
Task Force Yama

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Task Force Yama


United Nations Space Command




Battle group


Insertion Support


Fifteen Stealth Prowlers



Captain Halima Ascot Lieutenant Commander Hector Nyeto


Task Force Yama was a splinter group of Battle Group X-Ray under the command of Captain Halima Ascot. The battle group comprised fifteen Prowlers, with the Razor-class prowler UNSC Starry Night serving as Ascot's flagship. In 2526, the Task Force participated in the Battle of Biko and Operation: SILENT STORM. [1]


Main article: Operation: SILENT STORM

Task Force Yama split off from Battle Group X-Ray under the orders of Admiral Preston Cole. The Task Force's main objective was to escort and infiltrate the Spartans into a Covenant ship, so they could capture it. The Covenant ship would them be used to gain intelligence about the Covenant technology and their homeworlds.

The initial insertion was a failure due to an accidentally broadcasted transmission the Covenant picked up. Captain Ascot, Spartan John-117 and the commander of the 21st Space Assault Battalion joining the fleet, Colonel Crowther then decided to await the Covenant at Biko, a UNSC Strongpoint. Intending to using an abandoned Ice Quarry on Biko's third moon, the Task Force was unexpectedly ambushed by the United Rebel Front, who also used the Quarry as a staging location for a coup. Although the Spartans and the Black Daggers managed to defeat the Insurrectionists, they still managed to shoot down the UNSC Ghost Star.

Shortly after the battle with the Insurrectionists, the Covenant Fleet of Inexorable Obedience showed up and caught the Task Force off guard. They managed to destroy the flagship UNSC Starry Night and Captain Ascot along with it. Eventually, the Task Force withdrew with only 7 Prowlers remaining.

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List of appearances
