Protector Sentinel (Trove)

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Protector Sentinels are Forerunner machines similar in design and purpose to Sentinels.


Protector Sentinels are smaller, faster, and occupy less of the population limit, although weaker in terms of firepower. In direct combat, they are less effective than Sentinels. It is in the support role that they excel - their Y-button ability is to attach themselves to one of the player's other units, following it in action. Only one can be attached to a single unit one time, however appointing one to a spartan and a vehicle and having that spartan then enter the vehicle will give that vehicle two protectors. This only works when it is your vehicle, when you jack an enemies vehicle the protector is destroyed.

For the most part, they must be summoned from Protector Plants. However, upgrading the Prophet of Regret with Ancestral Perversion will equip him with two of these guardians for his personal protection[1]. Similar to the Sentinel Majors, they are equipped with onboard beam weapons which fires a single blue colored pulse beam at a time. They are of similar size and shape to the Constructor but slightly bigger. It has several laser guidance systems that scan for any threats.


There are three different variants of the Protector Sentinels:

  • Offensive Protector - when attached, it attacks units near its host with a pulse of laser fire.
  • Shield Protector - projects a rechargeable energy shield around its host unit.
  • Healing Protector - recharges its host's health when out of combat.


  • Players can produce them inside the Protector Plant found on the map Labyrinth.
  • In Halo Wars an upgrade can be purchased which makes two protector sentinels by the Prophet of Regret's sides.
  • If you equip the Prophet of Regret with a Protector, and then research Ancestral Perversion, only one Offensive Protector will appear, meaning the Prophet can have no more than two Protectors of any kind.

