This article is about the Spartan-IV. For the Marine, see Locke (Mombasa).

Template:Character Infobox

Thel 'Vadam: "You are a hunter, yes? A seeker of things?"
Jameson Locke: "That's not the official job title. But it's close enough."
Thel 'Vadam and Jameson Locke[1]

Spartan Jameson Locke (service number 73808-3153-JL)[2] is a Spartan-IV supersoldier and a former Office of Naval Intelligence agent.[3][4][5] Prior to becoming a Spartan, Locke had risen to the rank of lieutenant commander and served under ONI's Section III as an Acquisitions Specialist, his duties including the retrieval of important objects from the enemy as well as the tracking and assassination of high-value individuals.[6]


Childhood and early career

Born on the colony of Jericho VII on March 15, 2529,[2] Locke was orphaned when the Covenant invaded his homeworld in 2535, being evacuated from the planet only minutes before its glassing by the Covenant. Losing everyone he had known, Locke was placed in a state orphanage with other children who had suffered a similar fate. Upon growing older, many of his compatriots enlisted in the United Nations Space Command, eager for revenge against the Covenant. However, Locke continued to blame the government for their failure to defend his homeworld and came to the conclusion that the UNSC was incapable of protecting its citizens. As a result, he became a freelance tracker and assassin. Locke's atypical behavior and questionable allegiances eventually caught the eye of the Office of Naval Intelligence, who planned to train Locke into a specific role within their organization. Seeking a greater purpose in life, Locke accepted ONI's offer to join and entered their extensive training program where he honed his skills to perfection and became one of ONI's top field operatives, serving Section Three as an Acquisitions Specialist.[6]

On September 26, 2552, Locke compiled a target profile report concerning Supreme Commander Thel 'Vadamee, detailing the Sangheili's personal history from the UNSC's first known encounter with him on the Rubble to the glassing of Reach. Locke concluded the report by recommending the immediate termination of 'Vadamee if the Covenant advance were to be slowed in any significant manner. This report was later accessed by John-117.[7][8]

Terrorist attack on Sedra

Main article: Terrorist attack on Sedra City
Locke observing a Type-25 Spirit taking off

"What the hell did they do to us?"
— Locke observing the aftermath of the attack

On February 7, 2556, Locke led an ONI team dispatched to the distant human colony Sedra to investigate terrorist activity. During the investigation Locke's unit and the Sedran Colonial Guard were forced to cooperate after Sedra City was targeted by a Sangheili Zealot terrorist wielding a powerful bioweapon. While patrolling the outskirts of Sedra City, the team spotted a Yonhet smuggler named Axl supplying the Sangheili Zealot with a stasis refrigerant. While Agent Ramos apprehended Axl, Locke, Horrigan, and Estrin pursued the Sangheili. Locke chased the Sangheili into a city access tunnel while Horrigan and the rest of the unit headed directly to the city. After a brief skirmish inside the access tunnel, the Zealot escaped into a Sedran mall with Locke pursing him. As the Sangheili prepared to activate the bioweapon, Locke jumped on top of the Zealot, disabled the alien's energy shielding, and wounded him with his M6H magnum. Locke attempted to force the Sangheili to surrender, but the Zealot jumped off a ledge and activated the bioweapon instead, killing himself in the process. Many humans throughout the city began showing signs of infection, including Locke's fellow operatives Jordan Gaines and Mason Hundley. The unit went to the Sedra Colonial Guard Hospital, where Locke and the uninfected members of his unit went through a decontamination process. After searching the freighter used to transport the bioweapon to Sedra, Locke and his unit witnessed Colonel Randall Aiken brutally interrogating Axl. However, speaking in the Covenant's trade pidgin, Locke was able to persuade Axl into revealing what he knew of the origins of the element used in the bioweapon.[9]

The unit learned of the weapon's core component - an entirely new element originating from a partly functioning segment of Installation 04 that orbited perilously close to a red giant star. The team discovered that a second tug was travelling to the shard to mine the element's deposits on the fragment. After getting the approval of Rear Admiral Goodwin, the team was forced to cooperate with the Sedran Colonial Guard to travel to the Alpha Shard, capture the smugglers who mined the element for interrogation, and destroy the deposits of the element with a HAVOK tactical nuclear weapon. However, they would be forced to complete their expedition within the sixteen hours the ring's landscape side faced away from the star; during the "day" the temperature and radiation would become unbearable. Taking a D81-LRT Condor to the partially functioning fragment, eleven ONI and Colonial Guard personnel traveled to Alpha Shard.[9]

