Zealot's board-to-board with Nightblade

From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Showing messages 51-75 of 178 messages. Board-to-board

posted 12 years ago

Well I am looking for jobs and work. I have been looking at Universities and courses, to see if I can find anything I like. I've been chilling out with friends and family, playing xbox and stuff. So normal stuff, what about you? how are things in Bulgaria? Just one more month until Anniversary is out! Are you excited about it coming out? I hope the game is good, looking forward to fighting the flood again.

So how is life for you? anything interesting going on? is school going Ok? sorry about the long absence but I've been busy doing all the stuff above and haven't found time to come back.

posted 12 years ago

http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/news/headline/office-of-naval-intelligencesection-3-data-drop-three/252256 And yet another Data Drop from our sweet, loving and caring ONI... I`m interested what those bastards found. And it has something to do with Dr. Halsey and when she is involved in something it is usually high-risk, expensive and 100% PURE AWESOME!!! Maybe it is like Iris but for Glasslands... Data Drop 2 and 3 are a day apart... Interesting... Feel free to add anything you find. Cheers!

posted 12 years ago

A new Shield world? Has this got something to do with Sigma 7 or is it something else? Oh yeah the New halo 4 trailer is on at youtube, it's a concept trailer and it's got some really cool pictures. How are you doing? Your back at school now aren't you? how's that going?

posted 12 years ago

http://halo.xbox.com/Content/assets/en-us/ONI/239409409548923768/DDR-A340021-2300-07-18-52.pdf HALO! ONI DATA DROP 2!!! Something about a probably newly discovered Shield World...

posted 12 years ago

Huh I'll bet. Oh so a third terminal has been shown then? I don't thin Emile says that, I think it was just an ODST, the guy said that he should be doing some more in a few weeks but he also said that he won't go into First Strike territory. For canon and copyright reasons, yeah I've been fine just slowly getting together all the stuff I need. So my job applications, bus pass, prove of disability and just normal medicines, which are all proving to be quite a hassle to sort out but I'm getting there. What about you?

Oh wow really? YES! Barney's getting Married everybody! wait what happened to him being single forever? and more importantly who is he marrying? Is it Robin?

Well hope things are Ok on your end and take it easy on Laptop, you don't want it to overheat now would you? LoL look after yourself.

See ya.

posted 12 years ago

Thanks, LoL what did you do to it this time? yeah I know surprise right? yeah you should check out the comic. so how have you been?. The 2nd terminal is very interesting when you cross-reference it.

posted 12 years ago

No worries, I found your impression amusing. That is interesting, one of the more common theories about the Halo's and which is confirmed in part by Halo: Cryptum is that they were original made to be able to support life just like the Ark. Before they were turned into Fortress worlds and death machines, the Librarian used them to transport entire civilizations across galaxy. So it would make some sense for them to be around a similar size to the average planet.

LoL your enthusiasm and loyalty to Halo inspires me. So is this the latest info then? Have you checked out Terminal 2 yet? if not you should check it out, it has some surprising revelations about Installation 04 aka Halo. Waypoint is a great site don't you think? Also I found this awesome comic about Jun and Reach called a Fistful of Arrows, it's made by a guy called Levi. You can find it on deviant art or www.Leviathan.bungie.org. Check it out mate, it will blow your mind.

So how are you doing? I guess your back at school now right? or are you looking for work like me? Anyway peace out.

posted 12 years ago

After my terrible Sergeant Jonhson impression lets get down to theories. The most notable thing I saw was the atmosphere- breathable. Temperature- Earth-like. Diameter- The rings of the second Halo array are 10,000 km in diameter; this size is similar to that of Earth, which is 12,756 km in diameter. Interesting... So it may be the planet that the resent leak talked about that Oni knew about. And it`s Data Drop 1 of 6. I`m getting chills... I LOVE HALO!!! I CAN`T WAIT!!! I would if I could buy it JUST AND ONLY JUST FOR THE FREAKING STOORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND THIS IS ME TALKING ABOUT HALO WITH NOOOOO CAFEIN!!!!!!

posted 12 years ago


posted 12 years ago

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://halo.xbox.com/en-us WAYPOINT 2 TERMINAL SNEAK PEAKS MUST WATCH NOOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

posted 12 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/user/TotalHalibut#p/c/2272A4EE84269E1F/1/nb50aAFiOpM For as long I have watched him I have never seen him that... bloodthirsty? But the game look AWESOME!

posted 12 years ago

Awesome! I would love to do that, what's their website address? Yeah so am I, Halo Fest is going to be sick! I'm good and the riots are over, I think people are coming to their senses now. I am doing Ok just enjoying the last of the Summer holidays as best as I can. What about you?

Yeah once Steam starts working again, you and me can play together.

posted 12 years ago

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1UXt6y0Cks&feature=channel_video_title Like a WISE WISE youtuber once said(10 min ago) FUCK diablo 3 GO Torchligh 2!!! I have the original and for game wiht no internet options is really really fun. diablo 3 has a REAL MONEY paid auction house WITH PvP and is it BASED in drop-chance, no mods. Torchlight even has the developer toold so you can make yourself INVINSIBLE and all that good stuff. Sorry for the bad grammar but I`m really mad at diablo 3 right now AND CAN`T WAIT FOR TORCHLIGHT 2 AND FIREFALL!!!

posted 12 years ago

LoL I can see why, thanks for the pie by the way it was very nice of you. So how are you doing buddy? just 8 more days to Halo Fest, are you excited?

posted 12 years ago

well not much as usual- re-watching The Big Bang Theory episodes, TF2, in a queue for WoW. Well for every 1000 fucking assholes in this world there IS one decent person. It`s just hard to find them... I too hope that it doesn`t come to this!

posted 12 years ago

Thank you and I hope so too. Indeed, though the rioters don't have much of a base of support as they are attacking anyone and everyone but last thing we need right now is a civil war. But I highly doubt it will go that far. Thanks again, It's nice to know that people care.

So what are you doing today?

posted 12 years ago

I know, thing is it's not just London but Birmingham-where I live, Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham, Liverpool all of the big cities have been hit by huge riots and looting. It's crazy they "the rioters" have burned shops and buildings down, robbed loads of places and the police are stretched to breaking point. Even Cameron our Prime Minister cut short his holiday to come home early, apparently there's talk of bringing in the Army. It's getting that bad. It all started on Saturday when some poor guy got shot by police and then the peaceful protest just blew up into a firestorm literally.

Parts of London look like the Blitz have started again, I'm not exaggerating. It's bad, really bad at the moment.

posted 12 years ago

I don`t follow the news so that`s a shock for me. One question- WHAT THE HELL???

posted 12 years ago

Riots. Big, Really big Riots. haven't you seen it on the news? i would of thought that London burning would be big news.

posted 12 years ago

Well same thing but what`s wrong in the UK?

posted 12 years ago

Not much, just enjoying my day. I'm going on holiday soon to Somerset for a week or so. I've still got stream but can't log on because of the password thing and it freezing which is annoying. How are you? Ihope things aren't as hectic in Bulgaria as they are here in the UK.

posted 12 years ago

It was really touching... What`s up man?

posted 12 years ago

I know what you mean, it was beautiful and it really made me feel touched how much Bungie cared/cares about us gamers and the series they created. It's sad that Bungie is moving on to other things but it's the way the world works and honestly I'm happy that they are moving on to new pastures, I trust that Halo is now in very capable hands with 343 industries at the helm. I personally can't wait for either Anniversary and Bungies new game. Like they say- see you star side Bungie, God bless.