CIA391's important list of ongoing projects

The following is a list of projects I am going to do. That has info that might be a little harder to find than normal. Though if anyone wants to do any be my guest. I would love you forever.

Need pages

Need more info

Side projects if I get bored

Forerunner Z-codes

Covenant T-codes

This is not gonna be perminant, but more a prelude to a page I will make later.

Unofficial Blitz artbook

Note this will be spread out through the wiki after they are all uploaded.

Isabel's Game alt cards

Waypoint and other sources alt cards

Blitz Beta Cards

Tabbox example

Halo Legends Set
Origins Set
The Duel Set
Homecoming Set
Odd One Out Set
Prototype Set
The Babysitter Set
The Package Set
Halo Franchise Set