Forum:Halo: Nightfall (General)

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Forums: Index General Discussion Halo: Nightfall (General)
Nightfall poster.png

So the Halo panel at Comic-Con is going on right now. This guy is announcing all the Nightfall news on Twitter. According to the Twitter user, people in the series will die off and it will focus on Locke and a elite squad on an abandoned outer colony and a fragment of Installation 04. There is also a new Pelican type, similar to the Tart-Cart. Locke is apparently going to be a playable character in Guardians as well. The series looks promising, but it is unfortunate that it will have about the same budget as Forward Unto Dawn. Still, I have high hopes.

What does everyone else expect from Nightfall? - NightHammer (talk) 15:33, 24 July 2014 (EDT)

Trailer is up at An element that infects people from Alpha Halo...are we going to be seeing the Flood in live action? -- SFH (talk) 16:04, 24 July 2014 (EDT)
It's very likely, but it apparently only infects humans. Still... - NightHammer (talk) 16:15, 24 July 2014 (EDT)
Selectivity has always been one of the Flood's most important traits...
I saw the trailer, and I like it! It certainly has a nice good BSG vibe, and the characters seem well-defined and the story a good way to frame a lead-in feature. Considering both Nightfall and Escalation seem to be leading their characters to Halos, I wonder if that will be where Halo 5 opens, with the Chief saving Locke at the beginning, then shifting to Locke coming for him?
And excited to hear about a new "Condor" dropship - just after Loftus has redone his charts! He must be thrilled :P -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 18:42, 24 July 2014 (EDT)

Lefty with DMR!

Anyone else notice the guy in the background, "underneath" Locke's DMR, holding a DMR left-handed. Bet he's about to get some hot brass in his face! 18:46, 29 August 2014 (EDT)

He probably would, though the DMRs inherited the BR55's trait of not having an ejection port at all, even though that of course makes no sense. Alex T Snow (talk) 00:43, 30 August 2014 (EDT)
The DMR could have dual ejection ports. Second Lieutenant Keith Johnson File:7thHelljumpers.jpg com link 00:55, 30 August 2014 (EDT)

Plot Speculation

We don't know much about the plot of Halo: Nightfall, except it involves some UNSC soldiers being sent to Halo's fragment for a mission. Then something bad happens and everyone is now fighting for their lives. I have an idea though. One of the more recent appearances of Installation 04 was in Halo Anniversary. Remember, in one of the Terminals, an unidentified alien vessel crashed into Sector 1215. Let's say it was Sector 1215 that was broken off. UNSC comes along, finds the sarcophagus in ruins, and whatever is inside puts everyone at risk. This might be a stretch, because that may mean that Patenaude has been planning the series since 2011, or 343i just managed to find an unfinished arc. Alternatively, Sector 1215 is gone and we will never find out what the sarcophagus was for (but gosh, what a wasted opportunity!). What do you think? —SPARTAN331 06:47, 11 October 2014 (EDT)

I think the plot has something to do with the re-release of the flood and it's integration into a bio-weapon (somehow?). But the idea you proposed would be great. Maybe we can finally get an origin story as to what species that vessel came from and what/who was inside. It would be a great to introduce a brand new threat to the series. Though I kind-of doubt 343i will introduce anything new past what they already have - Jul' Mdama, Ur-Didact, Drake, etc... Who knows.--Killamin7 [Comm|Files] 10:08, 11 October 2014 (EDT)
I really hope your right, Spartan 331. 343i would be showing the originality that I have longed for, while really making the Halo universe its own, by adding something substantial, and not in a comic book type way, either. --Weeping Angel (talk) 22:01, 11 October 2014 (EDT)


Any idea what it is? It's freaky. Lekgolo? Erickyboo (talk) 02:58, 21 October 2014 (EDT)

It's not the Flood. unless they took a loooot of creative license. It does kind of look like the Lekgolog, but we've never heard of them acting like that. Also "it's an element", so probably not. I'm betting it's something new. --Weeping Angel (talk) 09:33, 21 October 2014 (EDT)
You're assuming the creature in the video was connected to the element. Going by this, it would seem to be a number of creatures joined together to make a humanoid shape to fool people from far away. The only creature we know to have those abilities at the moment are the Lekgolo.--Soul reaper (talk) 10:02, 21 October 2014 (EDT)
Yeah, I shouldn't be so quick to dismiss either of those possibilities, flood or Leckgolo. It just seems out of character for both. Let me suggest one other weird idea. What if its Forerunner? I know that's almost impossible, but I would really like to see something more made out of the Forerunners. Hundreds of eons of technological advancement, and they feel like modern (2500s, anyway) humans, pretty much. This could be a cool defense system. It's composed of smaller parts that can assemble and reassemble at will, much like Onyx Sentinals, only with biotech. --Weeping Angel (talk) 11:59, 21 October 2014 (EDT)
I was just thinking that it could be a hardlight hologram, or something of the kind. Your proposal sounds much more sci-fi, and probably more interesting than what we'll get! :P -- Qura 'Morhek The Autocrat of Morheka 18:12, 21 October 2014 (EDT)
I like the Forerunner bio/nanotech proposal. Something like that isn't beyond them, after all, given the known nature of the Huragok. Still, it would raise the question of why we never saw them before. Maybe an emergency operational mode or malfunction of some sort (not impossible given the state of the ring)? As for the Lekgolo idea, if the individual eels were that nimble and fast on their own you'd think the Covenant would've just deployed them in giant swarms that roll over everything in the battlefield like a tidal wave. Though this wouldn't be the first time they came up with new abilities without considering their bigger implications (I'm looking at you, Karen Traviss & Brian Reed and your instant interstellar teleportation). And Frankie seems to be fond of Lekgolo so they can't entirely be ruled out either. Finally, the Flood is not out of the question. We know they're highly adaptable and mutable so this being a variation of say, the infection form or pure form concepts wouldn't be unthinkable. If the shapeshifting figure is related to the bioweapon (which it likely is), the "element" part would rule out Lekgolo and leave Forerunner smatter and Flood (specifically, the base genetic material). Or something truly new, maybe related to the HCEA terminals' alien vessel. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 00:32, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
I think the alien vessel from the terminals is most likely, there's no realistic chance of dealing with that if not now, and there's not really any other room for "new" beings on a chunk of a destroyed Halo. I think the "element"/bioweapon/thing isn't the being itself, but something it has, or created. Also, a mysterious crashed ship of unknown origin, in a setting like this? Very Ridley Scott... Alex T Snow (talk) 02:34, 24 October 2014 (EDT)
Nightfall in general would be rightfully called a blatant Ridley Scott ripoff... if Ridley Scott wasn't actually involved. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 02:38, 24 October 2014 (EDT)