Mission to Alpha Shard

Main article: Mission to Alpha Shard
Agent Locke during the operation on Alpha Shard

Locke: "ONI work better alone."
Aiken: "You are lucky ONI is even coming in an advisory capacity."
— Locke and Aiken arguing about who should participate in operation[9]

During the journey through slipspace in the Condor, Locke allowed Aiken to take tactical command of the mission. Locke also revealed to Private Talitha Macer that Colonel Aiken was once a Spartan-II. Eventually, the crew arrived at their destination and landed on the Halo shard's surface. Donning their powered Nightfall armor, Locke and the other three ONI operators jumped out of the Condor at a significant height. After discovering the abandoned tug used by the smugglers, the team discovered horse tracks nearby. The team moved to the tracks' direction and come across two smugglers—Arris Le and Haisal Wari—mining the element in a cave. The smugglers attempted to escape but Locke and Horrigan quickly incapacitated and restrained the smugglers. The group began to return to the Condor for extraction; however, while the dropship was setting down, a large number of Lekgolo appeared and began to swarm over the Condor and it flew off erratically—now controlled by the Lekgolo. As more of the Lekgolo eels appeared, Locke ordered for the group to retreat as three of the Sedrans and the horses were killed. The Lekgolo, in large gestalt formations, began to pursue the group who escaped into a narrow crevice. Locke used a special appliance to holographically camouflage their position from the aliens. However, the Lekgolo quickly sensed the cloaking unit and destroyed it. As the eels closed in on the group, Arris revealed that the Lekgolo can sense active technology and movement, prompting the group to reluctantly shut down the electronics present in their equipment. Unable to detect the humans, most of the Lekgolo left the area and the nine survivors moved out of the crevice. Locke briefly stayed behind to observe a lone Lekgolo worm, before crushing it in his fist.[10]

The group traversing across a river.

As the group continued their trek to the Condor, the team realized that only two individuals would be able to leave Alpha Shard in the smugglers' tug and that which two individuals that would leave would be decided when the mission was completed. To prevent the Lekgolo worms from tracking them, the team ditched their armor. As infighting within the group occurred, Locke promised the smugglers that they would be given a fair chance to survive if they help the team. Additionally, Locke reprimanded Horrigan after the latter suggested leaving the Sedrans and smugglers behind. Eventually, the team took a break to allow everyone to refill on fresh oxygen. The activation of the oxygen breathers alerted the Lekgolo of the team's presence. After the break, the team continued on their journey, but Sergeant Samantha Wisner dropped her breather and it rolled down a hill, activating in the progress. While Ramos went to check on her, Locke realized that the two were missing. However, the Lekgolo worms attacked Wisner and Ramos escaped just as Locke arrived. While Wisner was killed, Locke and Ramos retreated back to the group with the Lekgolo in pursuit. While attempting to escape the worms, Locke fell off a ledge and his foot became wedged under a rock. Macer arrived at his position to help him, but Locke refused and gave her his two oxygen breathers while he prepared to make a final stand against the Lekgolo. However, Macer activated one of the breathers and used it to distract the worms while she helped Locke free himself.[11] As the survivors regrouped, they hid to avoid the Lekgolo. To allow the team to escape, Horrigan pushed Haisal down a hill to be devoured by the worms. After escaping from the worms, Locke berated Horrigan for "playing god".[12]

While continuing on towards the Condor, Locke and Aiken conversed with each other. While Aiken told him that he was willing to die, Locke planned to survive, although he was unwilling to sacrifice members of his team. Shortly after, Horrigan desperately urged Locke to join him to escape in the smugglers' tug together. Locke maintained that he would let luck choose who would survive. While traversing alongside the edge of a cliff, Ramos secretly allowed Estrin to fall to his death after the latter refused to join Ramos in an alliance. After passing the cliff, the group took another oxygen break, but a stand-off ensured as Horrigan held Aiken at gunpoint and demanded him to give up the remaining oxygen tank. Although Locke pulled his magnum on Horrigan and ordered for him to stand down, Ramos sided with Horrigan and the two forced Locke to surrender. As Horrigan and Ramos left for the tug with Arris, the weapons, and oxygen pack, Aiken discovered the Condor nearby.[12]

