
23 Librae system

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23 Librae (23 Lib) is a yellow dwarf star in the constellation Libra, and is about 83.7 light-years from the sun. 23 Lib has a mass of 1.05 suns and a radius of 1.25 suns. In 1999 an exo-planet 23 Librae b was announced orbiting 23 Lib.

The only planet in 23 Librae's habitable zone is Madrigal,[1] which was the location of a UNSC Outer Colony[2] until the Covenant arrived and glassed the planet in 2528.[3] Survivors of the attack fled to the Trojan Asteroids trailing the gas giant Hesiod, farther out-system. There, they joined Insurrectionists in the Rubble.[4] Kig-Yar merchants established trade relations with the humans in the asteroids while the Covenant plotted to raise an army of Unggoy on Hesiod's moon Metisette. Both the Rubble and the Covenant installation on Metisette were destroyed in the Battle of the Rubble and the Battle of Metisette.[5] However, the human inhabitants of the Rubble managed to escape on Habitat Exodus with the help of the UNSC Midsummer Night and Gray Team while the Covenant forces were completly wiped out by the Midsummer Night.

Known Planets

List of appearances
