
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Revision as of 12:23, July 18, 2012 by AgentSeethroo (talk | contribs) (Imported user page)
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46 article edits


The information below is WAY freaking old. I don't want to straight up delete know. For posterity and crap.

I'll come up with something.

Who Dat?

Hiya. I'm AgentSeethroo, and I'm the creator of that..."other" Halo Wiki.

I've been in the Air Force for about 3 years now, and I'm currently stationed at Luke Air Force Base in sunny Phoenix, Arizona. My job is to kill people...Okay, just kidding. I'm in acquisitions, which basically means that I buy things. Services, supplies, construction, bla bla bla. I write contracts. That's all you need to know.

Before anyone asks, No, I haven't been to Iraq yet, and No, I don't wanna go. I think that it's silly that we have people over there still, and I can't wait until we leave there. But enough politics.

Important fact: I do most of my internetting at my desk at work, although 70% of the internet is blocked. If you email me sometime after 4:45 pm my time, don't expect a reply until about 8 the next morning. Scandalous, I know.

Email me at

Gamercard Thinger


Ego Indulgence



I run a happy little network of sites known simply as the GamerFocus Wiki Network. Every site (except the blog) is a MediaWiki site. We are currently looking for a decent graphics designer, so if you're interested, leave me a message or email me.

The sites are:

The Main Page

And the Wikis

All the sites need good editors, and the blog could use some seasoned Game Reviewers.

Come on down, if you're not CHICKEN!

Other Sites I Admin/Sysop

Media Setup

Here's where you start to hate me. A lot. Seriously. You'll see.


  • Dell 2300MP HD Projector
  • 100" screen


Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround system (Sony)

The Box

  • Xbox 360 Platinum
  • 2 wireless controllers
  • Play and Charge kit.

And the Games

The list is pretty short right now, but I GameFly a LOT of games, and usually end up buying them.

  • Need for Speed: Most Wanted
  • Condemned: Criminal Origins

I was smart enough to preorder the thing online in frickin September. All I had to do was wait for the UPS guy to deliver the thing instead of waiting outside all frickin day and night in the freezing coldness that is Arizona.