Brandon Rhodes

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Brandon Rhodes was the lead nuclear engineer for the city of Suraka under governor Ellis Gass. He was killed during the Carrow Conflict between human colonists and Hekabe and his Sharquoi forces.


Brandon Rhodes was the lead nuclear engineer for the city of Suraka under governor Ellis Gass. In preparation for the last human offensive in the Carrow Conflict, he oversaw the reconfiguration of an HAVOK tactical nuclear weapon into a power source for a M68 Gauss cannon that fired an Electromagnetic pulse. As they finished construction of the device, the hanger they were working in was breached by Sharquoi forces. Rhodes and two engineers stayed behind to allow the rest of the team to escape with the device, slowing the Sharquoi down with small arms and melee weapons. All three were quickly killed.


Halo: Envoy, Chapter 20 Halo: Envoy, Chapter 21 Halo: Envoy, Chapter 22