Drones]] appear. [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"That's for those boys on [[Reach]]!" - Female [[Marine]] when all the enemy has been killed in the surrounding room and starts shooting at a dead enemy.
*"It's killing time, boys! That's how I/we roll!"
*"Shotgun!" - Upon entering a vehicle.
*"Called it!"
*"How long were you in [[Cryo-chamber|Cryo]]?" - To the [[Master Chief]].
*"Right through his mind!" - Headshot.
*"Hey, you're the man!" - When given better weapon.
*"Hey, let me know when you want it back." - When given better weapon.
*"He's KIA." - When another [[Marine]] is dead.
*"Protect the [[Master Chief|Chief]]!" - When the [[Master Chief]]'s shields are down.
*"[[Sergeant]], we need backup!" - When being overrun.
*"I feel like a settler trading with a Native American." - After giving good weapon, [[IWHBYD]] maybe required.
*"You're a dude, right?" - [[IWHBYD]] may be required.
*"Yes, sir, we got trouble, right here in River City!" - Reference to The Music Man. [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"Do not open till Christmas!" - Throwing [[Grenade]].
*"This, right here, is why I signed up!!" - [[Marine]] in vehicle with the [[Master Chief]].
*"Kill-stealing son of a bitch!" - [[IWHBYD]].
*"Hey, you're the perfect height to kiss my ass!"
*"Merry Christmas!" - Throwing a [[Grenade]].
*"Got something for ya!" - Throwing a [[Grenade]]. Possibly a reference to [[Red vs. Blue]] when Donut kills Tex.
*"I made you a little going-away present." - Throwing a [[Grenade]].
*"Here you go, sunshine." - Throwing a [[Grenade]].
*"Did you take a magic pill or something, 'cause that was awesome!"
*"Ah, I see: blow the crap out of everything. I like your style!" - Use only [[M19 SSM Rocket Launcher|Rocket Launcher]] and [[Grenades]].
*"That ain't a puppy, [[Marines|Marine]]." - [[Sergeant]].
*"You all right, mate?" "Yeah, I'll make it." - Or any other positive remark.
*"[[Master Chief|Chief]], can you teach me how to do that?"
*"I like the way you think, [[Master Chief|Chief]]."
*"Any chance you might have had, you just lost it..." - Female [[Marine]] in [[Halo]] 2 when given a weaker weapon.
*"Bloody [[Drones|Bugs]]!"
*"Good job/nice kill, man, I'm glad he's on our side..." - [[Halo 2]] & [[Halo 3]].
*"Aw, that's another one for the [[Master Chief|Chief]]."
*"I think I heard that." - Melee in [[Halo 2]] & [[Halo 3]].
*"Dude, these guys are from outer space...and we're killing them!" - [[Halo 3]] - said after a battle.
*"Wheeeww, I, uh, just pissed my pants" When the player does a barrel roll and ends on four wheels.
*"Nationwide sure as hell ain't on your side!" When the player destroys an enemy vehicle.
*"Hey bastard! Have a grenade! Whoops, forgot the pin!" When the marine throws a grenade.
*"Oh my god, is that Bob?" If the chief is holding a skull. Rare, even with IWHBYD.
*"If we're still alive and I still have my wallet, drinks on me!" If the warthog is flipped by an explosive.
*"How do you, um, drink?"To a random player.
*"Bam! His skull imploded!" - After you kill an enemy by meleeing him.
*"Is his skull really as soft as that made it look?" - After you melee a [[Unggoy|Grunt]] in the head.
*"Here's a [[Grenade]], dumb foxtrot!!!" - Heard on the [[The Ark (Level)|Ark]] on [[Normal]].
*"I need a nurse! No, no, a ''female'' nurse." - After being hit in a battle.
*"That knocked the change out of my pocket!" - [[Marine]] Passenger, if you almost flip a [[Warthog]] over.
*"When are you going to start fighting [[Sangheili|split-lip]]?" - Taunting an [[Sangheili|Elite]].
*"You totally owned that sucker." - After you kill a [[Hunter]] on the level [[The Storm (Level)|The Storm]].
*"Have we tried reasoning with them?"
*"Get me an angle!" - When [[Warthog]] gunner is shooting.
*"Floor it!" - (When [[Marines|Marine]] gets into vehicle.
*"You treat your mother like that?" - [[Marines|Female Marine]] on the beginning of [[Metropolis (Level)|Metropolis]] if [[Marines|Male Marine]] is killed.
*"Hit the gas!" - When a [[Marine]] gets on a vehicle.
*"I'll take turret!"- As above.
*"You wanna get us killed?" - [[Warthog]] gunner after falling off cliff and flipping.
*"Who gave you the license?"
*"Be careful!"
*"Yep, that's why it's called a 'breast plate'." - Female [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]].
*"All right, you can come, but I'm keeping my eye on you" - If you kill too many [[Marines]], then stop attacking them. ([[Sergeant Johnson]] has a slightly different version- "I'll trust you, for now").
