Location overview

Distance from Sol:

Around 42 light-years (From Sol system)[1]

Stellar overview

Orbiting planets:

At least 5[2]


Coral asteroid belt

Societal overview


Unified Earth Government


CE-2-1239[2] is the Forerunner designation for a star located 42 light-years from the Sol system, orbited by at least five planetary bodies.[1]


The fifth planet orbiting planet was once under Forerunner control, designated CE-2-1239 e.[2] Eventually the planet was colonized by humanity and renamed Coral. The colonists on the planet uncovered a large installation left behind by the Forerunners.[3] By 2552, Coral was attacked by the Covenant and presumably glassed.[4]

List of appearancesEdit


  1. ^ a b i love bees, ILB_Four_goats.ogg
  2. ^ a b c Halo Waypoint - Query: Catalog
  3. ^ Halo 2, Conversations from the Universe
  4. ^ i love bees, ILB_They_got_it.ogg