This article is about procedures for the Spartan-II project. For procedures for the Spartan-III project, see Project CHRYSANTHEMUM.
John-117 after going through the augmentation procedures.

The SPARTAN-II augmentation procedures were a series of biochemical and bio-mechanical manipulations applied to SPARTAN-II conscripts at onset of puberty.


Human biochemical experiments and enhancement procedures have been apart of society dating back to the 20th Century, their gains have attracted widespread attention in the hopes of improving human strength and endurance. Military experimentation of such enhancements has always been limited for morale's sake and ethical concerns. However, as technology improved and as scientists continued to understand the human body, advancements paved the way for the eventual use of body enhancement chemicals — the first bio-engineering protocol was established to help humans adjust to long duration spaceflight and different planetary environmental conditions; and subsequently for interplanetary war.[1] The fruition of such procedures to help create a superior soldier did not solidify until the limited success of the ORION Project which would pave the way for the success of the SPARTAN-II Program.


Research on the then-named ORION Generation II augmentations began five years after the deactivation of the ORION Project.[2] Early analysis concluded that next-generation candidates must have "more malleable, robust DNA structure and repair enzymes" this being based on the fundamental flaw of the augmentation procedures performed on the ORION soldiers. Because of the requirements, the best suitable candidate who would adapt without severe side effects were those of prepubescent age.

Candidates of prepubescent age are screened based on genetic markers/SNPs that are linked to positive fitness and decreased disease incidence. The task of screening for such DNA structures were astronomical and to properly screen for correct genetic markers would require thirty-nine billion records.[2]

In the initial studies and research conducted on possible procedures, two of the proposed augmentations were rejected because of their risks and drawbacks, the first being Adrenal-response enhancement which would enhance the autonomic nervous system to better balance between sympathetic and parasympathetic function in the bodies response to stress.[3] The next was memory and cognitive enhancements, these were rejected based upon the mental instabilities that could occur.[3] From 2511 until the augmentation of the SPARTAN-IIs in 2525 research continued at refining and improving the chemicals to reduce failure rate continued. Later research proved difficult for other mental, adrenal and neural enhancement procedures to be used on the SPARTAN-IIs because of their unacceptable failure rates.[4] Admiral Ysionris Jeromi conducted experimental procedures on Bonobo Chimpanzees at the request of his former student in attempt to help reduce the failure rates and improve the regime.[5]


Chemical augmentations work on a molecular level by targeting molecules within the body and then altering them to begin a growth process of targeted tissues. Although the chemicals work on a molecular level they do not work on a genetic level, as targeted mutagenesis is impossible only with chemicals.

The process of augmenting the SPARTAN-IIs was divided into two parts, surgical procedures and injection procedures. Surgeries were highly risky, intensive, and required special medical talent. Their safety and effects varied substantially from subject to subject, with the benefits and risks varying with the surgeon, the surgical conditions, and the state of the patient.[6] Chemical augmentations have their own risks dependent upon the subject's genetic background and how they adjust to the alteration of cells and molecules and to a more physical point, tissue growth.

