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Halo: The Fall of Reach


  • "Four of us. And a thousand of them? Piss-poor odds for the little guys." - Kelly's remark to seeing an army of Unggoy filling an entire valley.
  • "Red Team reports mission objective achieved, Chief. They send their compliments."
  • "It's a shame to leave this place. There are so few left." - As the team is extracted from Jericho VII.
  • "Will there?" - After John tells her there will be other places to fight for.

Chapter 4

  • "I'm Kelly." - Kelly introduces herself to John on the first day of training.
  • "And I'll jump on top of you." - Kelly and Sam threaten John to not abandon his team again.
  • "I'm fast. Real fast." - After John identifies the basket and rope they need to reach right away.

Chapter 5

  • "You'll lose. I'm a dead aim with snowballs." - After Sam calls the mountain range they're landing in a good place for a snowball fight.
  • "Let's get the map pieces together."
  • "Some of these don't belong, and some are copies." - While assembling the map.
  • "Yes, here's an edge. Got it--this is the lake, the river, and here's... that's got to be the extraction point."
  • "If the legend on the map is right, it's a full day's hike. We better get started."
  • "How? Mendez said-" - After John claims none of the Spartans will be left behind.
  • "That's me. I'm the fastest." - After John says they need "a rabbit" to distract the guards.
  • "You think I can't do my part?" - After John offers to take her place as "the rabbit".
  • "Hey! You got any food? I'm starving." - Kelly yells out to the guards.
  • "Hang on a sec. I dropped my jacket back there. I'll be right back." - Kelly's excuse for running off.
  • "That guy fell and hit his head. Over here!" -
  • "Who's getting left behind?" - As the Spartans step aboard the Albatross to fly home.

Chapter 9

  • “These our new trainee uniforms?” - Kelly after being handed grease-stained coveralls.
  • “They don’t give a girl much to work with.” - After being informed it's a disguise for the Laden.
  • “They’re too tight. It’ll limit my range of motion.” - After being given a black body suit.
  • “You have enough of that stuff?” - After Sam packs two backpacks full of C-12.

Chapter 10

  • “I’m in. There’s no AI or serious encryption... accessing their system now.” - As Kelly hacks into the Laden's network.
  • “They’ve got a nav trajectory to the asteroid belt. ETA is ten hours.”
  • “I’ve got something.”
  • “I’ll give you a hint. The Chief smokes them.” - When John fails to notice the Sweet William cigars listed for delivery in the Laden's cargo hold.
  • “Luxury items. I bet they’re headed straight for a special delivery to Colonel Watts or his officers.”
  • "We're decelerating."
  • “Cigars are this way.” - As Blue Team follows the package for Watts.
  • “Too slow. We’ve got to assume that when Colonel Watt goes missing, his people are going to look for him.” - After Sam asks if they should use the Laden again to extract Colonel Watts.
  • “This overlooks the alley between buildings. No activity.”
  • “The bullet is still inside. There’s a lot of internal bleeding. Hang on.” - After John is shot in the side.
  • “This might sting a little.” - As Kelly prepares to apply biofoam.
  • "You're good for a few hours."
  • “Your suit is breached We better get to the ship now, before Sam sets off his fireworks.”
  • “Something bothering you? How’s that biofoam holding up?” - After John winces towards the end of the mission.

Chapter 13

  • “Flawless amplification of speed and power. It’s like I’ve been training in this suit for years.”

Chapter 14

  • “I think we’re it. I’m not getting any other responses over the COM channels.” - Kelly regarding the lack of other Spartans aboard.
  • “Artificial gravity? Dr. Halsey would love to see this.” - After Blue Team lands inside the Unrelenting.
  • “You think they need all this space because they’re so large?” - Noting the abundance of space in the ship's hallway.
  • “Hang on. These characters are strange, but one of them has to open this.” - When examing the Covenant holopad to open the hall's door.
  • “I’m getting a radiation reading this way.”
  • “That’s got to be the source of the radiation. Their reactor... or maybe a weapons system.” - Inspecting the ship's power source.
  • “What are you talking about?” - When John orders Sam to stay behind with the bomb.
  • “That’s nothing We’ll get you patched up in no time. Once we get back—” - Upon seeing the burn hole in Sam's suit.
  • “No. No—everyone gets out alive. We don’t leave teammates behind.”

Chapter 20

  • "Yes sir."
  • “Reporting as ordered.” -
  • “Affirmative. Who’ll have the detonator, sir?” - After being ordered to carry their nuke and medical gear.
  • “Blue-Two to Lead: rear-guard eliminated.” - After taking out a patrol of Grunts.
  • “There’s access to the building—a ladder and a steel plate welded shut. We can burn through it.”

Chapter 22

  • “Master Chief? Our orders, sir?” - After John pauses while wondering if they should detonate their nuke now or not.
  • “Picking up motion sensor signals.”
  • “Done. They may have gotten a piece of us, though.” - When told to jam the enemy's motion sensors.

