Maglev train

Revision as of 06:19, August 23, 2008 by Morhek (talk | contribs) (Reverted edits by (Talk); changed back to last version by Ghost sangheili)


File:MagLev Train.jpg
A Maglev passenger train in New Mombasa.
Human civilian commuters aboard a Maglev train discussing a variety of topics in the short story Second Sunrise Over New Mombasa.
Train commuters watch ONI propaganda.

MagLev Trains are a form of transportation on Human colony worlds. The near silent trains are capable of high speeds and were very common sights throughout the 26th century.

They are found in and around major population centers where such transportation is practical. MagLev Trains consist of high speed trains traveling along electrified, magnetized tracks that are elevated and run throughout cities and colonies. They make frequent stops at numerous predesignated "Stations," or Terminals.

Some MagLev Trains, however, are equipped to haul freight, not people, and thus some MagLev train systems are built in low population areas, allowing for quick transportation to and from various destinations.

Known MagLev Train systems

Such a system existed in New Mombasa, Earth, with a MagLev system under the jurisdiction of the Mombasa Transit Authority providing transportation throughout the area. This system was one of the first targets of the Covenant forces when they attacked Earth in 2552[1].

Another MagLev System existed around the Chicago Greater Industrial Zone, this system used the same elevated tracks once occupied by older, less advanced trains of Chicago's old elevated railway[2].

Outer Colony world Tribute in the Epsilon Eridanus System had a MagLev Train system around the entire planet and centered around main population center Casbah. This system formed a core part of the colony's transportation grid. During Operation: TREBUCHET, UNSC Marines had to place ARGUS bomb-sniffing devices around the MagLev terminals around the planet to insure that Insurrectionists did not try to sabotage the MagLev train grid[3].

Outer Colony world Harvest in the Epsilon Indi System also has a MagLev Train system around the entire planet, centered on its major population center of Utgard. However, unlike most other train systems, Harvest's MagLev Trains were used to transport freight, not people. Harvest had seven main MagLev train lines, which led to the seven Space Elevators on the planet that connected to the Tiara. The trains carried crops and equipment from the outlying areas to the elevators, where they could be loaded into freighters and sent to other colony worlds[4].


  • MagLev trains in Terminal are instant death vehicles if a player is caught on its track, regardless of shield strength, or being in a vehicle.
