Crei 'Ayomuu
Crei 'Ayomuu on Netherop on the cover of Halo: Outcasts.
Crei 'Ayomuu on Netherop.[1]
Personal details





Political and military information


Oath Warden[2]


Crei 'Ayomuu is a Sangheili Oath Warden reputed to be a skilled investigator and relentless stalker who always delivers satisfaction for his clients. In 2559, he was hired by a client to track down the human Keely Iyuska after she failed to appear at an arranged meeting. His search brought him to Arbiter Thel 'Vadam, who tentatively agreed to assist 'Ayomuu.[2]


Hunting Iyuska

In late 2559, Oath Warden Crei 'Ayomuu was hired by a client to track down a human xenoarchaeologist by the name of Keely Iyuska. This human had agreed to give said client first pick of any artifacts she recovered from the world of Netherop, if he were to fund the expedition to the planet. Supposedly, Iyuska had discovered records implying that a Forerunner Guardian Custode had long ago been deployed to subdue Netherop, but that the civilization had managed to defeat the construct—something that would interest many factions given that much of the galaxy was then under the fist of the Created. After receiving the funding for the mission, she was supposed to meet with 'Ayomuu's client. However, she instead travelled to the state of Vadam, Sanghelios to meet with Spartan-IV Olympia Vale instead. It was following the failed rendezvous that 'Ayomuu was hired to hunt down Iyuska.[2]

'Ayomuu tracked Iyuska to Vadam, using his Eyes to discover that she was hiding in the kreche warrens of a tenement island populated by laborers from the Kolaar Manufactorum. His Eyes warned the incubating Sangheili females at the warrens, but a band of enraged Sangheili males fired on the Eyes and 'Ayomuu lost Iyuska in the confusion. At this point, Created armigers began to arrive and he had to abandon his flight of Eyes. The armigers then proceeded to violently search the tenement islands for Iyuska, as the Created had also learned the subject of her research.[2]

Following this, Crei 'Ayomuu visited the nearby Vadam Keep to speak with Arbiter Thel 'Vadam on the matter, requesting his blessing on his pursuit of Iyuska and his assistance, if he would offer it. Though skeptical of 'Ayomuu and his client, 'Vadam eventually agreed to work with the Oath Warden after hearing the nature of Iyuska's research and her connection to Olympia Vale, who the Arbiter considered an ally.[2]

Personality and traits

Crei ‘Ayomuu is reputed by many to be both the best and worst of the Oath Wardens. He is a talented investigator and tireless stalker who always delivers results, either by forcing his targets to honor their word or by delivering their severed heads to his clients. 'Ayomuu is known to be very confident. When visited Arbiter Thel 'Vadam in his own keep, 'Ayomuu came before him without an energy sword, despite not be ordered to do so. When 'Vadam demanded that he either leave Vadam Keep or get to the point of his visit under threat of death, 'Ayomuu confidently stated that he would leave the keep in the manner of his own choosing.[2]

Gaunt for a Sangheili, Crei 'Ayomuu has a stooped posture and gray pallor. His head is noted to be flat and long, his mandibles thin, his limbs slender and elongated.[2]

However, there are some lines that 'Ayomuu would not willingly cross such as working for the Banished. After discovering that the Banished were actually his client, 'Ayomuu was visibly horrified, and insisted that he would never work for them, having been deceived by Atriox using a Sangheili Studymaster as a front.[3]


Crei 'Ayomuu is known to wear an indigo combat harness with a pale blue visor in combat situations.[4] While meeting with Arbiter Thel 'Vadam to request his support, he wore only a cloth jumpsuit belted at the waist, and he notably did not carry an energy sword. 'Ayomuu regularly makes use of Eyes as he hunts down his targets.[2]

List of appearances


  1. ^ Twitter, Alex Wakeford (@haruspis): "There's been a lot of speculation over the last year about who this character is. Now that the chapter preview is here, it's time to get acquainted. Meet Oath Warden Crei 'Ayomuu 👀" (Retrieved on Jul 30, 2023) [archive]
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h Halo: Outcasts, chapter 2
  3. ^ Halo: Outcasts, chapter 20
  4. ^ Halo: Outcasts cover art