*"Bad person! Bad person!" - If you are fighting a [[Marine]] after you go rampant.
*"He's gone rampant...." - If you kill too many [[Marines]].
*"Kill that armored freak!" - If you kill too many [[Marines]].
*"Kill him! He's crazy!" - If you kill too many [[Marines]].
*"He is a traitor, kill him!" - If you kill too many [[Marines]].
*"He's gone Section 8, kill him." - If you kill too many [[Marines]], also usually said by [[Sergeant]].
*"What the hell?" - If you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"...Stupid... cyborg... - Said really fast by [[Marine]] if you kill another [[Marine]].
*"What's wrong with you?" - If you shoot or kill a [[Marine]].
*"Do I owe you money?" - If you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"Cease fire!" - If you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"Clean your visor!" - If you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"Where are your glasses, boy?" - If you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"Get up, so I can kill you again!" - After killing an enemy.
*"Come back to class, so I can school you again!"
*"Hey, wait, that was mine; you stole my kill!" - If you or another marine kills an enemy.
*"Oh, come on, sir, that was mine!"
*"[[Energy Sword|Sword]] [[Elite]] down!" - When they take down a [[Energy Sword|Sword]] wielding [[Elite]].
*"Okay, Purple Hearts for everybody!"
*"Don't shoot his head; you'll hurt [[Cortana]]."
*"Hey, ChapStick."
*"Hey, I hear their main weakness is for bananas. We got any bananas?" - After killing [[Brutes]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"Hey, man, if I get injured, be sure to give me lots of drugs!" - To the [[Master Chief]].
*"What's the matter? Am I comin' on too strong?" - Female [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]].
*"Hey, baby!"
*"Hey, do you know how to turn on the windshield wipers?" - After splattering the [[Covenant]].
*"ROADKILL!" - After splattering the [[Covenant]].
*"That's one way to save ammo." - After splattering the [[Covenant]] in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Aw, sir, it's more fun shooting them!" - After splattering the [[Covenant]] in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Uh... [[Master Chief|Chief]], could you at least pretend to aim?"
*"Have we tried reasoning with them?" - When fighting.
*"Dude, are you made of leprechauns? Cause that was awesome!"
*"That's for my little brother!" - Shooting a dead [[Elite]].
*"This is our Alamo!" - American [[Marine]].
*"Hey, I'm not from Texas, bucko!" - In response to the above.
*"Fall in over here!" - [[Marine]] [[Sergeant]].
*"Yeah, you got it. Will there be snacks?"
*"Hey, if you're going to the fridge... grab me a beer, please?"
*"The whole staring and heavy-breathing thing doesn't really work for me."
*"Say "good night," punk."
*"Hey! Less looking, more shooting!"
*"I don't know who glassed [[Reach]], but it sure wasn't [[Covenant|you]], little girl scouts!"
*"Swing, bada-bada, swing!" - After the enemy is beaten to death.
*"I'll kill ya... a little bit!"
*"BAM!" - When the enemy is killed by a [[Grenade]].
*"Well... good-bye!"
*"What's on your back, a toilet?" - Taunting a [[Grunt]].
*"Do ''NOT'' open till Christmas!" - Throwing a [[Grenade]].
*"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" - Shooting a dead enemy with [[Shotgun]].
*"Damn, I forgot the plan.... Oh, yeah, kill the aliens."
*"Come on, get back up so I can kill you again!!"
*"Do you think aliens have insurance?"
*"He-he, tickles, don't it?"
*"Damn alien!"
*"Stupid alien!"
*"Covering fire!"
*"Woo-hoo, yeah!"
*"Watch where you throw those things!"
*"Aah, it burns!"
*"Can't we all just get along?" Possibly a reference to Red vs. Blue character Doc.
*"Frag out"
*"Mira, mira!" - Spanish for: Look! Look!
*"Oh, God! I think that one was Bob!" - When fighting the [[Flood]].
*"This is bad. Like 'push-the-big-red-button' bad." - When the [[Master Chief]] is killed.
*"Aah, get this thing off me!"
*"Aah, medic!"
*"Marines! Hold it now!"
*"Don't ask, don't tell."
*"That popping sound was his skull, wasn't it?" - When you kill the enemy with a melee on [[Halo 3]].
*"Aw... you mind pointing that somewhere else, [[Master Chief|Chief]]?" - When you point gun at [[Marine]] for a while.
*"Sorry the grip's... sweaty." - After friendly firing you.
*"Hey, [[Master Chief|you]] were the one who destroyed [[Covenant|their]] [[Halo|ring]]!"
*"You yell'a belly bastard!" - "yell'a" used with a southern accent for "yellow"
*"Die, [[Elite|split lip]]!"
*"Hey, that was HIM, not me. If he gets pissed, it's not my problem"
*"You know, I really should start counting."
