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HTMCC H3 OssoonaHarness Crop.png
An example of a Sangheili wearing the Ossoona harness; one of many types favoured by the Ossoonas.[1]


Espionage, spywork and infiltration[2]





Special Warfare Group/Fleet Security[4]

Notable individuals:


Ossoona was a Covenant Sangheili title granted to certain individuals within Fleet Security.[4] They were given active camouflage and sent on espionage missions. The term "Ossoona" translates to "Eye of the Prophet" in the Covenant language.[2]


Roles and responsibilities

Ossoona translates to "Eye of the Prophet"; a temporary role granted directly to a given Sangheili warrior to act directly as the Prophet's intelligence-gathering source within the battlefield. The concept dictates inserting experienced Sangheili officers into situations where intelligence can be gleaned, and early enough that high-quality information can be obtained. The role is assigned due to the Prophets' feelings that typical Sangheili deployments have a tendancy to cause massive destruction - leaving little behind for intelligence-gathering operations.[2]

Ossoona was considered a temporary assignment within the Covenant, with an experienced officer lifted out of his regular infantry unit to serve in the role as needed before being returned to normal duty. However, the often non-combat nature of the deployments left the personnel fulfilling them little honor to gain.[2]


Ossoonas are grouped under the wider grouping of Stealth Sangheili, under the Special Warfare Group, though report directly through Fleet Security.[4] It is likely that Ossoonas are lifted specifically from regular Stealth Sangheili personnel, rather than regular infantry as a whole.


Ossoonas were employed late during the Human-Covenant War.Template:Fact During the Battle of Installation 04, the Sangheii Isna 'Nosolee was granted the title of Ossoona by the Minister of Etiology during the boarding actions of the UNSC Pillar of Autumn. 'Nosolee was deployed onto the ship to attempt to capture the ship's AI and other critical command personnel, though was ultimately killed by Jacob Keyes after boarding the command lifeboat.

Despite the High Prophet of Truth ordering the genocide of the Sangheili during Great Schism, some Ossoona committed actions that were deemed "traitorous" to other Sangheili rebelling forces. Because of this, many Ossoona were collectively branded as traitors of the keep and hunted down in the post-war era.[1][5] While the reputation of the role had been tarnished, it continued to see usage in the post-Covenant era; Jul 'Mdama's Covenant faction notably made use of the Ossoona role during the Battle of Nuusra, at least one Ossoona was employed to scout out Thel 'Vadam's camp, wherein he recommended that the Arbiter be assassinated.[3]


The Ossoonas favoured several designs of Sangheili harness, including one eponymous variant.[1][5] Ossoonas are equipped with active camouflage systems and energy shielding, though only minimal weaponry as befitting their role as intelligence-gathering scouts rather than assault infantry. One ossoona, Isna 'Nosolee, deployed into battle armed only with a plasma pistol and half a dozen plasma grenades. Additionally, Ossoonas are equipped with video-recording cameras attached to their helmets.[2] Other Ossoona may be deployed with no weapons at all.[4]

Known personnel

List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - Art of Wort (Retrieved on May 21, 2021) [archive]
  2. ^ a b c d e f Halo: The Flood, chapter 1
  3. ^ a b Halo 5: Guardians, Mission Intel - Covenant Attack Plan
  4. ^ a b c d Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary, Library - Stealth Elite
  5. ^ a b Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named H3Desc