TheBabysitter Asteroids Concept.png







Heian is a world located within the Milky Way's Arc star cluster.[1][2] The planet is terrestrial, with a breathable atmosphere and an Earth-like surface. Meteor showers are common on this world, as thousands of asteroids orbit the planet.[3][4]


Topography and ecology

Heian is a terrestrial world, appearing to be Earth-like and containing a breathable atmosphere for most species (including humanity) without the need of external apparatus. The surface is capable of supporting liquid water and dense jungles of native flora similar to that found on Earth, with much of the observed regions of the planet covered in such a manner. The planet is subject to regular meteor showers with an asteroid belt encircling the planet - the frequency of which allowing a deployment of drop pods onto the planet to go unnoticed during the Human-Covenant War.[3]

The most striking topographical feature on the planet, however, is the presence of complexes of ancient ruins predating any form of human or Covenant civilisation on the planet. The ruins themselves bear resemblance to the stone Forerunner ruins found on Arcadia and Delta Halo, mixing a variety of older human architectural trends influences analysed by Doctor William Iqbal to include Greco-Roman, Middle Eastern and East Asian, with subtle Forerunner themes.[1] East Asian themes are among the most prevalent in the structures examined by UNSC forces deployed in Operation: GREY VEIL in 2544, including decorations containing dragon-like creatures and statuaries distinctively similar to statues of Buddha. Most of the buildings at this site have pagoda-like roof structures. Overall, the designs are very ornate and full of carvings. Curiously, the overall scale of most structures is massive; one step in a staircase may be the height of an average human. Some structures seem like a mix of ancient and relatively modern industrial architecture, including a water processing facility with aqueducts and valve systems nigh-identical to those used by humans.[2][3]

Another complex later superficially examined by the Office of Naval Intelligence as part of Project BOOKWORM has showcased ruins with more similarities to Forerunner ruins - showcasing the range of architectural styles on the planet's surface.[4][5] However, ONI teams have only been able to conduct cursory expeditions onto Heian in the post-war environment, with those teams who stayed on-world following the Created uprising uncovering evidence to hint that the ruins may have connections with the human Ancestor civilisation that once rivalled the Forerunner Ecumene in the galaxy tens of thousands of years ago.[4] Doctor William Iqbal also considered this idea, noting that the similarities to old-Earth architecture may indicate that the civilisation which once occupied Heian almost certainly did not develop those styles independently - and wondering whether they took the architecture from modern humanity, or whether modern humanity took its architecture from the Heian civilisation.[1][4]


A ruin complex on the planet.

At an unknown period of time several millennia before the advent of human spaceflight in the 20th century, Heian was occupied by an unidentified ancient civilisation - resulting in the construction of the aforementioned large temple complexes on the planet's surface. While the identity of this species is unknown, some speculation from modern human researchers has indicated that the planet was inhabited by ancient humanity thousands of years prior to the Forerunner-Flood war.[1][4]

Heian was one of many worlds discovered and occupied by the Covenant empire some time during or prior to the Human-Covenant War, becoming the site of a logistics base used in the empire's genocide of humanity from which supplies were delivered to the rest of the planets in the system, as well as the entire sector. In 2544,[4], the world became the site of Operation: GREY VEIL - a mission assigned by the Office of Naval Intelligence to a small team of Orbital Drop Shock Troopers and a SPARTAN-II supersoldier to investigate the ruins on the planet and assassinate a San'Shyuum prophet.[4] During the mission, the team were also tasked with gathering intelligence on the unknown ruins. The team succeeded in their mission, at the cost of Spartan Cal-141 and ODST Checkman's deaths.[2]

The photographs taken by the team were later studied by the Department of Xenoarchaeological Studies at the University of Edinburgh along with the University of Calcutta as a part of an extensive investigation of Forerunner relics.[1] Following the war's end, further research on Heian was conducted under Project BOOKWORM, though relatively little detailed study of the ruins on the planet was conducted before the Created were unveiled in 2558. Despite the crisis, a number of researchers continued to stay on Heian and feed their findings to the Office of Naval Intelligence - presenting the organisation with a number of questions about the relationship between modern humans and the ancient human civilisation.[4]


  • The planet is likely named after either the Heian period of Japanese history, or the city from which the period takes its name.
  • The fact that the ruins on the planet were relatively intact suggested that either the planet was missed when the Forerunners purged the galaxy of any trace of the prehistoric human civilization or that the planet was abandoned during one of humanity's technological dark ages long before their war with the Forerunners.
  • The Halo Infinite multiplayer map Forest is set on Heian.[4]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b c d e Halo: Evolutions - From the Office of Dr. William Arthur Iqbal
  2. ^ a b c Halo Legends, episode The Babysitter: "Satellite recon shows radar and magnetic signatures on Heian..."
  3. ^ a b c Halo Legends, episode The Babysitter
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i Halo Waypoint, Canon Fodder - System Shocks (Retrieved on Jun 30, 2023) [archive]
  5. ^ Halo Infinite, multiplayer map Forest