*"I'm gonna take that as a threat."
*"I've been waiting a long time for this." - If you kill enough [[Marines]]
*"Okay... Let me know if you want it back." - If you give a [[Marine]] a good weapon.
*"Your loss!" - When given a heavy weapon.
*"What? Is something wrong with it?" - If you give a [[Marine]] certain weapons.
*"You killed him, sir, you killed him!" - If you kill a [[Marine]].
*"Hey, [[Master Chief|Chief]], it's me!"
*"How did [[Covenant|you]] clowns even find [[Earth]]?" - When engaging [[Covenant]] troops in [[Halo 2]]. [[IWHBYD]] Skull off.
*"Okay, everybody, settle in. Anybody see a Starbucks... Hey, look there's one over there!... There's another one across the street from it... And one across the street from that.. Oh, look, there's twelve of 'em!"
*"You DO know how to drive this thing..." - When you crash a vehicle they are riding.
*"Hey, hey, let's catch one and ride it."
*"Not as easy as you thought, eh, amigo?"
*"WHY?! Why couldn't it have been me?"Β  - If you die.
*"Let me know when I should start TRYING."
*"Enemy down!"
*"[[Ghost]] neutralized!"
*"Just when you started to get on my good side..."
*"This one's for you, Billy!"
*"I was so busy kickin' ass, I forgot to take names." - Female [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]].
*"Messed them up good!"
*"Thank you, thank you very much."
*"All right!"
*"You mess with me, you mess with the [[Master Chief|Chief]]!" - While fighting against the [[Covenant]].
*"Hostile, big one."
*"Hostile down!"
*"Yes, sir!"
*"Someone, get [[Cortana]] outta his head!" - When [[Master Chief|Chief]] dies in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Come and get me! I'm just a little coward! No, really, I am. He-he...." - When one sees a [[Grunt]] running and screaming.
*"Once, I ran out of grenades, so I threw my lunch... It really happened!"
*"Ah, you motherf...." - If a [[Grenade]] detonates really close to them, but they survive.
*"That's it, you're all gonna die!" - If down to last bit of health, [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Open fire, let's spend some of that taxpayer money!"
*"Pour it on, [[Marines]], you aren't paying for the rounds!"
*"Idiot!" - If you toss a [[Grenade]] close to a [[Marine]].
*"See something you like?" - Female [[Marine]], if you stare at her too long.
*"Wow! Look at 'em fly!" - If you toss a [[Grenade]] and bodies fly in all directions.
*"The [[Master Chief|Chief]] is down!" - When the [[Master Chief|Chief]] dies in [[Halo 2]].
*"What are you looking at me for? You're the hero." - If you stare at a [[Marine]] too long.
*"You know, this reminds me of the time I got Herpes." - [[Marine]], if idle too long.
*"Eat it! Eat it! Eat it!" - [[Marine]] on LAAG, during killing spree.
*"I'm not the one that blew up their [[Halo|Sacred Ring]]." - [[Marine]], if you stare at him too long.
*"Hey, I just realized: this isn't a drill." - When given a different weapon in [[Halo 2]]. [[IWHBYD]] Skull off.
*"This is like the Alamo: You're dyin' for Texas, bucko!"
*"This is as good a place as any."
*"Thanks...For nothing" - When given a poor weapon.
*"For now... this is home."
*"I hope you're not all talk, [[Marine]]." - [[Sergeant]] [[Stacker]]; after a [[Marine]] makes an insult.
*"Well, you said you were all skill, sweet-face." - Female [[Marine]] responding to above statement.
*"Back to my place for pie!"
*"Well... Lucky me..." - Sarcastically, Perez character model; if you hand him a bad weapon.
*"Whoops... I mean... uh... that was totally my plan."
*"If you ask real nice, I'll kill ya. But only a little bit."
*"Ow. That one went in." - When you shoot a [[Marine]].
*"How's your insurance?!"
*"OOH-RAH!" - After [[Avery Junior Johnson|Johnson]] chants something.
*"I think I need a medic!"
*"Really, if you're not dead, you're fine."
*"What the hell, dumbass!"
*"Stupid, little runt!"
*"My bad."
*"Leave some for me!"
*"My fault."
*"That was me, my man."
*"That's for [[Reach]]!" - When [[Marine]] kills enemy.
*"Get it off me!" - When a [[Marine]] is stuck with a [[Plasma Grenade]].
*"You bloody traitor!" - When you kill enough [[Marines]] that the remaining ones become enemies.
*"Well, this sucks."
*"Well, don't you wish we ALL had sniper rifles..."
*"You lousy bastards!" - [[Marine]], if down to last bit of health.
*"What the hell, dumbass!" - If you kill a [[Marine]].
*"Why did you DO that?" - If you kill a [[Marine]].
*"Incoming!" - When a [[Fragmentation Grenade]] is primed and thrown.
*"Oh, I see. You expected us to dodge that!" - After you throw a [[Grenade]] and kill a couple of [[Marines]].