Procedure Description Risk(s)
Occipital Capillary Reversal Surgery is performed on the occipital lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain; the occipital lobe is the visual processing center of the brain, containing most of the anatomical region of the visual cortex. The surgeon performs a procedure on the capillaries, the smallest of the body's blood vessels, to reverse the direction of blood flow in each capillary to boost the blood flow beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. The rods and cones of the eye are light-sensitive receptors located in the back of the eye. Together they are able to detect movement, light and color, and relay that information back to the brain. This procedure produces a marked visual perception increase.[5] 11% of subjects could face retinal rejection and detachment causing permanent blindness.[5][4]
Carbide Ceramic Ossification Surgery is performed on the arms and legs of the subject's body to expose the bone. An advanced carbide ceramic material is grafted onto the skeletal structure to begin skeletal ossification. This process works by breaking down bone and rebuilding it stronger then before. This results in the bones being virtually unbreakable. The coverage of this procedure does not exceed 3% total bone mass due to significant white blood cell necrosis; to make up for that a growth hormone is administered to help strengthen the bones throughout the rest of the body.[5] 3.8% failure rate due to possible mutations and compromised bone marrow matrix integrity. In pre-and near-postpubescent adolescents, skeletal growth spurts may cause irreparable bone pulverization.[5][4]
Catalytic Thyroid Implant A platinum pellet is implanted in the left thyroid gland; this pellet contains a human growth hormone that is released into the body to boost growth of skeletal and muscle tissues. As the hormone is released into the body the pellet dissolves and is absorbed.[citation needed] The hormone targets and stimulates the growth of fast and slow twitch muscle fibers, effectively producing significant gains in muscle mass. The hormone also targets osteoblasts to help boost bone tissue formation and effectively strengthen the bone structure.[5] 2% of subjects acquire elephantitis. Suppressed sexual drive.[5][4]
Muscular Enhancement Injections In addition to the growth hormone catalyst, a protein complex is injected intramuscularly that targets the muscles' intracellular molecular machinery to help increase muscle strength and endurance. These injections target the muscles' molecules increasing the density of the connective tissues and fibers, the more visible result being the muscles quivering and contorting over one another, making connecting tendons stronger and decreasing lactase recovery time.[5][4][7] 5% of test subjects experience a fatal cardiac volume increase.[5][4]
Superconducting Fibrification of Neural Dendrites Alteration of bioeletrical nerve transduction to shielded electronic transduction. 300% increase in subject reflexes. Anecdotal evidence of marked increase in intelligence, memory, and creativity.[5] 12% of subjects can contract Parkinson's Disease and Fletcher's Syndrome.[5][4]


The augmentation procedure begins by preparing the subject for the procedure itself, the subject's head is shaved and incision vectors are lasered onto the subjects body.[8] An intravenous drip is inserted into the subjects arm while in bed, the IV drip, is used as a short-term method to rehydrate a patient or give them medicine or nutrients to revitalize them. A general anesthetic agent is administered and the subject enters a state of unconsciousness. The subject is then wheeled into the operating room where the procedures begin.

The first procedure performed is the Occipital Capillary Reversal, the subject is rolled onto his stomach and the neurosurgeon then cuts into the subjects skull exposing the brain, the neurosurgeon then performs a procedure to rearrange the capillary in the Occipital lobe of the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. This redistribution of blood vessels boost the flow of blood beneath the rods and cones of the subject's retina. Once the surgery is complete the piece of the subjects skull that was removed in order to access the occipital lobe is reattached to the skull. The area is then stitched up with the incision most likely being cauterized first. Bandages are applied around the subject's head.

Once complete the second procedure performed is the Carbide Ceramic Ossification, this involves making cuts along the arms and legs and applying the grating material to the bone in key areas. The material begins to spread across and into targeted areas, once the surgeon sees the procedure taking affect, the arms and legs are stitched up with the incision most likely being cauterized first. Once completed the Ossification continues, while other procedures are performed the process more or less works by the material breaking down bone material possibly by using osteoclasts, and then rebuilding the bone by using osteoblasts.

Next the surgeon makes an incision on the lower part of the neck to expose the thyroid gland, a tiny incision is made to the left thyroid gland large enough for the platinum pellet to be implanted, once done the incision made is quickly cauterized and the incision made to the neck is also cauterized and stitched up. The growth is released and as time progresses works its way through the body beginning the process of growing skeletal and muscle tissue.

As this takes place, muscular enhancement injections are administered throughout the subject's body to aid the previous procedure. This produces the most prolonged delay in the rest of the augmentation procedures as the subjects body begins to alter as a result of the previous procedures. If the subject has survived the brunt of the changes the final part of the augmentation is performed.

Once the augmentation procedures are finished, the subject begins a long recovery process. The recovery process takes anywhere from weeks to months to recover, all dependent upon the subject itself. Every day the subject performs stretches, isometric exercises, light sparring drills and consuming high protein foods.[9] The subject must consume five meals a day, after each meal they must report to the medical bay to receive mineral and vitamin injections.


Although the subject is in a state of unconscious, a state of which the subject should not feel any pain, the effects of the augmentation procedures produce excruciating pain. Physiological stress of the augmentations can produce cardiac arrest,[4] in addition to cross-chemical complications that can result in augmentation failure.

