Hunt the Truth Season 2/Blog posts

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< Hunt the Truth Season 2
Revision as of 14:16, September 24, 2015 by Sith Venator (talk | contribs) (And at this point I wouldn't be surprised if ONI was experimenting with Flood on the prisoners in Midnight Facility.)

ONI (Blog):Admiral Serin Osman, Office of Naval Intelligence, UNSC | VERIFIED
Ongoing investigation - Section Three Access Only | Access logging DISABLED

ONI (Blog): NOTICE – The contents of these reports and investigations are for Section Three EYES ONLY, pursuant to the discretion of ONI command. Contact your section head immediately and enact BACKBURN protocol if you suspect any compromise or loss of operational integrity.


ONI (Blog): Admiral Serin Osman


An image of several Orbital Drop Shock Troopers conducting an operation against an Insurrectionist protest.

Black bagging is a tidy term. Very ODST. The reality is, of course, something else. Somewhere between asphyxiation and vertigo. There’s very little tidiness about it.

Under Glass

An image of Benjamin Giraud in a cell at Midnight Facility.

Poor Benjamin Giraud. Still hunting the truth. There was still a shred of hope in him. But now that’s gone too. Hard to tell, through the blood.



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