*"Oh, no. I mean..... I meant to do that... I meant to do that! - Kills an enemy.
*"That's all right. I'd hide from me, too."
*"Ha! The tables have turned: Now, you're scared of us."
*"Time to take your medicine, kids!" - [[Warthog]] gunner on killing spree.
*"Bueno, amigo, bueno"
*"Pay attention, mate!" - Idle for several minutes.
*"What/Huh? Where?" - After [[Marine]] says above statement.
*"I hope you packed a suit, mate!" - Australian [[Marine]].
*"You drive, I wanna shoot things." - When the [[Master Chief]] enters driver's side.
*"You know Kung Fu!? Holy Crap! - After meleeing a [[Brute]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"That is one ''angry'' Mike Foxtrot!" - [[Halo 3]], when [[Brute]] berserks.
*"I am gonna put my foot up your ASS!... If I can find it!" - [[Halo 3]], To [[Brute]]; [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"I got [[Shotgun]]!"
*"I got Gunner Seat!" - While getting into a [[Warthog]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"Man, first chance I get, I'm gonna grab one of those ghost things."
*"Uh... Whiskey Tango Foxtrot?!" - [[Marine]], when you kill another [[Marine]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"You're pending for a bending!" - Voiced by John DiMaggio, voice of/quote from Bender on Futurama; [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"Why don't you go back to planet Jackass, jackass?! - John DiMaggio as well; [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"Would you kindly shut your noise hole?" - Another Bender quote; [[IWHBYD]] required.
*"Aw, I almost have an achievement!" - [[IWHBYD]] quote from [[Halo 3]].
*"Happy Birthday, sunshine!' - Throws a [[Grenade]].
*"Get 'er done!"
*"Say 'ello to my lil' friend!" - [[Marine]] in [[Halo 3]], in reference to Tony Montana.
*"YOU'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" - When down to last bit of health, [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"I'LL TAKE YOU ''ALL'' ON!" - When down to last bit of health, [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Uh... yeah?" - If you stare at a [[Marine]] too long.
*"I know, I have pretty eyes, don't I?" - Stare at a [[Marine]] too long.
*"Sometime today would be fine."
*"You know, I just love getting up in the morning and kicking someone's ass."
*"Anyone in there? Hello...?" - Stare at a [[Marine]] too long.
*"That was kinda disappointing." - Quick battle.
*"Get off me! [Screams]" - Infected by the [[Flood]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"Everybody out!" - Exiting a vehicle in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Pile out!" - Exiting vehicle in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Showtime!" - Entering/exiting vehicle in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Man...." - When the [[Covenant]] troop is ran over, [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"This is for all the ladies I ain't sexing, 'cause I'm here fighting YOU!"
*"See? [[Master Chief|He]] wanted ''my'' gun." - When you swap weapons with a [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]].
*"Wanna go out sometime?" - [[Halo 3]], Female [[Marine]] if she is given a [[Sniper Rifle]], [[Fuel Rod Cannon]] or [[Rocket Launcher]], requires the [[IWHBYD]] Skull.
*"You might have to adjust the seat a little." - Exiting a [[Warthog]] in [[Halo 2]].
*"The cavalry has arrived!" - When a [[Marine]] first spots you in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Get it off! Get it off!" - Stuck with a [[Plasma Grenade]] or flood infection form in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"This is suicide, man!" - When a [[Marine]] dies in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Aah... the burn!" - Said in either a satisfied tone or a painful tone when hit in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Target neutralized!" - [[Halo 2]].
*"Touchdown!" - [[Halo 2]], enemy infantry/vehicle destroyed.
*"Ghost ride da' whip!" - [[Mongoose]] Passenger in [[Halo 3]] after jumping a ramp.
*"Listen to you, Sweary Mary!" - [[Halo 2]], said after another [[Marine]] almost swears.
*"[[Master Chief|Chief]] just got wasted!" - If the [[Master Chief]] is killed in [[Halo 3]].
*"Time to get to work, [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] dude!" - When playing as the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]], if a [[Marine]] accompanies you in a vehicle.
*"Hey, look, there: everyone's favorite [[Elite]]!" - Said when [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]] appears.
*"Good to see you, [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]]!" - [[Halo 3]], when [[Marines]] greet you as the [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]].
*"Sure thing, [[Master Chief|Chief]]. Here you go." - [[Halo 3]], switching weapons with a [[Marine]].
*"Get mounted, [[Marines]]! Not in a rude way..." - [[Halo 3]] when getting in a [[Warthog]], [[IWHBYD]] Skull required.
*"Bloody hell! That bloke's gotta big friggin' gun!" - Australian [[Marine]] in [[Halo 3]].
*"Screwed that [[Ghost]] good!" - [[Halo 2]], when fighting enemy [[Ghost]]s.
*"Um... ow." - Friendly firing on [[Sergeant Johnson]].
