Were you looking for Halo Waypoint, the Halo franchise portal, or Navigation point, also called "Waypoint"?

Waypoint is a UNSC communications network operated on both local and interstellar scales, essentially a descendant of the 21st-century Internet. Part of the UNSC's interstellar communication network, it is the primary delivery service for mail across interstellar distances for both civilians and military personnel.[1] Waypoint also serves as a major news source, featuring many prominent public news channels,[2] such as Waypoint Nine.[3] Individual starships, such as UNSC Infinity, often also have their own shipboard Waypoint intranet.[4]


List of appearances


  1. ^ a b YouTube: Halo: From A to Z with Frank O'Connor
  2. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 358
  3. ^ Halo: Glasslands, page 70
  4. ^ Halo 4 Limited Edition, Infinity Briefing Packet (Ship R&R Opportunity Schedule)

See also