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<option>{{Quote|'Go back!' Shaire's voice challenged bold.<br>'I have it not, your Ring of gold!<br>Go back to dark lands of the West!<br>The failure of your cursed quest<br>And anger of your precious Lord<br>Will not compare to what my sword<br>And will of iron may do to thee.<br>I urge you, evil Riders, flee!'<br>A chilling voice replied in scorn.<br>'Thou dare defy us, thou baseborn?<br>Your squeaky voice doth make us laugh.<br>As we should fear your puny wrath<br>Or hesitate before your blade!<br>If thou of sterner stuff were made<br>Then thou our wills you would command.<br>But even now I see your hand<br>Would quake before it held the Ring.<br>Tell us where you have hid this thing,<br>And maybe we shall let you live.<br>Perhaps the Eye will yet forgive!<br>But hesitate, defy again,<br>And here with other mortal Men<br>Shaire will never tarry more!'<br>And down on him the Rider bore...|[ From "The Ballad of Ahmed Shaire", 251st stanza]}</option>
<option>{{Quote|'Go back!' Shaire's voice challenged bold.<br>'I have it not, your Ring of gold!<br>Go back to dark lands of the West!<br>The failure of your cursed quest<br>And anger of your precious Lord<br>Will not compare to what my sword<br>And will of iron may do to thee.<br>I urge you, evil Riders, flee!'<br>A chilling voice replied in scorn.<br>'Thou dare defy us, thou baseborn?<br>Your squeaky voice doth make us laugh.<br>As we should fear your puny wrath<br>Or hesitate before your blade!<br>If thou of sterner stuff were made<br>Then thou our wills you would command.<br>But even now I see your hand<br>Would quake before it held the Ring.<br>Tell us where you have hid this thing,<br>And maybe we shall let you live.<br>Perhaps the Eye will yet forgive!<br>But hesitate, defy again,<br>And here with other mortal Men<br>Shaire will never tarry more!'<br>And down on him the Rider bore...|[ From "The Ballad of Ahmed Shaire", 251st stanza]}}</option>
<option>{{Quote|I met a traveller from an antique land<br>Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone<br>Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,<br>Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown<br>And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command<br>Tell that its sculptor well those passions read<br>Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,<br>The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.<br>And on the pedestal these words appear:<br>"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:<br>Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"<br>Nothing beside remains: round the decay<br>Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,<br>The lone and level sands stretch far away.|Percy Bysse Shelley}}</option>
<option>{{Quote|I met a traveller from an antique land<br>Who said: Two vast and trunkless legs of stone<br>Stand in the desert. Near them on the sand,<br>Half sunk, a shatter'd visage lies, whose frown<br>And wrinkled lip and sneer of cold command<br>Tell that its sculptor well those passions read<br>Which yet survive, stamp'd on these lifeless things,<br>The hand that mock'd them and the heart that fed.<br>And on the pedestal these words appear:<br>"My name is Ozymandias, king of kings:<br>Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!"<br>Nothing beside remains: round the decay<br>Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare,<br>The lone and level sands stretch far away.|Percy Bysse Shelley}}</option>

Revision as of 06:30, September 16, 2009


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File:UNSC.jpg WARNING:This is a classified military intelligence document, protected under ONI.SEC.PRTCL.1A, administrated by UNSC MIL AI 7306-GLR [Glaurung]. Disclosure of its contents to non-military personnel, or military personnel with authority of [GAMMA 2 Clearance] or less, is an offense punishable by court(s) martial and inprisonment and/or execution for treasonable acts. Failure to disclose breaches of security will be treated as complicity, and is punishable by dishonourable discharge and/or imprisonment.
Lieutenant Commander Michael Pomare, Office of Naval Intelligence.
File:ONI emblem.jpg
"If you don't want to spent five minutes broadening your horizons, then the world closes in around you. Make the effort, and fly free!"
— Qur'a 'Morhek, Sangheili Philosopher

I welcome you to my place of solitude, weary traveller, and I bid you take shelter within this temporary sanctuary from the oncoming storm that rages outside. May the blessings of the Truth Givers be upon you and your kin if you be Sangheili or human, and may their curses follow the treacherous Jiralhanae and San 'Shyuum for straying from the path the Gods set before us, and for their betrayal. The traitors have sown the seeds of their own destruction. And for them, it shall be a bitter harvest.

