Prophet of Truth/Quotes

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Halo 2

Halo 3

The majority of the Prophet of Truth's quotes in Halo 3 are spoken through Holo-Pedestals. Only in the seventh level, The Covenant, is he seen in person.

The Prophet of Truth does not appear in any form in Sierra 117, Floodgate, Cortana, or Halo.

Crow's Nest

  • (broadcast to Crow's Nest's Ops Center)
    • Truth: "You are, all of you, vermin. Cowering in the dirt, thinking... what, I wonder? That you might escape the coming fire? No. Your world will burn until its surface is but glass! Not even your Demon will live to creep, blackened, from its hole to mar the reflection of our passage; the culmination of our Journey. For your destruction is the will of the gods! And I...I am their instrument!"
  • (communicating with Brutes in Crow's Nest)
    • Truth: "Have you discovered how they plan to stop me?"
    • Brute Chieftain: (nervously) "Not just yet, noble Prophet."
    • Truth: "Find out what I need to know, or your place on the path is forfeit. Tell me you understand!"

Tsavo Highway

  • (broadcast)
    • Truth: "The gods will not begrudge our excavation. By uncovering this relic, we add homage to their glory. When the dust settles, we will all see what I already know: here lies the Path, the start of our Great Journey."
  • (broadcast)
    • Truth: "My Dreadnought, the vessel that has so long been the focus of our worship, now rests on it's true pedestal. Even now, it's engines spark greater ones below, relics long without power yet ready to fulfill their divine purpose. Stand fast! Keep our enemies at bay! Soon, my brothers, we will all have our reward!"

The Storm

  • (holo-pedestal)
    • Truth: "With my gentle encouragement, our Lords' holy relic springs to life. It is unfortunate that our enemies also bear witness to its glory. But soon their dull eyes will be closed; seared by the Rings unforgiving might."
  • (holo-pedestal)
    • Truth: "Take heart, my brothers! Only our enemies should fear this raging storm."
  • (holo-pedestal)
    • Truth: "Darkened skies and lashing fire are all that remains for them when we, the worthy, have passed to the beyond."
    • Thel 'Vadam: (to the pedestal) "I will not be shamed. Not again! Not by you!"

The Ark

  • (holo-pedestal)
    • Truth: "My Dreadnought cannot rise. Even now it is engaged; turn death into war for this new world. Do not relent until the heretic ships are smashed!"
  • (broadcast to a Scarab tank)
    • Truth: "I opened the portal to this hallowed place, this shelter from Halo's fire, in the hopes that more of our Covenant would join us. Alas, save for a rabble of Heretics and their Demon allies, we are all that remains on this new world. So we must temper joy and sorrow in our hearts, for those who were left behind."
  • (holo-pedestal, speaking to a Brute Chieftain, whose pack is waiting to attack the Master Chief)
    • Truth: "You must win this fight on your own. Failure will bring a fate worse than death -- abandonment as we speed forward on the journey."

The Covenant

  • (video broadcast, observed by the Master Chief on screens at the bottom of the Citadel)
    • Truth: "My faithful... stand firm..."
    • Truth: "Though our enemies crowd around us, we tread the blessed path! In a moment I will light the rings, and all who believe... shall be saved."
  • (At the Citadel, Truth hits on his throne, watching a Brute holding Sergeant Johnson by the throat.)
    • Johnson: (to the Brute) "That the best you got?"
    • (as the Brute begins to strangle Johnson)
    • Johnson: "Oh, come on. Impress me!"
    • Truth: "Stop, you imbecile! He wants you to kill him." (he turns back to The Ark's console, and speaks quietly:) "I'd prefer that you did not."
    • Johnson: "What's the matter, big shot? Can't start your own party?"
    • Truth: (gets up, and walks to Johnson) "I admit, I need your help." (A Pelican appears, rapidly approaching the window behind them. It goes unnoticed.) "But that secret dies with all the rest."
    • (The Pelican crashes through the window and lands, crushing a Brute and sending his Spiker flying. Truth is knocked away from Johnson; he lands near the Spiker. A Brute Captain gets up, but is quickly blasted by Keyes' Shotgun.)
    • Commander Keyes: "Johnson!" (ejects a shell from the shotgun) "Sound off!"
    • Johnson: "Get out of here!"
    • Keyes: "Not without you!"
    • (As Brutes surround the two, Truth speaks to Keyes:)
    • Truth: "You delay the inevitable. One of you will light the rings."
    • (Keyes draws a pistol, pointing it and the shotgun at her attackers.)
    • Truth: "You cannot hope to kill them all!"
    • (Keyes lowers both weapons, looking at the pistol.)
    • Keyes: "You're right..."
    • (Keyes reluctantly aims the pistol at Johnson.)
    • Johnson: "Do it. Me... then you.."
    • (Keyes hesitates, giving Truth enough time to fire seven Spiker rounds into her back.)
    • Johnson: (running to Keyes' aid, but being restrained by Brutes) "NO!"
    • Truth: (walking on-screen, holding the Spiker) "Your forefathers wisely set aside their compassion..."
    • (Truth looks down at Keyes' corpse, before tossing the Spiker away and walking to Johnson and the Ark's console. He shakes a fist to emphasize his speech.)
    • Truth: "...steeled themselves for what needed to be done."
    • Truth: (as he reaches Johnson) "I see now why they left you behind."
    • (Johnson is brought up to the control panel.)
    • Truth: "You were weak... and gods must be strong."
    • (Truth presses Johnson's hand onto the console, activating it.)
  • (holo-pedestal and video broadcast)
    • Truth: "How could I have known the Parasite would follow?! Undoubtedly this is the Heretics' doing! A final, bitter curse. Clear evidence of treachery long hidden!"
  • (holo-pedestal and video broadcast)
    • Truth: "So far are we along the path, that I must strain to hear the clumsy patter of their pursuit. Know this, my brothers. They may foul the way with their charred and broken bones, but they will not stop the Journey."
  • (As the Arbiter approaches Truth, the Prophet is already being infected by the Flood.)
    • Truth: (weakly) "Can you see, Arbiter? The moment of salvation is at hand."
    • Arbiter: (grabbing Truth by the throat) "It will not last!"
    • Truth: "Your kind... never believed in the promise of the sacred rings."
    • Gravemind: (speaking through Truth, with Flood Spores coming out of the latter's mouth) "Lies for the weak! Beacons for the deluded!"
    • (The Arbiter draws his Energy Sword, and, without activating it, points it at Truth. The Master Chief aims his Assault Rifle at the partially-infected Prophet.)
    • Arbiter: "I will have my revenge -- on a Prophet, not a plague!"
    • Truth: "My feet tread the path. I shall become a god!"
    • Gravemind: (through Truth, as tentacles and boils erupt on the Prophet's skin) "You will be food -- Nothing more."
    • (The Master Chief approaches the panel, ready to deactivate it.)
    • Truth: "NO!"
    • (The Chief deactivates the panel.)
    • Truth: (being held aloft by the Arbiter) "I... am... Truth! The voice of the Covenant!"
    • Arbiter: "And so... you must be silenced!" (kills the Prophet)