Zealot's board-to-board with Spartan-0093

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Showing messages 1-24 of 24 messages. Board-to-board
posted 11 years ago

I'm currently studying to be an aeronautical engineer. Right now, I'm a freshman, so it's an entirely new experience for me. But like I said, it's nothing like what the teachers said it would.

posted 12 years ago

Hey mate. How's it going? School going Ok?

I'm Ok, busy looking for a job and stuff so normal stuff really. Sorry that's it been awhile since we last talked but you know that's just life. Anyway if you want to say hi or something give send me message. Hope thinks are Ok over their across the big old pond.
posted 12 years ago

Hey Buddy, how are you doing? how's school? Do playing a game of Reach on Live some time? Just an offer and My gamer tag can be found on my profile just so you know.

So what have you been up to lately? Everything good? Hope things are cool.

posted 12 years ago

That's ok, and sorry that I'm responding so late, I've got school... X_X Anyway, it's coming along ok, and it is wierd being back in school, as we started kind off early. When I was little, I lived in Miami, Florida (born and lived there until I was 7) and school would start after Labor Day ( September 7th), but when I moved to Tennessee, school began about the 3rd week of August. This year, it started the 2nd week of August, which my parents and I thought was odd. Despite that, schools' going good, homework hasn't been given in mountainous amounts, but enough to take up a portion of your time. I'm actually doing homework for my History of the Americas class right now.

posted 12 years ago

ah I'm doing ok, sorry for the late reply just got back from a holiday trip. yeah things are fine, I got my results yesterday and well they weren't what I expected but they weren't bad either so it's not too bad.

How's school coming along? it must be a little weird to be back at school whilst it's still summer, what's it like over there in Tennessee? hope it's all going Ok.

posted 12 years ago

Doing good, but school starts tomorrow here in Tennessee. There goes my summer, but it was fun. Yeah, my avatar is an ODST, but I'm going to change it to another ODST image that I have. Anyway, how are you, haven't heard from you in a while.

posted 12 years ago

How are you doing mate? oh and cool avatar ODST right? nice.

posted 12 years ago

Yeah, I was drenched after the trip. The trip wasn't a race, but my family and I try to beat each other over the rapids(Class II and III). Both my boat and my parents' boat got stuck about two times during the trip... My family and I take the trip every Fourth of July weekend; a tradition that began six years ago. Fourth of July is the holiday celebrating the day the day the American Declaration of Independence was signed during the Revolutionary War. It's ok that you weren't sure, I wasn't too sure about it myself when I was little.

posted 12 years ago

The names of the three troopers are Mac (voiced by my friend Dakota), Lieutenant (voiced by Lone Wolf Recon), and Sparky, who's voiced by me. We've been trying to add more characters that will made appearances after the first episode, such as a Spartan named Jack-093, The Doctor, and possibly an ODST team. Yeah, we're using Youtube, I'll send a link when we finish the episodes. Thanks!

posted 12 years ago

I'll bet, you must have been drenched by the end of it. so did you do as part of the Fourth of July celebrations? or was it your own thing? forgive me for being ignorant and possibly wrong but is the Fourth of July have something to do with the Independence or something else? they don't exactly teach American history over here in the UK. Did your team win the race or did you sink LoL? Glad you had fun, I wished i was doing something like that last weekend but oh well you can't have everything can you?

Peace out

posted 12 years ago

Wow, thats sounds really cool. It should be great to watch, sine your using all those games/franchises in the film. Yeah do tell me when you have it finished, I would love to watch it. you are going to upload to youtube right? or are using a different site? what are the names of the three clone troopers? are you just filming/writing the story or do you led your voice as well? or is it a silent stop-motion? Good luck and I hope it all goes well.

posted 12 years ago

Oh, and I went on the white water rafting trip this past Sunday. Reallly fun and tiring.

posted 12 years ago

My friend and I are using Legos and Megabloks (mainly the Halo sets my little brother got). The series uses Star Wars, Halo, and various other games/movies r3eferences (Half-Life/Portal, possibly Star Gate), and centers around the daily lives of three clone troopers and their adventures. Hopefully we can get the4 first few episodes done soon. I'll let you know when they're done so you can see them.