With the nuclear ordnance recovered and the Condor having limited flight capability, Randall volunteered to detonate the warhead while Locke and Macer used the Condor to reach the tug. While Arris, Ramos, and Horrigan were consumed by the Lekgolo during their attempt to escape, Macer and Locke barely evaded the same fate. Unbeknownst to the pair, Randall's activation of the nuke drew the Lekgolo to his position, allowing the pair to escape Alpha Shard before the nuke's detonation.[13]

Hunting John-117

"He's gone AWOL and the UNSC want him back. I'm going to bring him home."
— Spartan Locke informing the Arbiter of his target[1]

In 2556,[2] Locke was selected to become a Spartan-IV and underwent the augmentation procedures. Leading dangerous and highly sensitive operations throughout the former Outer Colonies, Locke was often tasked with missions beyond the reach of UNSC support and has garnered an impressive and successful career in the field.[2] By 2558, he had been assigned to lead Fireteam Osiris, comprised of Spartan-IVs Olympia Vale, Edward Buck, and Holly Tanaka. After several human colonies were unexpectedly attacked by mysterious Forerunner entities, Locke led Osiris during a mission to recover Dr. Catherine Halsey from the custody of Covenant supreme leader Jul 'Mdama on Kamchatka.[14] Some time after the mission, Osiris was tasked by Spartan Commander Musa and CINCONI Serin Osman with tracking down the AWOL MCPO John-117 and his Blue Team. To this end, Locke tasked an AI to identify weaknesses in Spartan-IIs and the MJOLNIR Mark VI.[15] Their search for the Master Chief took them to Sanghelios, where Locke consulted with Arbiter Thel 'Vadam regarding the legendary Spartan's whereabouts. Osiris also aided the Arbiter's forces in a battle between the Swords of Sanghelios and the remnants of Jul 'Mdama's Covenant in the city of Sunaion where they encountered a Forerunner Guardian as well as the Warden Eternal, who announced that while the Master Chief was allowed into the Guardian, Locke's passage was denied.[16]

Personality and traits

"Nobody is putting anybody down. We don't panic like that. It's not an option."
— Locke turning down Horrigan's suggestion to kill the prisoners who slow them down[12]
Locke and Tanaka share a tender moment before departing for a mission.

A collected and forward-thinking individual, Locke is a competent soldier who takes a professional approach to combat situations. He is a proficient leader and inspires loyalty in his subordinates, even when they do not agree with his decisions. He is generally nonconfrontational and willing to resolve conflicts through negotiation. While his ONI compatriots Estrin and Horrigan were vocal with their low opinions on the Sedran Colonial Guard, Locke was willing to put aside their disagreements for the sake of the mission. Although he is serious about his duty to protect humanity,[17] Locke is troubled by some aspects of the organization he serves under.[18]

Locke is quick to solve complicated political and tactical situations using his knowledge and intelligence.[2] Locke was able to converse with the Yonhet Axl with the alien's own language,[9] likely Yonhetian or the trade pidgin spoken within the Covenant fringe.[19]


During the mission to Alpha Shard, Locke wore a set of Nightfall armor with red detailing.

After undergoing Spartan augmentation procedures Locke was issued a set of MJOLNIR Hunter armor. It is painted dark gray with red-orange highlights and light blue lighting. Additional cosmetic details on his armour include an ONI emblem on the chest piece's left breast, with the code number 00-8221-3 painted on both sides. There is an additional yellow decal on the back of the armour's helmet. His preferred loadout is a BR85HB battle rifle with the M6H2 magnum.[20]

Production notes

  • Agent Locke is the primary playable character in Halo 5: Guardians and is slated to appear in at least one subsequent video game.[21] He debuted in promotional art for Guardians and was later identified in the announcement trailer for Halo: The Master Chief Collection. He is properly introduced in the digital series Halo: Nightfall.[22] He is also featured in the terminals, prologue, and epilogue cinematics of Halo 2: Anniversary, setting up his story arc in Halo 5.
  • Mike Colter portrays Locke in Halo: Nightfall and in the Halo 2: Anniversary terminals. Colter provides the character's motion capture and character model in Halo 5: Guardians[23] while Ike Amadi provides his voice.[24] This is due to scheduling issues with Colter, who was simultaneously filming for his role as the Marvel character Luke Cage.[25]
  • Locke was tentatively named "Marlowe" during the casting process of Halo: Nightfall.[26]
  • Locke's unique base attributes in Halo 5: Guardians is the ability to carry one extra frag grenade and faster thruster recharge and slower stabilizer descent.[27]


List of appearances
