Talk:Forerunner: Difference between revisions

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

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1-they must be of sufficient bio-mass, all species possess this
1-they must be of sufficient bio-mass, all species possess this
2-they must possess a spinal nervous system, all species(save the hunters) possess this as well.
2-they must possess a spinal nervous system, all species(save the hunters) possess this as well.
Your first theory can still stand as there is nothing to or against it (save my topic below).
Your first theory can still stand as there is nothing to or against it (save my topic below). -[[Ergna]]

Revision as of 21:12, July 11, 2007


Confirmed Aliens?

I was readings a statment made by bungie them self that I quote 'The Forerunner are not yet confimed aliens' and if I know how companies work, then that means they are maybe I don't know but I think that the Foreruner are a race of humans or human like race that was the oldest race and they were very intellegent. -- Dec 19, 23:06

I agree. This is like Doctor Who. I mean the Timelords evolved into what they are now in the show. And all life followed the same course. i.e. The Greatest species in that area. will affect others. Even dumber... if the Forerunners were Like humans (looked like us a lot like aliens do in Star Trek) then they would leave a print in the dna strand thing. so that Humans would evolve into a similar ifeform. Trust me... it is in Doctor Who. And Star Trek if your in the US. -- Forerunner December 20, 16:11 (UTC)

Hmmm, leaving D.N.A. in humans, sounds like Destroy All Humans to me.--prophit of war 15:25, 23 December 2006 (UTC)


Their energy weapons, described as a single golden beam, charged slowly, but when fired, could melt straight through the armor of the Spartan III's. -from article

umm... spartan III???
File:Also halo.jpgRimFireHalo.jpgTM

Spartan III from "Ghosts of Onyx", and the gold beam is from the sentinals of Onyx. Lt.O'Brien 14:35, 8 January 2007 (UTC)


I just made an account here, so Im not really sure how to do this or if I am messing anything up. I just changed a reference to 343 Guilty Spark in Halo 2. I do believe PT was the moniter who made that statement. I could be wrong.

And to whoever posted that History Circles Back on us thing there, about victory with the ar symbol, that went to everyone registered for xbox flash. You can register on It was not neccesitated by buying a halo3 product.

still not sure how to sign my name....

accident prone8

New Theory

Ok maybe not a theory on who they are but some more evidence to them being near human. I just remembered that the dominent genetic trait for the number of fingers and toes on a human is to have 6-fingers/toes, not five, and by the picture, a forerunner hand has 6 fingers. --Lt.O'Brien 14:41, 8 January 2007 (UTC) I have 6 fingers, are you calling me Forerunner????

Humans have 5 fingers: 5 is dominant. GODDDDD! 00:59, 4 April 2007 (UTC)

  • Not necessarily, after all the genetic trait that control the development of the bones in a good way is recessive, the one that make the bones growing deformed is the dominant one, so its possible that the 6 fingers one is the dominant 17:24, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

Was I correct?

I changed the 'Known History' section to the following. 'In the second game, Halo 2, 2401 Penitent Tangent explains that after exhausting every other strategic option in their struggle against The Flood, ' Someone had it as 343 guilty spark. I am sure however that it was in fact 2401 penitent tangent.

Nope, It was most Holy Oracle, 343 Guilty Spark. --Gzalzi 16:09, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, that was in the last cutscene in Halo 2 before fighting Tartarus. -ED 16:11, 5 February 2007 (UTC)
He must have got it mixed up with the scene when 2401., has an argument with the prophet of regret-- Template:UserForerunner 12/48 20/2/07

I'm putting this here because I feel that The Forerunner glyphs need to be changed as all glyphs we've seen the Covenant was there first and could have put them there.-- MCDBBlits 21:35, 24 May 2007 (UTC)

Something Wierd

On the same link u get to if your on 200,0000 BCE or watever the page is called. It links to a page that shows the meaning of some of the forerunner writings mainly the blue and red, but it shines alot of light on what those writings mean... Try Here -- Template:UserForerunner 12/48 20/2/07

Spoiler Warning

Would someone place spoiler warnings around the conjecture of forerunner background. It's very likely this will be pivotal to halo 3 as it completes the story arc, and some of the theories are rather plausible.zudduz 17:41, 7 May 2007 (UTC)

History Circling Back upon Us

"The gears of the universe spin further
and further apart.
Ever greater grows the gulf between souls,
And distance gives false hope of safety
But for the grim tidings this messenger brings:

The enemy is almost upon us

closing in from all sides,
Moving faster than the light
it snuffs with its passage,
Time echoes with the news of destruction.
History winding back upon itself.

Waves of an army march its way in unison,
Suffering and corruption are its battle cries.
For i have known this darkness
and felt its embrace once before-
Horror best laid to rest

Yet a Journey must commence

Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame.
They will lead you to war, and perhaps, to victory."

This is what people who pre-order the halo 3 themed Xbox 360 controllers get in the e-mail, apparently. there's also a picture of a Forerunner symbol next to it, leaving me in no doubt its not for Gears of War. The forum-goers of HBO have dubbed it the "Forerunner E-Mail." Make of this what you will...