posted 12 years ago

Sounds good, have fun this weekend. really? your doing stop-motion videos? what are you making in the films? i.e is it star wars, uses lego or something original that you guys have come up with? good luck with it by the way, I hope it goes well.

posted 12 years ago

Was planning on going on a white water rafting trip tomorrow for Fourth of July weekend, but we might not go due to other plans. Other than that, trying to do my stop motion shorts with a friend. Still a work in progress.

posted 12 years ago

Not much at the moment. just came back from a family holiday to center parks in Sherwood forest, it was pretty good but I am shattered. literally, I didn't get any sleep last night but hey it was worth it. so how are you? what are you up to at the moment?

posted 12 years ago

What's happening, Zealot?

posted 13 years ago

Hahahaha. Trekkies tend to do that, but the Trekkies I know are also Star Wars fans, so it's pretty multi-franchised when it comes to liking something. During the part of the Galactic Civil War leading up to the Battle of Endor, only three Super Star Destroyers were built, but orders for more were made. In the Rogue Squadron comic series, namely in The Empire's Service portion, Imperial Vizier Sate Pestage states, "I'd gladly cede a Super Star Destroyer to the Alliance if they would take Isoto in the deal." This could mean that more were constructed after the Emperor's death. From what I have read, the Galactic Civil War lasts for 15 more years after the Battle of Endor because of the Imperial Remnant, the Thrawn Empire, etc. The Mon Calamari Carrier, like the famous Home One, was longer than two standard Star Destroyers placed end to end, but the Mon Calamari Cruiser, the main battleships, are about the same size as a Star Destroyer. Both cruisers, however, are able to put up a fight against a Super Star Destroyer. I think Luke's midi count is quite large, but not as large as Anakin's, as he was the Chosen One. But from what I've read about Leia and Han's kids, Anakin and Jaina Solo, the task of bringing balance to the Force seems to be the destiny of the Skywalkers. Boy, must be tough.

posted 13 years ago

oh they were only three? but in the new jedi order series when they are fighting the Vong (this takes place about 25 years after yavin) there were at least seven super star destroyers at the battle for Coruscant if I'm not mistaken. same here I've only heard about the star dreadnought recently so I have no idea how big it is. you know those Mon Calamari star cruisers? there the same size as super star destroyer right? yeah thats about about right Anakin had something like 20,000 midi's but is his son luke now a jedi master stronger than him witha higher count or lower? it's never explained in the books I'm afraid. yeah I totaly understand a lot of star wars info is confusing and obscure so I understand if you need to look it up. Glad that your not offended. I've had trekkie fans blow in my face for questioning them about what they know so i was only testing the waters Lol.

posted 13 years ago

Oh, and no offence taken.

posted 13 years ago

A Super Star Destroyer was basically a humongous version of the standard Star Destryoer, but only three were ordered to be built: the one you see Vader on, which was destroyed at the Battle of Endor, another that I forget where it was stationed, and one under construction at the Fondor shipyards, but is destroyed by Wedge antilles and Rogue Squadron prior to the Battle of Endor. Star Dreadnought, I have to get back to you on that one, it's been a while and I need to brush up on my star ships; I know a lot more about the Rebel ships than the Imperial ones. I don't remember the exact count of the Chosen One's midichlorians, unfortunately, but I do remember Obi-Wan stating that it was over 20,000, which was higher than even Yoda's midi count. Sorry I didn't know most of it off the top of my head,I have to get back to you about the Dreadnought and the midi count.

posted 13 years ago

Hey mate thanks for the info about the usergroups being banned much appreciated. So your a big star wars fan right? here's a Q. whats the difference between a Super-Star destroyer and a Star dreadnought? also what was the Chosen one's midi count? sorry I just want to see how much you know no offence.

posted 13 years ago

No problem mate, it was my pleasure.

posted 13 years ago

Thanks for adding me