
From Halopedia, the Halo wiki

Basic info



November 11, 2011

Recent activity
Sent a message to JackVibe
"Thanks dude. This place is great. Thanks for the advice. ~~~~"
About me

Rising star football player (hopefully)

Hobbies & interests

Avatar Hotdamnirock youtube videos Youtube videos RvB Bleach Dragon Ball Hip-Hop Pop Rock (some) Halo Books (although I haven't read them all) Manga Halo Series

 Philly Cheesestake

Sandwiches Sprite Water

Favorite Halo moment

Used assassinations to win mutiple legendary missions. Used a gravity hammer and a lot of evasive moves to kill someone that had a rocket luncher after having to run around to catch them for a long time.

Worst Halo moment

On a legendary mission I used up all my ammo on pair of elites and killed them. Went around the corner and found two hunters waiting on me (Sh8!)

Anything else

Best Sentences Ever Said While Playing A Halo Game? (When playing as SPARTAN) Blurrg? That's not English. Kill em! (When playing as Elite acting like im speaking to a Spartan)Blurg blurg br blurg blurg! (SPARTAN)Uh! Flurg! (Me)Imposter! (SPARTAN)Oh! Now you speak english!

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As per 331 below, sorry if I sounded demanding. Welcome to Halopedia!!!


So you did take my advice XD Sorry if I sounded a bit demanding, and welcome to Halopedia!


Hello, welcome to Halopedia!! :)