
The Linktacular medal, earned by playing in a matchmade game with only Bungie.net members.

Linktacular is a medal given in Halo 3 Multiplayer for playing in a match made game composed entirely of Bungie.net users, meaning that they must all have registered on Bungie.net by linking their gamertag to the Bungie.net profile, signified by the Seventh Column beside their gamertag in game. The image consists of a cobalt circle with the Seventh Column.

How To Obtain

  • This medal is easily obtained in a playlist with a low amount of players, such as Head to Head or Team Doubles. It is sometimes possible to achieve when playing with a group of friends with the Bungie logo on a large game type.
  • It is very easy to get if you play Infection, or Slayer with your friends if they have the logo.