Each procedure is marked with their set of unbearable pain, the carbide ceramic ossification is said to feel like the subjects bones are breaking, as if their marrows were made of glass and were being shattered.[10][11] The catalytic thyroid implant and muscular enhancement injections produce extraordinary pain as if the subject's veins had been injected with napalm[11][7] as well as pulsating and the feeling of them being torn out of the subjects skin. The effect of the muscles increasing in density is said to feel like the entire body was on fire mixed with the feeling of plated glass shattering and being worked in the subject's body.[7] The superconducting fabrication of neural dendrites is said to feel like fire is burning along the subject's nerves on their spines.[10]

The side effects of completing the augmentations vary, as the subject's brain relearns how to move his body with faster reflexes and stronger muscles, experiences neurological confusion that include falling over exaggerated reflexes problems holding onto an object or problems grabbing it. The subject can experience bleeding eyes, incredible pain, constant headaches, and aches in the bones.[12]

As time goes on successful augmentation subjects side effects diminish either completely or to the point where it is considered mild.


Only a few months after augmentation procedures the SPARTAN-IIs were capable of running at speeds exceeding 55 km/h or 34.2 mph. Kelly-087 was noted as capable of running even faster. Later during the Human-Covenant war, while in her Mark V MJOLNIR Armor, Kelly-087s the top speed recorded was 62 km/h or 38.5 mph[13] John-117 has been noted to have, briefly, run at around 105 km/h or 65.2 mph during a MJOLNIR MARK V training exercise, however his Achilles tendon was torn because the strain put on his body was unsustainable.[14]

The SPARTAN-IIs were capable of lifting at least three times their body weight without the aid of their MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor. John-117 was noted for using his enhanced strength combined with his skills and MJOLNIR armor to kill a Brute with his bare hands during Operation: First Strike. Cal-141 was capable of blocking a Jiralhanae Chieftain's Gravity Hammer swing with a single hand, dodging multiple swings from the Chieftain, using her enhanced muscle strength to jump to great heights, and wounding the Chieftain with a few punches and kicks; all with her armor as well.

Their reaction time, while impossible to chart accurately, was estimated to be twenty milliseconds. The Spartan's reaction times were significantly faster in combat situations or with A.I. assistance. The reaction times of the SPARTAN-IIs were so fast that they, in heightened states of stress, were able to think, react and see things as if everything around them was in slow motion - dubbed as "SPARTAN Time" by Kelly-087.[15] SPARTAN-IIs were also known for their sharp eyesight, their occipital capillary reversal allowing them to virtually see in the dark.

Chief Petty Officer Franklin Mendez stated that after the augmentations the SPARTANs would only get better as they adjusted to the augmentations. Therefore many of the SPARTANs attributes have increased through time and acclimation. These attributes were completely independent of the MJOLNIR armor, which served to further augment the SPARTANs' unprecedented capabilities.

Despite the impressive feats the surviving SPARTANs performed many of the fourteen year old candidates died or "washed out" as a result of the augmentations. Rather than be buried or cremated their bodies were cryogenically preserved with the hopes of one day reviving these candidates.[16] Experimental rehabilitation programs were performed on more then 80% of the washouts. The result of these programs, however, has yet to be determined.[17] The augmentation procedures performed on the SPARTAN-IIs paved the way for Project CHRYSANTHEMUM and thus to the "disposable" Spartan-III's.



  1. ^ Halo Encyclopedia, page 44
  2. ^ a b Dr. Halsey's personal journal February 15, 2511
  3. ^ a b Dr. Halsey's personal journal December 4th, 2510
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h Dr. Halsey's personal journal March 9th, 2525
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k Halo: The Fall of Reach, page 57 page 74 2010 edition
  6. ^ Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe Pariah page 32
  7. ^ a b c Halo: Evolutions - Essential Tales of the Halo Universe Pariah page 34
  8. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach page 59 page 77 2010 edition
  9. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach page 64 page 82 2010 edition
  10. ^ a b Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 63
  11. ^ a b Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 101-102
  12. ^ Halo: Fall of Reach, page 62 page 80 2010 edition
  13. ^ Halo: Ghosts of Onyx, page 168
  14. ^ Halo: The Fall of Reach, pages 264 page 299 2010 edition
  15. ^ Halo: First Strike page 12
  16. ^ Dr. Halsey's personal journal April 1st, 2525
  17. ^ Dr. Halsey's personal journal June 27th, 2525

List of appearances

See also