Sarah Palmer/Quotes

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The following is a list of quotes said by Commander Sarah Palmer.

Halo 4


  • "Peters, you heard Commander Lasky."
  • "Move, move, move!"
  • "Yes, sir! Fours, go!" - When Lasky orders her to get her men inside a Forerunner building.
  • "Seal her up!" - Palmer's command to her Spartans.
  • "I thought you'd be taller." - Palmer upon meeting John-117.
  • "Sir...we'll never get the wounded back to the ship on foot." - Palmer to Lasky, regarding their need for a Pelican.
  • "Sir, Gypsy Company is prepped and ready to roll on your orders. - Palmer to Del Rio aboard the Infinity.


  • "Chief; Spartan Sarah Palmer in Infinity CIC. Commander Lasky's waiting for you on the Mammoth." - Palmer to Master Chief when preparing the attack on the particle cannons.
  • "Chief, Palmer again. The Mammoth's got jetpacks onboard. If I were down there, I'd want one."
  • "Captain Del Rio, targeting Pelicans are in position near the particle cannons, waiting for the Mammoth's Mini-MAC to take them out."
  • "Seven Six Six, lose some altitude. You're inside the kill box!" - Palmer warns the targeting Pelicans that they're in range of the particle cannon.
  • "Pelican! Fall back!"
  • "There's Gypsy Seven's Pelican, out in the muck. Anyone still alive?"
  • "I'm on it, Commander. Palmer out." - When Gypsy Company requests evac for casualties.

Spartan Ops

  • "Your new workplace is a planet called 'Requiem'. Some of the old hands here know what you're in for. The rest of you - you're due for an education." - Palmer briefing SPARTAN-IV soldiers about their deployment to Requiem.
  • "They believe this is the home of one of their gods! Way I see it, if those freaks wanna meet God, it's our duty to help them along!" - Commander Palmer discussing the Covenant presence on Requiem.
  • "Miller, tell them help's on the way. Dalton, change of plans. Crimson's going to rescue some eggheads." - Palmer discussing Crimson's next mission at the end of Clean Up.

Halo: Spartan Assault

  • "So I killed Merg Vol and we all went home? Is that the official version these days? Ha. You ought to see what came next."
  • "The transmission was Davis's call for help, just before he died. That planet was made to build things out of galactic material. And it tried to build something out of was left of Davis. I shut it down. Spartan Davis was my friend, and a damn good soldier. He deserves better than to be wiped out of our training records."

Halo: Initiation

  • "I only did what needed doing. What I was trained to do." - Palmer to Jun-A266 on rescuing Admiral Kovalic
  • "Soldiers don't act like they're smarter than me just because it took them eight years longer to get out of school." - Palmer on why she's disrespectful towards doctors.
  • "Big robot-looking guys. They stomp around the battlefield, kicking everyone's ass and making the rest of us feel inadequate." - Palmer's initial description of Spartans.