-- Administrator Specops306 - Qur'a 'Morhek Honour Light Your Way!


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All You Need To Know

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Who Am I?

Allow me to introduce myself, if you do not know me already, and to clarify some things if you do.

I am Michael Graeme Pomare, born on the 30th of June, 1989 in Auckland, New Zealand. After spending a brief time in Britain, and an even briefer time in Australia, I spent ten years in the hot and tropical country of Papua New Guinea, in the capital city of Port Moresby, a land of heat and humidity and gangs armed with machette's roaming the streets. After those ten years of hell were over, I moved back to New Zealand, eventually settling down in Matamata, where I have spend the last seven years of my life.

My Halo experience began relatively late in my interest in the series. I was introduced to Halo: Combat Evolved by a friend, who had it for PC. Unwisely, I attempted to continue where he had left off - 343 Guilty Spark on Legendary. Needless to say, I had the shit scared out of me before I even reached the structure, but I made a concerted effort, borrowing the game to beat it at home.

As I played through it, I fell in love with it. The brilliant characters and storytelling, the awe-inspiring vistas, the depth of the Covenant, and the constant plot twists. As if finding the Flood wasn't enough, we soon discovered that we had to destroy an entire artificial planet. Afterwards, I was hooked, and Halo became my newest favourite, quickly eclipsing the still-excellent Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic. And when Halo 2 came out, I instantly loved it. The improved graphics and gameplay, as well as the (if it was possible) even more epic storyline were an instant hook. The revelation that we would play as the Arbiter took me completely by surprise, and my playthroughs with my brother were the only enjoyment I have ever had with him.


It was soon after that, that I began writing my own fanfiction. At the time, i had no idea that this was what it was called - I had absurd dreams of penning the next Halo game script, submitting it to Bungie, and finding Frank O'Connor, Joe Staten and Robert McLees turn up at my door to bow before their god. But as I continued, I began to look for references to use, a place where there existed a sufficiently expansive database of weapons, characters, species and history to use.

That's right. I found... The Halo Library.

Yes, I had yet to stumble upon the awesomeness that was Halopedia. But for a while, The Halo Library was sufficient. But as a began to branch out, and explore the rest of the intarwebs, I discovered that invaluable source of party trivia and revisionist history - Wikipedia. And I discovered that they also had articles on Halo. My gateway to Halopedia was their article on the Fleet of Particular Justice - and for a while, that was the only way I could reach it, since I always forgot to save the URL. But after it was deleted as not relevant, I lamented being cut off from my beloved Halopedia.

And then I remembered that stalwart, Google. Searching Halo Pedia, I returned to Halopedia and this time saved it as my home page, making sure I could never lose it again.

And history here began.

How Am I?

I am currently suffering from Scheuermanns Kyphosis, a condition where at least one of my thoracic vertebrae has growned malformed, wedging above and below, resulting in an abnormal curvature of the spine. This in turns puts pressure on several internal organs, amking it difficult and physically painful to exert too much effort, especially in the areas of lifting, running, or even walking for prolonged periods. Until recently, matters were not helped by my chair, which was a simply wooden dining room chain that was uncomfortable and falling apart. My newest acquisition is a comfortable barrel chair, with armrests and a medium-height back rest, allowing comfort and support. It is leather, and currently risks my keyboard tray gauging out chunks.

At the moment, I am visiting a chiropractor bi-weekly in order to correct the curvature of my spine, and it is working to the degree where it has been commented upon by friends and family. The "hunch" that was once characteristic of my back is no longer as noticable.

I have finished secondary education, and am currently working in the catering industry in order to accumulate enough funding to pay for a part of my university education. Given the considerable expense, I may be forced to resort to a student loan, but I would at least like to have a fallback. Unfortunately, my physical condition has hampered the amount of hours which I am able to work, at the moment reduced to a paltry six hours a week. I hope to rectify this as I recover.