Okay so... Spoilerz I guess ? The online manual of Halo: The Master Chief Collection has been released, and it says you can unlock a skull in Halo 2 Anniversary after watching all 5 episodes of Halo: Nightfall. Check its description here. Mystery solved? Imrane-117 (talk) 14:23, 2 November 2014 (EST)

Randall the Spartan

Halo: Nightfall Trailer

I had a lingering suspicion about the name but...

-"I'm just one man."
-"One man that was a Spartan."

Cue Randall Aiken showing off his Spartan scars. A history with, and disdain for, ONI. Randall-037 anyone? --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 14:01, 22 October 2014 (EDT)

Holy God, that's a good find. -- SFH (talk) 14:03, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
The only part that doesn't quite match up is that Aiken's stature doesn't appear to stand out too much—though to be fair I don't think we have any good shots of him with other people. It's also possible they made him look taller in the series proper with camera trickery. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 14:13, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
I agree the stature seems totally off. if you look at him wielding an MA5, he looks ridiculous. Also, why would ONI let go of such a valuable piece of equipment as a Spartan, a II no less? --Weeping Angel (talk) 15:18, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
Well, there isn't a lot of Spartans with this name. Either he's the Randall we know or a surviving Spartan-III with the same name (I doubt he'd be a Spartan-I since they are not really lauded a heroes in the post-war era, from I've understood). That would be really interesting, since 343i usually like to kill off good old characters who aren't really exploited. Imrane-117 (talk) 16:00, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
I think he is too young to be a Spartan-I and too old to be a Spartan-III. Aiken's actor is 45 years old so, if the character is around that age, that would put him nearly the same age as the Spartan-IIs. It would be weird for them to create another Spartan character with the same name as Randall. Although I agree he is a bit small to be a Spartan-II, I think I'd rather him be the same character as Randall-037 instead of a new Spartan. - NightHammer (talk) 16:11, 22 October 2014 (EDT)
He could technically be an Orion as Johnson looks insanely young for his age, especially in H2A. But I agree he's probably Randall-037. It'd be a nice way to reintroduce (and likely wrap up) an established character instead of new Spartans always popping out of thin air. And Randall's the perfect candidate too, being the only S-II MIA and all. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 01:15, 23 October 2014 (EDT)

I love being right. What I don't get is how do you "reverse" enhancements like a material surgically grafted into your bones, or a dramatic overhaul of your entire nervous system or muscle fibers, without slipping into comic book nonsense. Did they give him the anti-Spartan serum or something? Then he writhed for some time in intense pain on the operating table (the "excruciating process") and his powers were gone? Maybe ONI also tested their new secret weapon, the shrink ray, on him given the size difference. That or nanomachines did it. Or maybe he never lost his augmentations and is revealed to have been an ONI double agent all along. In any case a proper explanation would be nice. --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 06:51, 12 November 2014 (EST)


Thoughts? Comments? Etc. I felt it was a good start and can't wait to see what follows. File:Colonel Grade One.pngCol. Snipes450File:Colonel Grade One.png 00:24, 11 November 2014 (EST)

I quite like it, and don't have anything worth complaining about. Well, aside from the three Second Stories being permanently stuck in what sounded like Italian for no apparent reason. Alex T Snow (talk) 04:36, 11 November 2014 (EST)
Well it's certainly better than the pre-release reviews made it out to be. Locke is shaping up to be quite likable, as long as they write him consistently and don't try to force him into a generic maverick badass mold like what happened with Palmer. I had a few pet peeves, like how "the Covenant" breaking the peace treaty is somehow a big deal; the UNSC never negotiated a treaty with the Covenant and ONI should be well aware there are different splinter factions (that would be fairly obvious after what happened in Spartan Assault and even more so if this is set after Halo 4). And it's not like yelling at Jul 'Mdama or any other warlord about breaking a treaty is going to help anything. This seems like a small thing, but given that getting evidence for "the Covenant" breaking the treaty is the main point for the mission to the Halo shard (as opposed to just nuking it) it's a pretty big deal. Strange no one in 343i's franchise team picked up on it. Also, if the bioweapon doesn't turn out to be more than that, something with an agency behind it, I'll probably be disappointed—how convenient is it that a spontaneously generated element like this just happened to be toxic to humans only? --Jugus (Talk | Contribs) 06:51, 12 November 2014 (EST)