*"Great! A gun I can't use." - When given a [[Covenant]] weapon.
*"Well, at least I can shoot myself..." - If given a weaker weapon.
*"The [[Master Chief|Chief]] is dead... I think I'll go eat my gun now." - [[Marine]] in [[Halo 3]] after the [[Master Chief]] is killed.
*"You killed the [[Master Chief]], you bastard!" - When [[Master Chief]] is killed. [[IWHBYD]] must be active, extremely rare quote. (''South Park'' Reference)
*"The [[Arbiter (character)|Arbiter]]'s dead." - [[Halo 3]]; said casually, like [[Marines|they]] don't care.
*"Greased those suckers!" - [[Marine]] on level [[Outskirts]] if the [[Master Chief]] splatters multiple enemies with [[Warthog]].
*"That was a lot of people dying at once."
*"Man, I should have brought an umbrella." - After blowing up many enemies with an explosive.
*"Damn, I should have brought my mittens." - [[Red vs. Blue]] reference to Caboose.
*"I guess we know who wears the pants on this planet!" - After a large battle in [[Halo 3]].
*"[[Master Chief|Chief]], can I be your friend?"
*"Dude, this one looks like your sister!" - [[Marine]] observing a dead [[Elite]] in [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Hey, careful, I've only got one clean pair!" - [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]], when you hit him.
*"It's your funeral, mate." - [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]] given a better gun.
*"I know I'm gonna die!" - [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]], when hit, in a sobbing voice.
*"This is for my little brother!" - [[Marine]], [[Halo 2]].
*"Oh, you shouldn't have." - Female [[Marine]] after given a better gun.
*"Save ammo, run them over!"
*"Sniper's taking a dirt nap!" - [[IWHBYD]] Skull required.
*"Hey, look, they CAN fly!" - [[Halo: Combat Evolved]], when a [[Grenade]] hits a live [[Elite]], who flies through the air upon detonation.
*"Oh, man! I just had this thing washed!" - After an enemy is ran over.
*"Dude, is that your cell phone?!" - Heard on the [[The Ark (Level)|Ark]], usually in a [[Tank]], with [[IWHBYD]] on.
*"Let's drive it like it's stolen." - [[Halo 3]] [[Marine]], when getting into a vehicle on the level [[The Covenant (Level)|The Covenant]], after shutting down the First Tower.
*"Oh, great!" - When [[Marines]] are in a bad situation.
*"I know you're trying to figure out what makes me so awesome." - If you look at a [[Marine]] for too long.
*"Uh... Sir?" - If you don't do anything aiming at a [[Marine]] for a long time in [[Halo 2]].
*"Aah, come on, mate, I was just having fun!" - When you force a LAAG gunner off while they are shooting.
*"Erghh, someone give me some morphine!"
*"Aah, stop whining, you little mutt!"
*"What do you want? A cookie?"
*"Less time here, more time there."
*"All right! Something to take care of.... I'm hungry."
*"Contact's gone mental! - said by [[Marine]] when seeing a [[Brute]] go berserk.
*"He's gone loco!" - Same as above.
*"Cabron!" - [[Halo 2]], Hispanic swear.
*"Hey, you fellas better keep up!"
*"I will get 'em for ya..." - [[Marines]] upon mourning for their fallen comrades.
*"Ha-ha, real funny, [[Master Chief|Chief]]... Uh oh."
*"You're all DEAD!" - Said by really irritated [[Marine]].
*"Shut him down, [[Cortana]], shut him down!" - [[Halo: Combat Evolved]].
*"Take off your mask, you can't be that ugly!" - Hispanic [[Marine]], [[Halo 2]].
*"Don't eat that doughnut." - [[IWHBYD]] may need to be on.
*"That was a [[Marine]]!" - When you kill another [[Marine]].
*"What is your major malfunction?" - When you kill another [[Marine]]. A reference to ''Full Metal Jacket''.
*"They've got cloaking!" - On the [[The Ark (Level)|Ark]], unknown whether [[IWHBYD]] Skull needed.
*"That was a lot of people dying all at once."
*"You see this swelling, it's gonna be a fracture." - [[Medic]] to wounded [[Marine]] on [[Tsavo Highway (Level)|Tsavo Highway]], possibly [[IWHBYD]] skull needed.
*"[[Master Chief|He]]'s gone ballistic! Shoot him!" - When you kill too many [[Marines]].
*"[[Master Chief|You]] could have just asked him for his gun!" - When you kill a [[Marine]].
*"Where did you get your license? Mexico City?" - Hispanic [[Marine]] in [[Halo 2]] after driving the [[Warthog]] badly.
*"You mind pointin' that somewhere else?!" - Said by [[Marine]] if you point your gun at him.
*"Did everyone already pee?" - When getting into a vehicle's driver's seat, [[IWHBYD]] needed.
*"Aw.... You know kung fu?" - When killing an enemy by melee.