Currently, I am purchasing a new bed - a spring has given out on my current one, and combined with my scheuermann's kyphosis, is twisting me in ways the human body was never meant to be twisted. Do you have any idea how much a bed actually costs? There's the mattress, and if you just want what you already have, then you can stop there at $400 NZ. But my bed was bought when my age was in the single digits, and I'm not six-foot-something, so I'm getting a larger one - which means that I have to purchase all the accompaniments: a base, sheets, duvets, duvet covers, etc, which will set me back another $200 NZ. So that's $600 NZ - not taking the base, since my father is building that himself, skilled wood worker that he is, saving me perhaps $500 NZ. Kids, when you move out, remember to thank your mother and father for the crap you've put them through your whole life.

If this did not answer your original statement, then it was too prying for me to answer comfortably. Bugger off.

The Archives



So. You have managed to penetrate our defences, and stand brazenly within my own inner sanctum. Were my firewalls that easily breached? Your race is either braver, or more foolish, than even we had thought.

We are betrayed. The Jiralhanae overpowered our patrols, and have secured the engineering bay - Major 'Fuqumee has been executed, and I fear many others have been killed on the orders of the lying Prophets. They seek to control the ship for their purposes, and are attempting to overrun the Command Center. Yet if we die, then I shall die with all the honour of a Sangheili warrior - which is more than can be said for their pathetic races.

I send this message in the desperate hope that someone shall exact vengeance for the betrayed warriors of the Bringer of Holy Light - either Sangheili or human. Our race is proud and strong, and the humans have proven themselves countless times as fierce and innovative warriors. Is it not said in their tongue, "the enemy of my enemy is my ally?"

We cannot last much longer. The Jiralhanae are already breaking through the bridge doors. My commandoes do their best, and the meagre human forces who aid us work tirelessly, but we have little hope of surviving much longer. We are falling back to th-


-- Qur’a 'Morhek (Formerly Qur’a 'Morhekee prior to Exclusion Event) 11:08, 7 December 2552 (Human chronological time) (UTC)






Acquainted With The Night
"I have been one acquainted with the night.
I have walked out in rain - and back in rain.
I have outwalked the furthest city light.
I have looked down the saddest city lane.
I have passed by the watchman on his beat
And dropped my eyes, unwilling to explain.

I have stood still and stopped the sound of feet
When far away an interrupted cry
Came over houses from another street,

But not to call me back or say good-bye;
And further still at an unearthly height,
One luminary clock against the sky

Proclaimed the time was neither wrong nor right.
I have been one acquainted with the night.
— Robert Frost


My userbox - It would honor me for you to add it to collections of your own.

Template:SpecOps306 Friend

{{SpecOps306 Friend}}

My Links

Oracle Newsletter
Elite Namelizer (HBO)
My Contributions
My Sig
You got Owned!
Halopedia News
My Message Board
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My Fanfiction Works

these are my fiction works so far - meaning that you can expect more (hopefully some time this year, but i'm spending time to make it half-decent!). Please don't plagiarise, but if you want to contribute, or would like to use my character, just ask!

My Halo Fanon

Halo: Ares, my first fanfiction.





User:Odst fan/Award

Template:Shotty fan Award

File:Chief & Arbiter looking good.gif Morhek, has been awarded the Editorial. The Editorial is an honor given solely by ImperatorExercitus. ImperatorExercitus recognizes this Halopedian, that has shown such dedication to the general good of Halopedia, through superior edits, stopping vandilsm, and being a good friend. It is for those who excel beyond everyone else. Be thankful, for your efforts have not been fruitless. Morhek has proven himself worthy of this great award.

Template:Best Friend Award Template:LovemuffinAward1 Template:KingofKingsaward Template:Sub-71GoodFriend Template:EldarHalopedianS71 Template:CoH Mark of the Gods

The Honour Legion

Those who have earned the Honour Legion gain acceptance into the Kr'Rana Legion, an elite Sangheili unit. Those who possess it have proven themselves on the field of combat time and time again, and shall be remembered in song as heroes of the Sangheili!

The Honour Legion award cannot be asked for. It can only be given. Those who ask do so out of ignorance - the Honour Legion is a select few, and those who possess it are exalted above all others.


Allies of the Cause

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