File:HalfJaw03.jpg Kora ‘Morhekee The Battle-Net My Conquests. 20:45, 14 June 2007 (UTC)

Very interesting... I have no idea what it means. --Dragonclaws(talk) 21:27, 14 June 2007 (UTC)
Hey, I got it from my subscription, but I didn't order the special controllers. Here's something though, AdjutantReflex's avatar is the same symbol as in the email. --Dragonclaws(talk) 00:58, 15 June 2007 (UTC)

"The gears of the universe spin further and further apart."

This may be a reference to the fact that humanity once that that the univesre was close and they were the most powerful force in the galaxy. But that changed and the power shifted to the coveneant.

"Ever greater grows the gulf between souls, And distance gives false hope of safety"

I think this is refering to the fact that humanity is falling apart and breaking from power that it once held. so with out that power Safety is gone for most of the inner colonies.

The enemy is almost upon us

closing in from all sides, Moving faster than the light it snuffs with its passage

They are almost upon us is a refence to the fact that most human colonies are glassed. Same for the next line. "it snuffs with its passage" may be talking about how when the covenant pass through a system they destroy it. so when the coveant comptetes its passage, the planet is snuffed.

Waves of an army march its way in unison, Suffering and corruption are its battle cries. For i have known this darkness and felt its embrace once before- Horror best laid to rest

Yet a Journey must commence The army is clearly the flood as it corrupts a body. It is also a dark fate for any soul. The person refered to by "I" is a forerunner. They are the race that felt the embrace oif the flood and dfeated it with the halos.

Look for the signs, the keepers of the flame. They will lead you to war, and perhaps, to victory.

"Keepers of the Flame"? Regret wanted to ' light this holy ring and unleash it clensing flame.' So if halo is the flame, then the keepers of the flame are reclaimers. so If we assume that humans with certian genes are reclaimers, then reclaimers shall lead us to victory. and since spartans and few other have these gens, then spartans will lead us to victory. Spartans have lead the fight for decades, so this part is true. So from this we must assume that Halo will end with humanity being saved by Mastercheif who is the last spartan 2 in this dimension.

My belief

Forerunners may be actually human, but not human at that time. Possibly from the future. ---Below is a great story that I thought--- 343 Guilty Spark told Master Chief that "Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed." Maybe Master Chief go back to the past and meet (or even make) 343 Guilty Spark. 343 Guilty Spark asked Master Chief "Why would you hesitate to do what you've already done?" That means Master Chief was the man who first activated halo. In the book Halo: The Flood, Master Chief just 'know' how to activate light bridge. It might because of the 'remaining memory' of Master Chief. Similarly, the Master Chief and the other Spartan-IIs describe Forerunner technology and language as "familiar". It is also because of the 'remaining memory'. Then it also stated that the other Spartan-IIs also go back to the past. The possble result might be: Covenant and human are both suffering from the floods. Since human don't want it continues, they decided to bring the floods (including Gravemind) to the past. Therefore, Master Chief and the other Spartan-IIs start the journey (There is also a possibility that the Master Chief and Spartan-IIs bring the floods back to the past accidently). Unfortunately, after they reached the past, the floods escaped and destroyed the time machine. Master Chief and Spartan-IIs therfore can't go back to future. They stay there, and become the forerunners.

P.S. Some of the imformations are from halopedia.

How about this theory

There was once a great alien race we call the Forunners and they are now either extinct or nearly extinct. They found or created the flood and tried to defeat them by natural ways but were only left with the option of building and activating the halos. The various Monitors of course witnessed this event and stored it in their memory. Two groups of Forunners were left to make sure history didn't repeat itself. They both went to different sides of the galaxy and adapted into 3 different species on 2 different planets. On one planet, Earth, the Forunners became humans and lost all memory of the events that had happened as Forunners except for a small subconcious bit of information in the back of their minds. On the other planet the Forunners separated into 2 species, the Elites and the Prophets. The Elites were the lower class but have more of the Forunner genes in their bloods but less of the memory, while the Prophets have a lot of the information and only a little of the genes. How about that idea? --File:Final Goji.jpg Lordofmonsterisland "Roar to me 19:52, 30 June 2007 (UTC)

I have an idea that helps support my theory. The Flood's host has to have the right DNA to be infected by an infection form. Brutes don't have this, Drones don't have this, Jackals don't, and Grunts don't either. What if since the Humans, Elites and Prophets are descendants of the Forerunners they are the only ones to be infected? --File:Final Goji.jpg Lordofmonsterisland "Roar to me" 15:00, 7 July 2007 (UTC)
Both interesting theories, but following the books your second theory doens't hold up. The only things the Flood require to assimilate a sentient being are as follows..

1-they must be of sufficient bio-mass, all species possess this 2-they must possess a spinal nervous system, all species(save the hunters) possess this as well. Your first theory can still stand as there is nothing to or against it (save my topic below). -Ergna

Humanity's survival

In this and many other pages it states Halo was fired approximatly 100,000 local years ago, no matter how long a year is on the Threshold system it can't account how Humanity survived the firing.

According to modern science humanity has existed on earth for 3 million years. That said the initial firing of Halo would have wiped out humanity on earth before written history. -Ergna