*"He's gone crazy, SHOOT HIM!- When Marines turn on you".
*"I'll take shotgun"- When a [[marine]] gets in a vehicle with you.
*"I suck at that, anyway"- When you take a turret off a [[marine]].
*"Hey, I was having fun"- Same as above.
*"Come back up, so I can kill you again!"- When a [[marine]] kills and enemy.
*"Eh, you're a better shot than I am"- When you take a turret from a [[marines|marine]].
*"I see you" - [[marine]]
*"It's alive!" when a dead body is getting infected, might need IWHBYD.
*"Ah! Stop that crazy son of a bitch!" When a dead body is getting infected, possibly need IWHBYD
*"Dear Diary, the [[John-117|creepy giant]] stared at me today, and I didn't like it as much as I thought I would...It was the best day ever" - Firefly reference. Adam Baldwins marine after you stare at him for a while.
*"Dear Diary, me and my fellow squad-mates got snatched up by covenant hill-folk today, never to be seen again... It was the best day ever." Adam Baldwins marine, Firefly reference to two other characters being kidnapped. Heard from one of the men in Johnson's squad while they are stuck behind the shield door at the end f Sierra 117. IWHBYD required, extremely rare.
*"Don't eat that doughnut!" - Marine during a firefight, IWHBYD skull needed.
*Get in, sit down, and shut up!- Marine after getting in the passengers seat of a mongoose, IWHBYD needed. Possibly a reference to the last chapter of Truth And Reconciliation
*"Ah, man, all that for nothing!"-If you die some where at the beginning of the level Sierra 117.
===[[RvB]] Easter Egg Quotes on Crow's Nest===
====[[Easy]] and [[Normal]] Difficulty====
[[Marine]]: "Hey, Open Up!"
Voice: "Password, please!"
[[Marine]]: "You gotta be kidding me. What password?"
Voice: "The password so that we don't open the door for [[Brutes]]."
[[Marine]]: "Do I sound like a [[Brute]] to you?"
Voice: "Well, you could be held prisoner by [[Brutes]]."
[[Marine]]: "If I was being held prisoner by [[Brutes]] and I knew the password, they could just force me to tell you the password and you would open the door for them."
Voice: "...Okay, now, I'm definitely not gonna open the door."
[[Marine]]: "But we need AMMO!"
Voice: "So, why don't you go ask your [[Brute]] buddies then?"
Conversation between two [[Marines]] on the level [[Crow's Nest (Level)|Crow's Nest]]. [[Red vs Blue]] cameo, by the voices of Tucker ([[Marine]]) & Doc (Voice) - [[Easy]] and [[Normal]] difficulties.
====[[Heroic]] Difficulty====
[[Marine]]: "Hey, open up!"
Voice: "Password."
[[Marine]]: "What?!"
Voice: "Need the password!"
[[Marine]]: "Oh, you got to be kidding me, what password?!"
Voice: "Password! They gave it out in the Staff Meeting, fifteen minutes ago."
[[Marine]]: "Meeting? What meeting?! I was out here!"
Voice: "Not suppose to let anyone in without it."
[[Marine]]: "If the Staff Meeting just ended, no one outside is going to know the freaking password, so open up! We need ammo and [[The Chief]] is out here."
Voice: "Does he know the password?"
[[Marine]]: "He wasn't at the meeting either!"
Conversation heard only on [[Crow's Nest (Level)|Crow's Nest]] in [[Heroic]]. The [[Marine]]'s voice is Simmons and the voice is Grif.
====[[Legendary]] Difficulty====
[[Marine]]: "Hey! Open up!"
Voice: "What's the password?"
[[Marine]]: "Password? Oh, man, I forgot."
Voice: "Forgot... what?"
[[Marine]]: "I forgot the password."
Voice: "See, that was almost right. Uh, see, the password begins with 'I forgot', but ends differently. Um, try again."
[[Marine]]: "No. I mean, I forgot the password."
Voice: "No, okay, see, youβ€” you got it wrong again. See, you said the same thing as last time."
[[Marine]]: "I'm being serious: I don't know the password!"
Voice: "No, no, no, see, you changed the first part. See, thatβ€” that part was the right part. See, now, you've got the whole thing wrong!"
[[Marine]]: "No! I forgot what the password is and I just need you to open the door!"
Voice: "All right, c'mon, man, now, you're just guessing!"
Only heard on [[Legendary]]. The [[UNSC Marine Corps|marine]] banging the door is voiced by Church and the marine on the other side of the door is voiced by Caboose.
For more, see [[Avery J. Johnson/Quotes|Johnson's Quotes]].
