Sangheili Ultra

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Revision as of 19:53, December 21, 2006 by Couchpotato99 (talk | contribs)

Ultra is a rank of Covenant Elite. In rank the 'Ultras' are the Covenant's colonels and captains. They wear white armour and are just below the golden-armored Zealots in rank. Several Elite corpses in white armour were seen in Halo: Combat Evolved -presumably killed in combat with the Flood- but they do not appear in battle until Halo 2. They command specific operations, unlike the Zealots who command entire fleets and armies. By the Covenant they are not called 'Ultras'. They are only named 'Ultra' By Cortana and possibly the rest of the UNSC. It is unknown what they are called by the Covenant themselves.


Like the Gold Elites, the Ultras are extremely skilled warriors. They also possess extra-strong energy shields that can withstand several times as much damage as those possessed by regular Elites, and they can take more physical damage as well. They often fight with heavy or dual-wielded weapons. Many also carry Energy Swords as their secondary weapon; when enemies get too close, or deplete their shield, Ultras let out a war cry, drop their currently wielded weapon, and pull the sword out for close combat. The 'Ultras' are able to continue in sustained heavy combat long after most Elite warriors' shields would have been depleted. They are particularly effective in close quarters combat, where their stronger energy shields and Energy Sword allow them take down large numbers of enemies.

Known Ultras

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