Chapter 32

  • “Sir? I thought we were accelerating to enter Slipspace?” - When the Pillar of Autumn starts turning and then braking.
  • “Sir? I know this mission will be tough, but... do you ever get the feeling that this is like one of Chief Mendez’s missions? Like there’s a trick... some twist that we’ve overlooked?” - Privately to John, as the Fall of Reach begins.

Chapter 34

  • “Master Chief sir, permission to lead the space op, sir.” - As the Spartans prepare to secure the Circumference.
  • “Attention!” - To the other Spartans assembled.

Halo: First Strike

Chapter 1

  • "Looks like we're in for more surprises." - After the Pillar of Autumn changes course.
  • "Master Chief, permission to lead the space op." - Kelly beats Fred to volunteering first.
  • "Attention!"
  • "Chief, we'll get that COM malfunction squared away after we hit planetside."
  • "Fire in the hole!" - When blasting open the drop hatch.
  • "Too hot for them. We're on our own." - When the Seraphs drop the chase.
  • "Twelve thousand meters to go."
  • "Eight kilometers and this brick is dropping fast."

Chapter 2

  • "Chief! Fred, get up. We've got to move."
  • "Almost everyone has minor damage: a few blown shield generators, sensor systems, a dozen broken bones and contusions. Nothing we can't compensate for."
  • "Six Spartans have more serious injuries. They can fight from a fixed position, but they have limited mobility."
  • "...Four KIA."
  • You did what you had to. Most of us wouldn't have made it if you hadn't been thinking on your feet.
  • "Plenty. Our gear--munitions boxes, bags of extra weapons--they're scattered across what's passing for our LZ. Only a few of us have assault rifles, maybe five in total."
  • "Move, Spartans. Formation Beta to the NAV point."
  • "Thanks. I'd still prefer my rifle to this alien piece of junk." - Kelly's response to being handed a plasma pistol.
  • "Affirmative, Chief. But just barely." - When Fred retorts that using a plasma pistols beats using rocks.

Chapter 3

  • "Negative, sir. There are battle reports jamming the entire spectrum, but from what I can make out the fight upstairs isn't going well. They need this generator up--no matter what it's going to cost us." - When asked about her progress on securing a link to SATCOM.
  • "Wait. Incoming transmission to Charlie Company from Reach HighCom."
  • "They check out." - Regarding the transmission's verification codes.
  • "We're going for a ride?" - On when seeing the captured Banshees in the compound.
  • "Permission to speak, sir."
  • "I'm all for a good fight, Fred, but those odds are a little lopsided even for us... like ten thousand to one."
  • "So, assuming we fool them into letting us into their lines... then what?"
  • "It'll also turn that ship into the biggest fragmentation grenade in history." - After Fred explains his plan to detonate the tac-nuke inside the Covenant cruiser itself.

Chapter 4

  • "Did we get 'em?" After detonating the nuke.
  • "Joshua?"
  • "That's it. We've lost. Reach is going to fall."

Chapter 12

  • "EMP. Or some plasma effect."
  • "Didn't you see while we were airborne? There's about half the entire Covenant as-

sault force just ahead."

  • "Half a klick."
  • "Red-21 can take care of his team. Don't worry. Take a look at this."
  • "I can't think of a better disguise than five tons of Covenant armor." - Regarding a group of nearby unpiloted Wraiths.
  • "The other possibility?"
  • "I was afraid you were going to say that. But you're right." - Regarding the plan to save Delta Team.
  • "Red-One, ready when you are."
  • "Affirmative."
  • "I'm on it." - After Fred tells her to blaze a trail with her Wraith.
  • "Hurry."
  • "Get below. We'll cover you."
  • "You spoke to the people on the other side?" - When Will claims to have tried everything to open the door into Menachite Mountain.
  • "Or maybe you're just not saying anything they want to hear." Referring to Oly Oly Oxen Free.

Chapter 13

  • "Doctor Halsey." - Sluggishly, due to injuries.
  • "And they had digging equipment in position over this facility." - When Fred says it's curious that the Covenant haven't glassed this area yet.
  • "Doctor Halsey, where are the others?" - Regarding the other personnel at CASTLE Base.
  • "Then why are you still here, ma'am?" - When Halsey says they evacuated.
  • "I understand." - Raspy, when told she's fine.
  • "No, ma'am. I'm ready to—"

Chapter 14

  • "Her office collapsed. Support beam missed her by a centimeter." - When finding Halsey injured.
  • "Affirmative." - When told to watch for camouflaged Elites.

Chapter 15

  • "They'll be able to get a fix on our position. All they need is three ships nearby to triangulate. We need to get out of here—fast." - After the Forerunner crystal gives a burst of neutrinos.
  • "Passage. Ground floor. Dead ahead. I'll enter and clear."

Halo 4: Forward Unto Dawn

Episode 5

  • "I've alerted Command." - When John tells there are three survivors with him.
  • "That's classified." - When asked how old she is by Corbulo's survivors.