==[[Halo Wars]]==
{{Scroll box
|content = *"Marines reporting for duty." -Β  directly after a squad is trained
*"Marines, ooh-rah!" - directly after a squad is trained
*"Marines on the ground, sir." - directly after a squad is trained
*"Orders?" - upon being selected
*"Standing by." - upon being selected
*"Roger that." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Yes, sir?" - upon being selected
*"Moving." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Marines, good to go sir." - directly after a squad is deployed
*"Where to?" - upon being selected
*"Waiting for orders." - upon being selected
*"Locked and Loaded." - upon being selected
*"Give us an order." - upon being selected
*"Sir?" - upon being selected
*"On the way." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Roger, moving." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Moving out." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Moving up." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Ooh-rah!" - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Marines, good to go." - directly after a squad is deployed
*"Marines ready, sir." - directly after a squad is trained
*"Did you hear about the [[UNSC Prophecy|Prophecy]]? - when idle, background chatter
*"Never a Pelican around when you need one." - when idle background chatter
*"Fire in the hole!" - upon being ordered to throw grenades
*"We're goin' in." - upon receiving an order to attack
*"Make them bleed."-ordered to attack
*"Grenades! Do it!" - upon being ordered to throw grenades
*"Rocket, out!" - upon being ordered to launch RPG
*"RPG, out!" - upon being ordered to launch RPG
*"Get tactical, Marines!" - upon receiving an order to attack
*"Knock 'em down" - upon receiving an order to attack
*"Covering Fire!" - upon receiving an order to attack
*"Make 'em bleed!" - upon receiving an order to attack
*"Waypoint received." - after receiving an order to relocate
*"Get some!" - after receiving an order to attack
*"We did it!" - after a battle, background chatter
*"Move it!"
*"[[Spartan-II|He's]] a sight for sore eyes." - in the presence of a Spartan, background chatter
*"Keep your eyes peeled!" - when moving, background chatter
*"Mission: Top-secret...Destination: unknown..." - when idle, background chatter
*"Did you hear the one about the Grunt and the Hierarch?" - when idle, background chatter
*"Whoa, a Spartan." - in the presence of a Spartan, background chatter
*"have you ever thought of putting tape around it? seems to help. tell me how it holds up." - when idle, background chatter
*"That's not a suit malfunction" - Upon the death of a Spartan, background chatter.
*"Stand still dammit!" - while firing upon anything, including buildings
*"Came all this way just to stand around..." - When idle, background chatter
*"When do we get new orders?" - When idle for a long time, background chatter
*"This is hell and I'm the devil" - When firing at enemy
*"Stand up, buckle up and shuffle to the door" - Background chatter
*"That Elites raging!" - When near a raging Arbiter
*"Stay clear of that beam!" - When near the Prophet of Regret's Cleansing Beam
*"It's a Cleansing Beam!" - hen newar Regret's Cleansing Beam
*"Whoa... A Spartan!" - In the pressence of a Spartan.
*"Spartan... MIA!" - Upon the death of a Spartan.
*"We lost a marine!" - When a marine in a squad dies.
===Flamethrower Quotes===
*"I can’t breathe in these suits." (Reference to ''Spaceballs'')
*"Why don't we get Warthogs?"
*"Only you can prevent forest fires."
*"You point, I'll burn it."
*"Well burn it."
*"Toast β€˜em."
*"Roast β€˜em."
*"Fire β€˜em up."
*"Moving up."
*"Bringin' the fire."
*"Come on can we take a break yet?"
*"Were goin’ in!"
*"Were goin’."
*"Waiting for orders."
*"Flamethrower, ready to burn"
*"On the ground."
*"Fueled and ready."
*"Ready, sir."
*"Good to go."
*"Moving out."
*"Bringin the heat."
*"Roger that."
*"Light β€˜em up."
*"You like fire?"
*"Lets burn stuff hahaha."
*"Yeah, where there’s smoke..."
*"Dont try this at home kids."
*"The UNSC is on a roll."
*"Bringin’ the fire."
*"Why do we always have to clean up the mess?"
*"Let’s see what you got."
*"Woo great to be alive."
*"Don’t even try to stop the corps."
*"Here comes the pain."
*"They’ll burn."
*"Nozzles primed and ready."
*"Let's β€˜em burn."
*"On our way."
*"You might wanna put that out."
*"Flamethrower comin’ in hot."
*"Get flame."
*"Stay on β€˜em."
*"Pour it on."
*"Hey, I can start a campfire with this."
*"Flame on!" -Β  (Reference to the Fantastic Four)
===Warthog Quotes===
Note that some of the quotes require having the Gunner upgrade, typically the combat ones. Some quotes are also shared by marine squads
*"Warthog, for the win!" - Marines in a Warthog upon winning a battle
*"Yes sir?" - when selected
==[[Halo: Reach]]==
==[[Halo: Reach]]==
{{Scroll box
{{Scroll box
Line 1,459: Line 11:
* "Bastard!"
* "Bastard!"
* "Bet you felt that one, huh?!"
* "Bet you felt that one, huh?!"
* "Can't take another shot!"
* "Careful Six."
* "Careful Six."
* "Center mass!"
* "Center mass!"
