Halo: Shadows of Reach

  • "Call it what you will. It belongs to Atriox and the Banished now." (Escharum talking to Castor about the recovery of the Forerunner crystal shards from the Anodyne Spirit.)

Halo Infinite

Warship Gbraakon

  • "A Spartan? No. Something better. The Master Chief returns. We thought you dead. Tossed into the void, yet here you stand. Humans call you their savor. The Covenant... Demon. The Banished? Prey. (chuckles) Destroy this craft if you must. It matters not. The Banished will hunt you down. Pursue you wherever you run."
  • "Do you think this disruption will be enough? Victory is already ours. So, run, Spartan. We will meet on the battlefield."


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Outpost Tremonius

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Pelican Down

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House of Reckoning

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Boss Fight

  • [Angry roar] "Damn you!" (taking damage)
  • [Chuckle] "Please." (taking damage)
  • [Coughing] "Demon! This day you die!"
  • [Coughing] "You...wretched...thing!"
  • [Furious roar]
  • [Menacing laughter]
  • [Sniff] "Spartan... I'm near."
  • "A human in a suit! Nothing more!"
  • "A pest to be stomped! Nothing more!"
  • "Bare your teeth, Spartan! Let us finish it!"
  • "Come on! Fight harder!" (taking damage)
  • "Do not disappoint me, Spartan."
  • "Do you feel it? Darkness approaches."
  • "Do you know what awaits you beneath the surface of this Ring?"
  • "Dodge this, whelp!" (attacking)
  • "Does it hurt, Spartan?" (attacking)
  • "Fire! Blood! Glory is at hand!"
  • "For Atriox! For the Banished!"
  • "Go on! Attack! Everything you have!"
  • "Hold still!"
  • "Hold still, coward!"
  • "Humanity's last hope dies with you. Unless you act!"
  • "I am not dead yet, Spartan!"
  • "I do not need armor - I am not like YOU!"
  • "I do this for Atriox. And for his Banished."
  • "I promise you, Spartan - this device is quite functional."
  • "I scarcely felt that." (taking damage)
  • "I survived the Covenant - I will survive YOU!"
  • "I will break you!"
  • "I will bury you alongside your pathetic friend!"
  • "I will grant you a warrior's death!"
  • "I will NOT relent!"
  • "I will see the dreams of Atriox realized!"
  • "I will show you a nightmare beyond reckoning!"
  • "I'll crush you!"
  • "I'll crush you flat!"
  • "I'll have your head for this!" (taking damage)
  • "In the name of Atriox!"
  • "It is too late to beg."
  • "Is that all you can do, Spartan?" (taking damage)
  • "Is this all you are capable of?" (taking damage)
  • "It will do you no good." (taking damage)
  • "Let us see what you truly are!"
  • "Let us test your legend!"
  • "Make your choice, Spartan. Victory... or your friends."
  • "My blood burns! My heart roars!"
  • "My greatest battle... [cough] My last battle..."
  • "None can stand against me! Not even YOU!"
  • "Not bad. But not good enough." (taking damage)
  • "Nowhere to run! Nowhere to hide!"
  • "One more Spartan is nothing! Now you die!"
  • "Our pack will not be stopped! Not by you!"
  • "Perhaps I underestimated you, human."
  • "Petulant Demon! You will submit to my will!"
  • "Petulant whelp! I expect no less!" (taking damage)
  • "Prove your valor. Show me what you are."
  • "Ready to die, human?!"
  • "Ready yourself!"
  • "Run, demon!"
  • "Running again, eh?"
  • "Sacrifice is a necessity of war, Spartan."
  • "Send word to the Harbinger. The Spartan is dead." (if he kills the player)
  • "Set a fire in your heart, Spartan."
  • "Show me what you can do!"
  • "Show me your courage, filth!"
  • "That's it. Cut through him. It's your only path to victory."
  • "The Banished will never yield!"
  • "The Covenant is dead. Soon humanity will join them!"
  • "The hope of humanity dies with!"
  • "The Prophets could not stop us. Cortana could not stop us. You will not stop us."
  • "The Spartans are dead! And soon you will join them!"
  • "This battle will be remembered in song."
  • "This is no place for weakness!"
  • "This Ring belongs to the Banished."
  • "This Ring is our home. You are an invader."
  • "What?!" (stuck by a grenade)
  • "What will you do now, Spartan?" (shield activates)
  • "Why do you refuse to die?!"
  • "Yes!"
  • "You are but a tool of the Forerunners!"
  • "You cannot escape!"
  • "You cower behind your weapon!"
  • "You know what you must do. Now DO IT!"
  • "You think this will save your friend? He'll die - like you!"
  • "You were a fool to come here!"
  • "You will be broken!"
  • "You will be ground into the dust of this world!"
  • "You will die a magnificent death!"
  • "You will not win! You cannot win!"
  • "Your armor will be my greatest trophy!"
  • "Your corpse will be my prize!"
  • "Your death approaches. Submit!"
  • "Your last breath will be drawn, pained, at my FEET!"
  • "Your legend ends today, human!"
  • "Your pack is dead! Shattered! And you are alone!"
  • "Your shell will be my trophy!"
  • "Your will falters! Your fear is palpable!"
  • "Your will is done, Atriox." (if he kills the player)

Audio Logs

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