Line 1,471: Line 24:
* "Contact!"
* "Contact!"
* "Damn, look at him move."
* "Damn, look at him move."
* "Direct hit."
* "Direct hit!"
* "Dropship inbound."
* "Dropship inbound."
* "Eat lead!"
* "Eat lead!"
Line 1,481: Line 34:
* "Engaging multiple contacts."
* "Engaging multiple contacts."
* "Excellent work."
* "Excellent work."
* "Fair enough."
* "Find that damn alien!"
* "Find that damn alien!"
* "Firing."*
* "Firing."
* "Force multiplied!"
* "Force multiplied!"
* "Get clear!"
* "Get me in range"
* "Get me in range"
* "Get moving, we got a Phantom on the way."
* "Get moving, we got a Phantom on the way."
Line 1,490: Line 45:
* "Give me an angle"
* "Give me an angle"
* "Ghost coming after us."
* "Ghost coming after us."
* "Ghost down!"
* "Ghost is down."
* "Ghost is down."
* "Ghost on the move."
* "Ghost on the move."
Line 1,501: Line 57:
* "Got you!"
* "Got you!"
* "Great shot!"
* "Great shot!"
* "Grenade out!"
* "Ha ha!"
* "Ha ha!"
* "Ha ha ha!"
* "Ha ha ha!"
Line 1,507: Line 64:
* "Heads-up Spartan!"
* "Heads-up Spartan!"
* "Heads-up, Banshee!"
* "Heads-up, Banshee!"
* "Head-up boys, [[Type-28 Troop Carrier|A-4-40]]
* "Help me out!"
* "Help me out!"
* "Hit 'em!"
* "Hit 'em!"
Line 1,513: Line 71:
* "I'm a need that back...eventually."
* "I'm a need that back...eventually."
* "I'm clear."
* "I'm clear."
* "I'm gonna mess you up!"
* "I'm under fire!"
* "I'm under fire!"
* "I'm with you, Spartan."
* "I'm with you, Spartan."
Line 1,525: Line 84:
* "I got the turret."
* "I got the turret."
* 'I hope that hurts you rat!"
* 'I hope that hurts you rat!"
* "I lost visual on the Covy!"
* "I'll navigate."
* "I'll navigate."
* "In position."
* "In position."
Line 1,534: Line 94:
* "Just die already!"
* "Just die already!"
* "Keep firing, ladies!"
* "Keep firing, ladies!"
* "Keep firing, keep firing!"
* "Keep it coming!"
* "Keep it coming!"
* "Keep it up."
* "Keep it up."
Line 1,541: Line 102:
* "Laying down fire."
* "Laying down fire."
* "Let's bring down that Banshee."
* "Let's bring down that Banshee."
* "Let's do it!"
* "Let's get that Banshee."
* "Let's get that Banshee."
* "Let's get this thing moving, uh?
* "Let's get this thing moving, uh?
Line 1,549: Line 111:
* "Lost contact."
* "Lost contact."
* "Make them count."
* "Make them count."
* "More damn Covenant just showed up!"
* "More for me"
* "More for me"
* "Multiple contacts!"
* "Multiple contacts!"
* "Multiple tangos."
* "Multiple tangos."
* "Nailed him!"
* "Need a ride."
* "Need a ride."
* "Need covering fire!"
* "Need covering fire!"
* "Nice job, man."
* "Nice one!"
* "Nice one!"
* "No time for a break!"
* "No time for a break!"
* "Not a tango in sight"
* "Not a tango in sight"
* "Not on Reach you don't."
* "Not on Reach you don't."
* "Oh, there you are!"
* "Oh, you want some more!"
* "Oh, you want some more!"
* "Ouch!"
* "Ouch!"
Line 1,591: Line 157:
* "That Banshee has its eye on you."
* "That Banshee has its eye on you."
* "That's the last of them."
* "That's the last of them."
* "That was mine."
* "That was too damn close."
* "That was too damn close."
* "The more the merrier!"
* "The more the merrier!"
* "These stingers are killing me."
* "They're all over me!"
* "They're all over me!"
* "They're on me!"
* "They're on me!"
* "This Ghost is all over me."
* "This is the hardest!"
* "This is the hardest!"
* "This thing got seat belts?
* "This thing got seat belts?
* "Throwing grenade!"
* "Ugh, I thought I was a goner for sure..."
* "Ugh, I thought I was a goner for sure..."
* "Uha, stay down!"
* "Uha, stay down!"
* "Up and at 'em!"
* "Up and at 'em!"
* "Watch it!"
* "Watch out!"
* "Watch out!"
* "We're about to have company."
* "We're about to have company."
Line 1,620: Line 191:
* "You...die!"
* "You...die!"
* "You're gonna go down!"
* "You're gonna go down!"
* "You're mine!"
* "You are getting very close!"
* "You are getting very close!"
* "You got a death wish?!"
* "You got a death wish?!"